Buttigieg wants to tax how much you drive

It won’t be a simple mileage tax. It can’t be. They won’t allow it.

Will have to be a base mileage tax.
Will need to compensate for heavier vehicles
Will charge more for aggressive tires like mud terrains
Will need to modify for carbon footprint on higher performance vehicles

Just leave it at a fuel tax and make the bastards go away.

I have some sympathy for treating POVs like commercial trucks when it comes to fuel taxes. Pay by the mile and weight plan and i would listen.
Make owners of electric vehicles pay the mileage tax.

In Oregon EV owners have a choice between a mileage fee or higher car registration fee. Looks like the mileage fee is $0.008 and the EV registration fee is around $115/year. Gas vehicle registration is $56/year.
We already have a tax on the number of miles we drive. It is called a gas tax, and it's already been raised a number of times over the years.

Hypothetically speaking if Tenn went from 100% gas vehicles to 50% gas vehicles revenues for maintaining roads would be cut in half.
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If it would completely replace the gas tax and didn’t require gps tracking then I wouldn’t be opposed. Would need more details though.

It would have to nail electric and other non gasoline/diesel vehicles just as well. Anything that drives on a road causes wear and tear and contributes to the need for traffic management.
It would have to nail electric and other non gasoline/diesel vehicles just as well. Anything that drives on a road causes wear and tear and contributes to the need for traffic management.

I’m good with that, I think bicycles should be taxed heavily.
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Then hell no. The system would be abused and used for surveillance.

There's not much you can do other than pay tax/fee on a per unit of fuel basis that would not lead to surveillance. Toll roads and the electronic pass systems are prime for surveillance. But any fuel tax on vehicles should be applied to all vehicles using the roads.
That sounds like a helluva lot of money to me when you look at all the cars around you on the road. Take a look at diesel taxes now

Yeah, but it's expensive building and maintaining roads when you insist on paying the highest union wages with no consideration given to quality. Besides, having lived and driven in Hamilton Co for 40 years, I can pretty much assure you that that I-24 and I-75 have been under construction more than they have been "complete" - that kind of planning takes money, you know.
That makes sense. Without a man indicating what the rational vote choice is you wind up with crap like this past election cycle.

And I’m so dead if my socialist crazy ass Latina wife reads this.

There was an old saying - something like "You can tell wives anything ... you just can't tell them much." I'm guessing the originator wasn't married to a crazy Latina or discussing politics.
SIL accepted offer for position in NE Ark. Daughter still looking. They moved last week.

Thanks for asking.

Interesting country. There are definitely worse places to live ... better, too. I was always amazed when driving up the interstate from Ft Smith to Fayetteville you reach a certain point and Fayetteville almost seems to float in front of you like a mirage. AR has some very strange landlord/tenant rules - probably thanks to the Clintons.
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I refuse to understand the point in creating a tax only to offer credits, deductions, exemptions, etc.

It makes Big Brother Big Again. Anything the government does to make a simple solution more complex always grows the bureaucracy necessary to manage it - so you in essence pay for whatever "benefit" twice because of the added overhead.
Yeah, but it's expensive building and maintaining roads when you insist on paying the highest union wages with no consideration given to quality. Besides, having lived and driven in Hamilton Co for 40 years, I can pretty much assure you that that I-24 and I-75 have been under construction more than they have been "complete" - that kind of planning takes money, you know.

Just read this morning that the I-24/US 27 Interchange will be redone for $34M and scheduled to start soon, with a 2023 completion. Really, 2 years for that? I think they are pretty efficient on the I-75/24 Interchange and supposed to be done by this summer. Not bad.
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So liberals wants to be taxed to death, huh??

I have not seen any report that Biden supported this proposal, which indicates that Buttigieg needs to hold his peace with his ideas before running them through the President or be viewed as a loose cannon in the Cabinet.
Just read this morning that the I-24/US 27 Interchange will be redone for $34M and scheduled to start soon, with a 2023 completion. Really, 2 years for that? I think they are pretty efficient on the I-75/24 Interchange and supposed to be done by this summer. Not bad.

I just avoid the 24/75 split, so I haven't kept up with it that much. It seems like the US-27 stuff is way past the completion date; and I avoid the downtown area like the plague anyway; but the few times I've had to deal with it, it's a big mess. This has to be at least the third or fourth time in the past forty years for the 24/27 split redoing - it seems like an annual event. Chattanooga desperately needs a complete interstate bypass, but because of topography I don't have a clue where they could route one unless we adopted the European tunnel method.
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I just avoid the 24/75 split, so I haven't kept up with it that much. It seems like the US-27 stuff is way past the completion date; and I avoid the downtown area like the plague anyway; but the few times I've had to deal with it, it's a big mess. This has to be at least the third or fourth time in the past forty years for the 24/27 split redoing - it seems like an annual event. Chattanooga desperately needs a complete interstate bypass, but because of topography I don't have a clue where they could route one unless we adopted the European tunnel method.

From what I read they are just doing the I-24/27 ramps with frontage roads. I love frontage roads upon seeing them in Houston which were just one way on each side of the highway, but out in the country the old ones are 2-way. IOW, when you exit the interstate you have the ROW for traffic coming from each side. Kinda freaky with two stop signs and cars coming off the highway at 60 on a little 2 laner.

You are correct no getting over Missionary Ridge without truck back ups. Next big plan is to lop off a big chunk of Lookout (I guess, but not sure what to do with that railway) to expand I-24 from GA border to 27.
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From what I read they are just doing the I-24/27 ramps with frontage roads. I love frontage roads upon seeing them in Houston which were just one way on each side of the highway, but out in the country the old ones are 2-way. IOW, when you exit the interstate you have the ROW for traffic coming from each side. Kinda freaky with two stop signs and cars coming off the highway at 60 on a little 2 laner.

You are correct no getting over Missionary Ridge without truck back ups. Next big plan is to lop off a big chunk of Lookout (I guess, but not sure what to do with that railway) to expand I-24 from GA border to 27.

I like frontage roads. Huntsville uses them a lot, and they do take getting used to. Some I've seen in AR are strange to say the least.

It's like what the river and mountains/ridges didn't cut off in Chattanooga the railroads did. Then when the interstates went through they lopped off even more routes and forced a lot of unnecessary local traffic on the interstates - just a nightmare.
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I like frontage roads. Huntsville uses them a lot, and they do take getting used to. Some I've seen in AR are strange to say the least.

It's like what the river and mountains/ridges didn't cut off in Chattanooga the railroads did. Then when the interstates went through they lopped off even more routes and forced a lot of unnecessary local traffic on the interstates - just a nightmare.

I lived in Hunstville/Athens area for 7 years and I had forgotten them. I think that highway was fairly new at the time as well. No idea of Rocket City now as I have not been there for 17 years.

Living in Buford GA now and having to drive the NE GA region I wich it was as bad as Chatt.

Got popped Thursday for a 65 in a 45 just a mile from home on a 3/4 lane road where 45 is ridiculous. SOB.
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