Yes, there actually are. The refer to heterosexuals as "breeders." I obviously don't agree with Justice Zarella.
Do you agree with those who call straights as "breeders?"
Can you accept that Zarella believes what he is saying??
I have a family member who is gay and has been in a long standing relationship for years. We talk about these issues often. I accept his lifestyle as being his choice and treat him no differently because of it. He asked me once during a discussion why I am against gay marriage. I told him that I believe he and his partner should have rights equal to marriage under the law, but that I believe a marriage is a union ordained by the church. Since it is a religious matter I don't think you can force religious people to accept the lifestyle because it goes against their beliefs.
Does that make me a bigot by not condoning his lifestyle, but accepting it as his choice and treating him with the respect every man or woman deserves?
A guy who had been into the gay lifestyle for quite some time once asked me; "what would you do if you were in my shoes?"
I replied that I would find me a nice young woman, get married, settle down and raise me a family.
"But what if no woman would have me?"
I replied that he was a handsome young man, he made good money and had a nice house, stables, horses and a good station in life, plenty of women would make themselves available if he were serious about it.
He asked his deadbeat lover to move out and the gay lover did but when the deadbeat came back to pick up the last of his things, he caught the guys back turned and stabbed him and then kept on stabbing him until there was a lifeless body on the floor.
A sweetie pie exterior can sometimes hide a demon within. No book can be understood by merely considering it's cover.
You're probably more up to date than me, but I don't recall Jesus talking about same-sex marriage.
Why would he???
Homosexuality was considered to be "an abomination before God" in those days, as many people still do consider it.
I thought an avatar was the picture I use. Are you asking about it or my name choice?
It's your own choice to whether marriage is a religious matter for you. They two don't have to go hand in hand. Why don't we eliminate marriages and just give everyone civil unions then? Is it really because you all don't want to have the same name as those icky gays?
Is Solzhinitsen (sp?) your avatar??
I think the trip sixes handle is what is in question, whyfore are thou romeo, using three sixes, if you don't mind my asking.
I see your line of reasoning, but I just want to point out that someone's beliefs shouldn't infringe on others'. Even though one could argue through Christianity that gays should not be treated differently than others, that argument isn't even necessary in a nation that isn't supposed to have an official Church. Without the protection of liberty, mob rule would dictate all government policy and action.
I understand what you are saying but some of your thinking seems convoluted to me.
"The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology."
~ Ayn Rand
Rather prophetic, wouldn't you agree??