CA Store Owner Killed Over Displaying Pride Flag

You found one of the sources that labels it a disorder so they can get insurance companies to pay for reassignment.

There is quite a bit of debate about whether or not Gender dysphoria should be labeled a disorder, but just because you are a gender nonconformist does not mean you have gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria requires that you are distressed. So again, I think it's hateful to say someone has a mental disorder, when we don't know if they do or not.

Why do they all want mental healthcare? Why are the vast majority already diagnosed with a mental illness?
You found one of the sources that labels it a disorder so they can get insurance companies to pay for reassignment.

There is quite a bit of debate about whether or not Gender dysphoria should be labeled a disorder, but just because you are a gender nonconformist does not mean you have gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria requires that you are distressed. So again, I think it's hateful to say someone has a mental disorder, when we don't know if they do or not.
Have you looked at the frequency of depression, suicide, anxiety, etc in those who identify as transgender?
Have you looked at the frequency of depression, suicide, anxiety, etc in those who identify as transgender?

And surely it has nothing to do with how they are treated by society, right?

Have we at least established that not all trans have a disorder?
And surely it has nothing to do with how they are treated by society, right?

Have we at least established that not all trans have a disorder?

How do they not have a disorder? How does pretending to be something you’re not and wanting the world to participate in their lunacy not a disorder?
I agree he was not a follower of Christ's teachings. That said, the Christian Nationalist movement is growing in numbers and influence. They certainly believe themselves to be Christian.
How fast are they growing and where are they popular? I don't pay much attention to such things and the last I heard it was a relatively few misfits around Hayden Lake and in prisons.
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Discounting someone's fundamental existence as a mental disorder is probably a good place to start.
Is that really someone's fundamental existence though? It's important but it's not everything. Take Hawking for example, did he put being a horny toad above physics?
We put unnatural spins on life and death while forcing it down our childrens' throats. Ask a Sunday school child about life and death. Consumerism isn't natural in any medium.
Death and consumerism like embalming and vaults and $15,000 caskets and all that?
I agree he was not a follower of Christ's teachings. That said, the Christian Nationalist movement is growing in numbers and influence. They certainly believe themselves to be Christian.

If all the Christians in America entirely focused their religious efforts on being Christlike, we'd all be in a much better place and I'm not sure I would have left religion. It's tough to be Christlike. I don't think it's so hard to make it your focus, tho.
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He's not wrong. I do think there is greater visibility today than even 5 years ago, so it may seem like a larger increase than it is. However, as a LGBT member in FL I can confirm hostility has ramped up considerably the past couple of years. I'm not talking about violence, to be clear, but much more open disdain, slurs, middle fingers, etc. And this is just the stuff on a personal level. The public comments by state officials and citizens alike calling us groomers and pedophiles is at the highest levels I've seen since the 1990s. You guys don't see it because it is not not directed at you.
I don't doubt that it is....... But to me this is a case of the idiots on both sides ruining it for the rest of us.

The vocal minority of idiots on "your side" doing dumb/provocative shat like marketing/normalizing drag to children etc has increased.

The vocal minority of idiots on "my side" who have always demonized gay people and espouse hate toward LGBTQ etc feels more comfortable doing so.

The issue is we are allowing the idiots on both sides to push more of the narrative and the government/politicians are fanning wedge politics because it is a distraction that keeps bad politicians in power when they aren't doing their jobs.

The echo chambers and lap dog media make sure of it.
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Does not mean the degree to which people are looking or the algorithms serving up crap haven't changed.

I can't blame the algorithms for this, and I've never seen **** like this before, aside from unknown people somewhere in America. This is the response to my buddy posting Pride Month discounts for his barber shop. This is not an isolated example. I see some of my own friends being ugly in my feed. That's not an algorithm thing. If you're actually on social media and saying/believing hateful attitudes haven't escalated, it's probably because you don't care that they have escalated.


Social media existed 5 years ago.

"The devil made me do it!"
I didn’t say that social media made him do it…. The person was crazy….. social media makes it seem like things are worse than they are bc it gives too many people a voice to vent…. If it wasn’t for social media…. I wouldn’t even know that pride month happened.
If all the Christians in America entirely focused their religious efforts on being Christlike, we'd all be in a much better place and I'm not sure I would have left religion. It's tough to be Christlike. I don't think it's so hard to make it your focus, tho.
You are confusing being a human with being a Christian…. There are a lot fewer Christians than people that “claim” to be a Christian.
You are confusing being a human with being a Christian…. There are a lot fewer Christians than people that “claim” to be a Christian.

Nah, dude. Christians' main focus is faith. Believe in Christ and He'll absolve you of your sins. You don't actually have to be Christlike. It's not the most important thing. Just believe in Him and you'll be fine. That's the main focus of Christianity.

I'm saying Christians' focus should be on the first and second great commandments. Love God with all thy heart, might, mind, and strength. Everything else falls into line after that. You shouldn't even need the second commandment, which is like unto it, because if you love God with all your heart, then you will also love his children (your neighbor) with all your heart. This should be the lesson every Sunday, but we got Old Testament to cover, for some reason.

Pretend you're from the best family that ever existed...the family most worthy of your love. Pretend every gay or trans person is your actual brother/sister who hasn't wronged you. That's what Christians would be doing if being Christlike were their focus.
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I didn’t say that social media made him do it…. The person was crazy….. social media makes it seem like things are worse than they are bc it gives too many people a voice to vent…. If it wasn’t for social media…. I wouldn’t even know that pride month happened.

I was just being funny, not saying you said that.

The internet is revealing how people are, not making them seem worse than they are.
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I can't blame the algorithms for this, and I've never seen **** like this before, aside from unknown people somewhere in America. This is the response to my buddy posting Pride Month discounts for his barber shop. This is not an isolated example. I see some of my own friends being ugly in my feed. That's not an algorithm thing. If you're actually on social media and saying/believing hateful attitudes haven't escalated, it's probably because you don't care that they have escalated.

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These are friends of yours? If so, I'd have to get different friends.

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