Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

And yet studies show that companies hiring for positions are still more likely to hire a less qualified white male. Cue all the persecuted white males to jump on this statement.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about.

Now if the leader of an organization publicly stated “I am committed to hiring a white male for this position” and then proceeded to only consider white males for the position, and then celebrated the hire because the right gender/race combo was achieved, you would have a similar argument.
Haha. Evidently the rules of the Grand Orange Poobah party bar persons indicted for a felony from being speaker.
It took 15 ballots for McCarthy to gain the speakership. His grip on the position was always tenuous and this was probably inevitable.
So, Gaetz's rationale was that McCarthy had to go because he utilized the democrats to pass the temporary spending bill and then he utilized the democrats to oust McCarthy. You can't make this stuff up.

Gaetz main gripe was, McCarthy made promises to get the Speakership and he wasn't following through on those promises. One main promise being no more CR's or Omnibus. That seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back. His back door deal with Dem's on Ukraine spending was just further proof.
I think in the next decade the backlash on identity politics is going to swing back to rationale crap. I already see it at work. It's swinging back.
The last 3 years seemed like a test run to see what works at an accelerated rate. Common sense doesn’t need adjusting.

We live in a time of feminist fighting for trans rights are women’s rights to defeat biological women in sports.
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So, Gaetz's rationale was that McCarthy had to go because he utilized the democrats to pass the temporary spending bill and then he utilized the democrats to oust McCarthy. You can't make this stuff up.

I wait patiently to see the new labeled Fiscal Conservative Matt Gaetz's plans to address entitlement spending and reform proposals that are the root causes of the 33 trillion dollars in debt.... I also wait patiently to see what how he gets the votes from his new caucus to get these spending reforms on the biggest portion of the budget.
Gaetz main gripe was, McCarthy made promises to get the Speakership and he wasn't following through on those promises. One main promise being no more CR's or Omnibus. That seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back. His back door deal with Dem's on Ukraine spending was just further proof.

I'm still trying to understand what the backdoor deal on Ukraine was on.... The 45 day CR left out Ukraine funding.... Gaetz ousting McCarthy isn't going to stop Ukraine funding either... There is more than 250 members who could sign a discharge petition to force a floor vote on Ukraine funding and it will pass.
I'm still trying to understand what the backdoor deal on Ukraine was on.... The 45 day CR left out Ukraine funding.... Gaetz ousting McCarthy isn't going to stop Ukraine funding either... There is more than 250 members who could sign a discharge petition to force a floor vote on Ukraine funding and it will pass.

Gaetz didn't oust McCarthy to stop Ukraine funding. He ousted McCarthy because McCarthy didn't keep his promises when he took the Speakership. Why didn't McCarthy get 12 appropriation bills out of committee? He had 9 months.
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Gaetz didn't oust McCarthy to stop Ukraine funding. He ousted McCarthy because McCarthy didn't keep his promises when he took the Speakership. Why didn't McCarthy get 12 appropriation bills out of committee? He had 9 months.
The committees could’ve voted out 12 bills but the bills would have further exploded the budget. Massie even stated this.

If breaking promises are such the hinge here, what say you that the conference rules stated a majority of the majority in the conference was needed to bring a motion to vacate? Obviously Gaetz didn't stick to that promise / agreement.

I'm not sitting here saying McCarthy bears no blame.... But it isn't like he was the sole person "breaking agreements" made back in January.
The committees could’ve voted out 12 bills but the bills would have further exploded the budget. Massie even stated this.

If breaking promises are such the hinge here, what say you that the conference rules stated a majority of the majority in the conference was needed to bring a motion to vacate? Obviously Gaetz didn't stick to that promise / agreement.

I'm not sitting here saying McCarthy bears no blame.... But it isn't like he was the sole person "breaking agreements" made back in January.

The GOP has a majority. How the hell were bloated budgets coming out of committee?

Also, McCarthy had already broken the majority of the majority rule he agreed to. Ironically, Gaetz then used it to oust him.

I will say, Pelosi and Hoyer have both now been kicked out of their "hideaway" offices (whatever the hell that is) as retribution for voting the Speaker out. Question is, why did it take this act for the GOP to grow a set and do this?
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Some people get to that point, and when they do others usually scream about lawlessness and with most things, I guess it's a matter of perspective.
Wish I would have read this sooner. I just stole a candy bar and an 85 inch TV from Walmart in a righteous act of defiance towards this oppressive regime.
The GOP has a majority. How the hell were bloated budgets coming out of committee?

Also, McCarthy had already broken the majority of the majority rule he agreed to. Ironically, Gaetz then used it to oust him.

I will say, Pelosi and Hoyer have both now been kicked out of their "hideaway" offices (whatever the hell that is) as retribution for voting the Speaker out. Question is, why did it take this act for the GOP to grow a set and do this?

Those budgets that were being worked on in the committees could have been sent out of committee and to the whole floor if they really wanted. Does leadership have some say on that? Of course. I'm not saying they don't. But the mechanism to send those out of committee lay with the members of those committees via voting it out.

What was the issue with Pelosi or Hoyer keeping "suite" offices instead of being sent to Cannon Rayburn or Longworth?

Pelosi broke her "institutional rule" of not getting involved in other party squabbles. That results in an "institutional punishment"..... Plenty of things to hate the Leadership and GOP for, but letting a former Speaker keep a Suite office is hardly high on the list.....

Gaetz played the game perfectly. Strategy wise, he did well for himself. He ended up with an outcome that results in being in front of the media as much as possible as fast as possible. Same with Maryland Matt Rosendale. Kudos to the strategy
Those budgets that were being worked on in the committees could have been sent out of committee and to the whole floor if they really wanted. Does leadership have some say on that? Of course. I'm not saying they don't. But the mechanism to send those out of committee lay with the members of those committees via voting it out.

But why would they have exploded the budget further, when the GOP has the majority?
But why would they have exploded the budget further, when the GOP has the majority?

Once again, it doesn't matter if they spent $1 or a trillion dollars. Gaetz' gripe on the 12 approp bills is they were sent out of the committee. Not that they were explosive in spending.....

It is hard for me to take Gaetz serious on spending or fiscal conservatism in this fight when he's out requesting tens of millions of Earmarks for his district.....
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I'm still trying to understand what the backdoor deal on Ukraine was on.... The 45 day CR left out Ukraine funding.... Gaetz ousting McCarthy isn't going to stop Ukraine funding either... There is more than 250 members who could sign a discharge petition to force a floor vote on Ukraine funding and it will pass.

That's sad. They are more united on sending our money to Ukraine than they are in fixing immigration, social security or well hell anything else.

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