Callaway/Harris Sexual Assault Case

That is the thing that was most frustrating about Tennessee's case. It did go through the legal system and the players were cleared, but we still got hammered in the media and you see hashtags like #rapeu on any story on twitter about Tennessee. AJ Johnson and Williams are still going through the legal process and they never played again.

UF just needs to apologize for the selection of the booster, whether it was wrong or not, appoint someone else and finish the hearing.

This. It ain't worth it.
Speculation will run rampant from those who want something to be there.

As another poster said, when this stuff comes down you are in a no win scenario. It doesn't matter what the facts are. No one is even interested in the facts.

It's a political issue for some. It's a "sports team" issue for some. If you hate Florida, something happened. If you want to advance an agenda, something happened.

I don't know what happened. What I know is that everyone blogging about it, writing about it, discussing it on television and talk radio has no clue what happened.

All I know is that the place you go for what supposedly happened is the criminal justice system. And they aren't involved which doesn't compute.

You've got a couple of dudes being accused without being accused

Good post. The ones making it a 'sports team' issue are too dim to even worry about.

Your last two lines boil it down pretty well. This isn't just a Florida or Tennessee problem. Every school that falls under Title IX will deal with it, because of the asinine systems that the DOEd and friends have set up.
When all the freshman football players arrive on campus, they frisk them for handguns.

If the coaches don't find a weapon, they give them one.

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But being a booster makes him bias? You'all have a hard time finding a faculty member who isn't a booster on some level.

My point is he just didn't get appointed this week. Thus hearing had been pushed back on their request on another occasion. Grand standing in the media.

No, but it is all about perception, as UT is well aware of.
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"Therefore, any real or perceived conflicts of interest between the fact-finder or decision-maker and the parties should be disclosed."

That's from the Dept of Education Title IX guidance document. Even if the conflict isn't real, perception matters. And for UF admin to claim it doesn't (via their written statements or their spokesperson) is bad PR at best and blatant malpractice at worst.
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Definitely. Foley said F this I'm out. Lol

RT. Bias or not the booster was a really bad look that will cost UF. Even I csn admit that.

I'm honestly kind of mystified by the choice. Its either cronyism, or stacking the deck. At least it looks that way, which is what matters.
Did he go to Florida also? Cervone?

at this point it doesn't matter if Callaway didn't actually do anything. Florida, at least looks, is guilty as hell for fiddling with the Title IX process. the whole thing with Title IX is that the girl gets a fair chance and the school treats the case like its a real situation. In the public eye Florida has just been trying to sweep this under the rug before anything came of the Title IX case.
But being a booster makes him bias? You'all have a hard time finding a faculty member who isn't a booster on some level.

My point is he just didn't get appointed this week. Thus hearing had been pushed back on their request on another occasion. Grand standing in the media.

Wait what?!!! How many faculty members does UF employ?!! You are telling me they all or even for that matter almost all are football fans?!! Are you telling me they only employ Florida fans too? Give me a break! That would be like you having a hearing where the judge as stock in company you are trying to complain against, good luck with that.
All I know is that the place you go for what supposedly happened is the criminal justice system. And they aren't involved which doesn't compute.

The Feds sent those "Dear Colleague" letters a few years ago urging campuses to take a more active role in sanctioning students accused of sexual assault. The thinking was that many victims are reluctant to report assault to the police because cases sometimes boil down to "he said, she said," which isn't enough to clear the bar required for a criminal conviction. Universities operate on a lower "preponderance of the evidence" standard in these conduct hearings, so though they can't enforce any criminal penalties, they can suspend or expel students if it's determined that it's likelier than not that the student committed an assault.

The intent was to reduce assaults on campuses. The effect, however, may have been to outsource the meting of justice to college administrators who are not trained for such work. I also have some deep concerns about the constitutionality of the proceedings, and there are lawsuits to that effect being filed around the country.

In the meantime, the whole procedure is a bit of a cluster at virtually every school. UF is certainly doing themselves no favors in appointing a booster to this role, but the fact is that universities are having a very difficult time attempting to satisfy the federal government's requirements while simultaneously ensuring a fair process.

Many schools will be embroiled in similar situations going forward.
I've seen several UF people in various places point out that A)the hearing went on as planned so its pretty much decided and B)the police weren't involved and didn't see enough to prosecute anyhow.

I imagine they're about to get a lesson on how this gets tried in the court of public opinion. On one hand, you have a university that appears to have appointed a booster and alum to decide the case of a rather critical football player. On the other, you have a young woman who claims to be the victim of sexual assault and is also now the victim of a slanted system. As for the lack of PD involvement, they say she didn't involve/cooperate the police because of the privacy protections a Title IX complaint gives her.

I feel bad for another school getting drug through it, but a lot of it is self inflicted. I honestly don't understand why UF can't see where this is headed.
These Title IX issues are getting out of hand, this girls attorney goes around the country suing schools for title IX and reaps all the rewards. I think he's made something like 9 million so far off title IX settlements. It's gonna get worse.

Like we found out, it costs more to fight the charges than to settle, and these lawyers know that. They're dropping cards in every girls pocket who even hints at sexual harrassment/assault/battery issues
I work in the university setting, have served on numerous student conduct cases, and have a very close friend that works for student conduct at UF. Knowing how these boards/cases work, it's a very bad look for UF and honestly unfair to the player regardless if he's found responsible (they don't use the word "guilty" in student conduct) or not. No matter what they do at this point the whole process will be questioned, but the booster should be removed ASAP. This process also makes it even more difficult for the person who brought the charges forward, which is sad if it actually did occur.
Sensitivity is high because when there is a rape or sexual assault situation, 90% of the people on here say the players didn't do anything wrong. "Rape cases" being handled well is like saying, "Man we dealt with that child abuse situation well," or "I'm glad that divorce went so well. The kids will get two Christmases and two birthdays now!"

Yes we all hope it's deal with it as well as possible. But women were scarred for the rest of their lives. Handling it well still leaves people's lives ruined.

So you go with the guilty until proven innocent argument? I've never said a player didn't do something, but I've said plenty of times, let the facts play out. Sometimes accusations are made that aren't real. No one should be punished for something they didn't do, man or woman. Sometimes it isn't the woman's life that is left scarred and ruined.
I hate that I am agreeing with UF fans. These things ought to transcend sport rivalries. It was frustrating to see this with other fans when UT was on the other end of it.
BREAKING: #Gators WR Antonio Callaway found NOT responsible in Title IX sexual assault investigation. Story coming.

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