Callaway/Harris Sexual Assault Case

Once they decline the hearing it pretty much cleared the way for his return.

The lawsuit will be a UF issue.

I would think there will still be a hearing at a later date if the media starts pushing this and the school replaces the booster. The young lady said she still wants the hearing, but without the possible bias.
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To put my two cents in here.....

It's hard to comment on any of this stuff because no one knows a damn thing and everyone says they can't release any information because of it being a legal matter.....etc, etc, etc.

I can't speak to Tennessee's situation. I don't know what happened there and as such I did not comment. With regard to Famous Jameis and FSU, what I thought happened was the girl went to police and the police did nothing. What was investigated was how FSU responded to the complaint made by the accuser.

Now, generally, what I don't get is what we are talking about here (sexual assault) is a crime. It's not a violation of some damn student conduct policy. It's a crime. You get arrested. You get prosecuted. You are guilty or not guilty. If you are guilty, you go to jail.

Am I crazy here? Either something happened that was consensual and, if so, I don't know what the hell is being investigated......or......something happened that was not consensual and the criminal justice system needed to/needs to go to work.

So, unless the accuser says that a crime was committed.....that guy/those guys did it, i want justice.....then, what the hell are we doing here?

That's the part of this I don't get. As far as I can tell, the school has gone through a lengthy process investigating a situation for which the criminal justice system is not even involved in.
This has always been about Harris and not Callaway. Reason he was still taking oline classes and cleared to return to campus before hearing.

The ESPN ticker on SEC Network said she accused Callaway of sexual assault and Harris of attempted sexual assault. Based on that, I don't see the implication that Harris is accused of more than Callaway.
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If they would have hired an unbiased party, this would probably have been over without anyone ever noticing. Now the national media will pick it up and crucify Florida like they did us. It will probably also drag out the case to the point where Callaway won't be reinstated.

I thought he was reinstated.
The ESPN ticker on SEC Network said she accused Callaway of sexual assault and Harris of attempted sexual assault. Based on that, I don't see the implication that Harris is accused of more than Callaway.

I know if my daughter were sexually assaulted, I would look to a university student conduct board for justice.
But being a booster makes him bias? You'all have a hard time finding a faculty member who isn't a booster on some level.

My point is he just didn't get appointed this week. Thus hearing had been pushed back on their request on another occasion. Grand standing in the media.
Well, in terms of biased faculty members, maybe at UF. Lord knows, we have plenty of faculty here who would gladly tear into an athlete.

And as for the other, he should have recused himself from the get-go. And if he didn't have the intelligence and/or class to do so, someone from your institution should have had the common sense to do so.

I'm always amazed to see big institutions (political, business, education, sports) go fat-dumb-and-happy on stuff that matters.

Matters as in:
  1. First and foremost: do the right thing, for the plaintiff, for the accused, for both, because guess what, doing the right thing matters.
  2. After that, for God's sake, even if you don't care about right and wrong, do what makes your institution look like it actually belongs in the 21st century.
My rule of thumb: if you wouldn't be OK with it being done to your wife/ your girlfriend/ your mom/ your sister/ your daughter, then probably it ain't right. Please extend that vibe to some no-name co-ed or other female who has temporarily interrupted whatever you do all day long as a UF employee.
Having a booster hear other cases with athletes as well makes this institutional. Yall are going to be sued. Surely you can objectively look at this and see its improprieties. If not, you have been under a rock for the last calender year.

I can also counter with, why apologize if you are innocent? She has yet to file a civil suit so you can't act like she's out for money.

This person is on target with his comments! Florida fans, you can't defend this, especially in the society we live in today! That sucking sound you will soon hear in Florida will not be water drained from the swamp but cash being distributed to lawyers and others.
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To put my two cents in here.....

It's hard to comment on any of this stuff because no one knows a damn thing and everyone says they can't release any information because of it being a legal matter.....etc, etc, etc.

I can't speak to Tennessee's situation. I don't know what happened there and as such I did not comment. With regard to Famous Jameis and FSU, what I thought happened was the girl went to police and the police did nothing. What was investigated was how FSU responded to the complaint made by the accuser.

Now, generally, what I don't get is what we are talking about here (sexual assault) is a crime. It's not a violation of some damn student conduct policy. It's a crime. You get arrested. You get prosecuted. You are guilty or not guilty. If you are guilty, you go to jail.

Am I crazy here? Either something happened that was consensual and, if so, I don't know what the hell is being investigated......or......something happened that was not consensual and the criminal justice system needed to/needs to go to work.

So, unless the accuser says that a crime was committed.....that guy/those guys did it, i want justice.....then, what the hell are we doing here?

That's the part of this I don't get. As far as I can tell, the school has gone through a lengthy process investigating a situation for which the criminal justice system is not even involved in.

Obviously this man has been under a rock. Google VAWA and you will see how terribly wrong you are! Another option, call Joe Biden and you see how wrong you are!
I know if my daughter were sexually assaulted, I would look to a university student conduct board for justice.

What does that have to do with my post?
I was only responding to the statement that this has always been more about Harris than Callaway, which I interpreted to mean that Harris was in more trouble.
You can be sure that Clune will return soon enough to formally file a Title IX suit, probably with more plaintiffs in tow. And when he does, I'm guessing UF fans will soon come to the same realization we did: the facts of the case do not matter.

