Buttigieg wants to tax how much you drive

I'll have to read if replacing one for the other is the plan.
My 50 years of history say you're a fool if you think the government will replace and not add to.
It won’t be a simple mileage tax. It can’t be. They won’t allow it.

Will have to be a base mileage tax.
Will need to compensate for heavier vehicles
Will charge more for aggressive tires like mud terrains
Will need to modify for carbon footprint on higher performance vehicles

Just leave it at a fuel tax and make the bastards go away.
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Basic scripting with c+++ and Java for the first few and then it's more focused on what you sign up for. Mine was remote but I imagine the pre-covid setups smelled very bad. Most of the others in zoom looked very haggard.
Thanks, I will probably look at something else.
@DinkinFlicka is correct:
Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., acknowledged "privacy concerns" related to implementing a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) system but said it should be considered as a potential replacement for the gas tax.

I dont trust them to replace.

Would that not reduce desired efficiencies? Atleast with gas tax, you pay less with more efficient mpg.
And how would they even determine mileage? During the city/county registration renewal process?
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@DinkinFlicka is correct:
Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., acknowledged "privacy concerns" related to implementing a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) system but said it should be considered as a potential replacement for the gas tax.

I dont trust them to replace.
Well of course. This isn’t a revenue generating scheme, it’s punitive. You need to be punished for driving a car. So who gets punished? The progressive zoomer with no car living in an area with public transportation or the trumptard in flyover country who drives their nasty truck from the farm to Walmart?
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In addition to the $6,000, I pay:
1,500 in annual tag and wheel tax
$500 in sales tax on 5 sets of tires plus tire disposal tax (fee)
Sales tax on repairs and oil changes plus disposal fee, and sales tax on purchase of car $3,000

Over 15 years, I've paid around $12,000 to government related to my car. And I dont have an annual inspection or emissions test.

Let's not forget that the 18 cents for the FEDs is a minor amount . States put much more on . Tennessee tacks on 27 cents. My state of Ohio just raised it to a whopping 38.5 cents.

Gas Tax by State 2020 - Current State Diesel & Motor Fuel Tax Rates
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What if they calculated it via the odometer during an emissions test?

Not all states have emissions testing or any kind of testing. This tax would be like doubling up on the states that already have vehicle property taxes. It’s an overreaching money grab.
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Oregon has a pilot VMT program. I don't know all the details, but the tax is 1.5 cents per mile and the participants get rebated the gas tax at the pump. Oregon's gas tax is 36 cents a gallon, so the VMT the way I figure it is equivalent to 24 miles per gallon (36/1.5 = 24). Under the VMT those vehicles getting better gas mileage than 24 mpg will be taxed heavier than those getting less than 24 mpg.

Not sure this makes sense from an environmental low pollution perspective.
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Oregon has a pilot VMT program. I don't know all the details, but the tax is 1.5 cents per mile and the participants get rebated the gas tax at the pump. Oregon's gas tax is 36 cents a gallon, so the VMT the way I figure it is equivalent to 24 miles per gallon (36/1.5 = 24). Two things, under the VMT those vehicles getting better gas mileage than 24 mpg will be taxed heavier than those getting less than 24 mpg.

The EV and hybrid vehicle will get taxed higher and the big fuel hogs would get a break.

I refuse to understand the point in creating a tax only to offer credits, deductions, exemptions, etc.
I refuse to understand the point in creating a tax only to offer credits, deductions, exemptions, etc.

It's a "Pilot" program!! Looks like they are just trying to see if it will work before making a permanent proposal. Chill and consider is all.
It's a "Pilot" program!! Looks like they are just trying to see if it will work before making a permanent proposal. Chill and consider is all.

I’m speaking for ALL taxes. Why not just lower the gas tax and create another tax for electric vehicles.....or don’t.
It's a "Pilot" program!! Looks like they are just trying to see if it will work before making a permanent proposal. Chill and consider is all.

Looks like my info was a bit dated, apparently VMT has been put into effect. It's a bit more complex than what I described above. I'll share as I get my arms around it better.
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We already have a tax on the number of miles we drive. It is called a gas tax, and it's already been raised a number of times over the years.
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I’m speaking for ALL taxes. Why not just lower the gas tax and create another tax for electric vehicles.....or don’t.

It is all the same mumble jumble. No matter how you squeeze the lemon, you can only get so much juice. If the highway funds need improving, just increase the pump tax. If you own a E vehicle, make them pay a VMT. Greens will understand.
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Estimate of the fuel tax to your business on 1,000 gallons?

Federal only would be $250ish. State taxes vary and what sucks is even if you don’t operate in a state during a quarter you still have to pay the minimum tax to keep your authorization.

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