Except for the fact that police were involved in December 2015. This was investigated by law enforcement. They were not arrested.
One of the frustrating things about all of these legal matters is that when you can't/don't say anything, people are left to their own whim on what they believe happened.
From what I can make out, the accuser has the school by the groin because they can cause an uproar in the press. However, in an actual proceeding, they don't have squat which is why these guys were never criminally charged in the first place.
Like I said, I don't know much either. What I do know is if this happened to my daughter, I'm not seeking justice in a university student conduct proceeding.
But, it's now being taken and run with as if it was never taken seriously, it was covered up, there wasn't any due process, the victim was ignored, etc, etc, etc....when this situation has been going on for 9 months. Over 9 months to resolve a matter and this isn't even the criminal justice system. We have attorneys involved here as if there is a trial with judges and juries that will render a verdict. None of that is happening.
I'm all for locking them up and throwing away the key if they are guilty of a crime here. But, in the world I grew up in, they need to be arrested, booked, indicted, tried, given a chance to defend themselves, convicted, and sentenced.
What isn't right is to be accused of a crime and have that attached to you while you are actually, in reality, no longer being investigated by law enforcement and haven't been for over 9 months. Its closed.