When UT's case was being tried in the media, we all shouted from the mountaintop how the accusers' case was sketchy. How Butch immediately suspended and/or booted every player involved as soon as they were accused. Guess what? Nobody outside of Knoxville cared. And when we settled, the rest of the nation saw it as an admission of guilt (even though the language of the settlement specifically said it was NOT).

The fact that UF appointed a football booster to preside over the hearing is, at the very least, bad optics. As is the fact that their attorney Huntley Johnson has his OWN history of sexual abuse/harassment. Those things may not matter in a courtroom. Unfortunately for UF, these cases are rarely tried in any court other than the court of public opinion. Oh, you can fight it and take it that far if you want. But that will take years and cost a huge toll financially, PR-wise, and in recruiting. By the time a verdict is reached, even if you "win", your athletic program will be set back several decades. Or you can take your medicine, settle, and hope this is forgotten in a few years, just like we did.

Doesn't matter, though, really. In the eyes of the rest of the country, UF will now be lumped in with UT, FSU, and Baylor. Come on in guys, the water's fine. And we'll probably have a lot more company soon enough.
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The student conduct part is over. She waived those rights by not showing for hearing.

I can assure you an institution can't select an outrageously biased judge(by appearance) and everything just disappears because the accuser simply "didn't show up". You are naive if you think the student conduct thing is over. She didn't waive those rights at all. If UF doesn't get its ass in gear, perhaps there won't be a sit down hearing but UF will be paying a nice 1-2 million dollar sum for being retarded.
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I can assure you an institution can't select an outrageously biased judge(by appearance) and everything just disappears because the accuser simply "didn't show up". You are naive if you think the student conduct thing is over. She didn't waive those rights at all. If UF doesn't get its ass in gear, perhaps there won't be a sit down hearing but UF will be paying a nice 1-2 million dollar sum for being retarded.

She forfeited her rights under UF Student Conduct Code by electing to "boycott" the hearing.

You are naive to think she'll get another hearing and possibly setting up UF for a second lawsuit coming from Callaway and Huntley.

She still can elect to file a complaint with GPD about the alleged assualt. Which is doubtful seeing as she decided on the SCC route for privacy issues.

The only way that Callaway doesn't play for UF again is if criminal charges are filed.
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She forfeited her rights under UF Student Conduct Code by electing to "boycott" the hearing.

You are naive to think she'll get another hearing and possibly setting up UF for a second lawsuit coming from Callaway and Huntley.

She still can elect to file a complaint with GPD about the alleged assualt. Which is doubtful seeing as she decided on the SCC route for privacy issues.

The only way that Callaway doesn't play for UF again is if criminal charges are filed.

So UF could roll Callaways mother out there and if the accuser refuses to accept it, that's a them problem and all is clear for the player? That's horse**** HG lol. Surely you don't believe this...
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So UF could roll Callaways mother out there and if the accuser refuses to accept it, that's a them problem and all is clear for the player? That's horses**** HG lol. Surely you don't believe this...

On an administrative level this of over with. All about the lawsuit(s) now.
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Not that I'm aware of. He was on the committee that recommended that JC Jackson not be allowed back at UF.

This may open Pandora's Box with others moving forward.

JC had way more issues and cases that weren't public like his last one. They had no choice with him or all of it would've been made public.

He can't even enroll at USCjr now.
Once they decline the hearing it pretty much cleared the way for his return.

The lawsuit will be a UF issue.

A UF issue involving the culture of the football program. It will be all you hear about in the media and action will be taken or you guys will get slammed.

Think of it this way, what if AJ Johnson was allowed to play after being accused? What do you think the narrative would've been then. Florida would be very dumb to find out.
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To put my two cents in here.....

It's hard to comment on any of this stuff because no one knows a damn thing and everyone says they can't release any information because of it being a legal matter.....etc, etc, etc.

I can't speak to Tennessee's situation. I don't know what happened there and as such I did not comment. With regard to Famous Jameis and FSU, what I thought happened was the girl went to police and the police did nothing. What was investigated was how FSU responded to the complaint made by the accuser.

Now, generally, what I don't get is what we are talking about here (sexual assault) is a crime. It's not a violation of some damn student conduct policy. It's a crime. You get arrested. You get prosecuted. You are guilty or not guilty. If you are guilty, you go to jail.

Am I crazy here? Either something happened that was consensual and, if so, I don't know what the hell is being investigated......or......something happened that was not consensual and the criminal justice system needed to/needs to go to work.

So, unless the accuser says that a crime was committed.....that guy/those guys did it, i want justice.....then, what the hell are we doing here?

That's the part of this I don't get. As far as I can tell, the school has gone through a lengthy process investigating a situation for which the criminal justice system is not even involved in.

Depends who she approached. What it she told a member of the football staff and then the university went into hush mode and told victim and family the matter would be handled properly? What if the program went to great lengths to keep this out of the press so they could pander to the victim to not go to police and keep the reason for suspension quiet and without media involvement? What if all of this was done to continue to dig dirt on the student they are supposed to protect while the whole time building the case to reinstate the player?

Doesn't seem to unreasonable, does it?

Of course you are correct in that we don't know crap but the more public this is usually favors the accuser and doesn't help your player at all.

I always thought the bigger question the whole time the suspension was going on was that no one knew anything. It was too quiet without a leak. That is why the theory above might be very damning.

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