California bill to purge Christians from police

Title of this thread is overly and unnecessarily dramatic. Nobody is being purged and Christians aren’t being targeted.
This shows you have no idea what you are talking about in terms of why this law will not hold up in court. But continue to "feel" like someone is a "bigot" for having a different opinion than yours based on actual historic and societal norms as well as science

I find it especially ironic how some people like to emphasize that conflicting opinions on matters such as this are based on emotions or something less important (see your "feel" quote above), whereas their own should not actually be categorized that way but are based on something more objective, even though you originally said it was an opinion.

For instance, what kind of science experiment has been done to define what constitutes a mental illness? Are these experiments carried out in a lab by definition scientists? How about societal norms? It used to be taboo for interracial couples to be married and all sorts of other ****ed up ****. Not that long ago a popular conservative position was that gays chose to be that way and/or that they themselves had a mental disorder. So why should that come into play with respect to what constitutes a mental illness?
Like antifa and the Cal gov does? Are you that ignorant?

Do you sometimes post things that make sense, or is incoherent screeching the best I can expect from this exchange?

Edit: my bad, didn’t realize you started this thread. That answers that question. Carry on.
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I find it especially ironic how some people like to emphasize that conflicting opinions on matters such as this are based on emotions or something less important (see your "feel" quote above), whereas their own should not actually be categorized that way but are based on something more objective, even though you originally said it was an opinion.

For instance, what kind of science experiment has been done to define what constitutes a mental illness? Are these experiments carried out in a lab by definition scientists? How about societal norms? It used to be taboo for interracial couples to be married and all sorts of other ****ed up ****. Not that long ago a popular conservative position was that gays chose to be that way and/or that they themselves had a mental disorder. So why should that come into play with respect to what constitutes a mental illness?
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and has been considered one for a bit, and is evidenced by the other borderline/psych diagnoses that go along with it. There's lots of agreement on that throughout the array of psychology, psychiatry, sociology and other such fields.

Again, you didn't answer my question if you believe that an adult male should be able to marry his adult sister and practice incest if they are consenting???
I find it especially ironic how some people like to emphasize that conflicting opinions on matters such as this are based on emotions or something less important (see your "feel" quote above), whereas their own should not actually be categorized that way but are based on something more objective, even though you originally said it was an opinion.

For instance, what kind of science experiment has been done to define what constitutes a mental illness? Are these experiments carried out in a lab by definition scientists? How about societal norms? It used to be taboo for interracial couples to be married and all sorts of other ****ed up ****. Not that long ago a popular conservative position was that gays chose to be that way and/or that they themselves had a mental disorder. So why should that come into play with respect to what constitutes a mental illness?
Also it wasn't just "conservatives" who used to say that homosexuality was a mental disorder.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and has been considered one for a bit, and is evidenced by the other borderline/psych diagnoses that go along with it. There's lots of agreement on that throughout the array of psychology, psychiatry, sociology and other such fields.
Okay, and homosexuality used to be considered a mental disorder by the APA. So what?? Plenty of other people have psych diagnoses and aren't considered mentally ill. Perhaps you should ask yourself why it's so important for transgender people to be labeled as such, because to me it comes off as a perjorative.

Again, you didn't answer my question if you believe that an adult male should be able to marry his adult sister and practice incest if they are consenting???

Yes. I wouldn't presume someone would marry their sibling for the purpose of an incestuous relationship though. There would or could be other reasons why they might choose to do so, and the government would have to show that they have a compelling reason to stop them.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and has been considered one for a bit, and is evidenced by the other borderline/psych diagnoses that go along with it. There's lots of agreement on that throughout the array of psychology, psychiatry, sociology and other such fields.

Again, you didn't answer my question if you believe that an adult male should be able to marry his adult sister and practice incest if they are consenting???

What is the argument against it? We are talking about two consenting adults, right?
What is the argument against it? We are talking about two consenting adults, right?
The argument against it is because of the societal factors of having incestious children among other things.

I am not surprised that some here would argue that incest is ok though...slippery slope indeed
The argument against it is because of the societal factors of having incestious children among other things.

I am not surprised that some here would argue that incest is ok though...slippery slope indeed

Who argued that incest is okay? And what do you mean by okay?
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The argument against it is because of the societal factors of having incestious children among other things.

I am not surprised that some here would argue that incest is ok though...slippery slope indeed
Gay marriages can’t procreate. So your argument against incest is not applicable to gay marriage, regardless of its validity. Therefore, gay marriage is not analogous to incest and the whole “what about incest” tangent was a straw man.
Gay marriages can’t procreate. So your argument against incest is not applicable to gay marriage, regardless of its validity. Therefore, gay marriage is not analogous to incest and the whole “what about incest” tangent was a straw man.
Swing and a miss.
This is a good example of a statement that’s dumb enough to deserve two strikes because literally nobody said that it is.


If you don't allow them to conflate a consensual gay relationships between adults engaging in Holy matrimony with non consensual child abuse through incest, they'll just start misrepresenting your argument until you give up.

If you don't allow them to conflate a consensual gay relationships between adults engaging in Holy matrimony with non consensual child abuse through incest, they'll just start misrepresenting your argument until you give up.
Glad you showed up to clear this up for us heterosexuals.

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