Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

You suggested directly "why not go kick ass then" which is straight up dumb and will result in WWIII. Period. Own it.

The funding of the Ukraine sucks but letting Putin "put the band back together" of the old Soviet Bloc isn't a good solution either. Sure, we can isolate ourselves and let Putin reassemble what he can in satellite countries but Reagan worked hard (and spent a hell of a lot of money building up our defense) to basically bankrupt the USSR and give a chance of freedom to a lot of people.

I'm not really a fan of blowing off that work. Yes, Zelensky isn't my idea of a "model of democracy" but Putin is KGB. He's old school USSR at the core and completely anti-freedom.
I am not suggesting go kick ass. I’m questioning the actual goals. If the goal is to win go win. If the goal is to pay off an extortionist then pay him off. If there is another goal then don’t be afraid to state it and go accomplish it. But I’m just not seeing a clear message and I’m seeing a lot of waste
You suggested directly "why not go kick ass then" which is straight up dumb and will result in WWIII. Period. Own it.

The funding of the Ukraine sucks but letting Putin "put the band back together" of the old Soviet Bloc isn't a good solution either. Sure, we can isolate ourselves and let Putin reassemble what he can in satellite countries but Reagan worked hard (and spent a hell of a lot of money building up our defense) to basically bankrupt the USSR and give a chance of freedom to a lot of people.

I'm not really a fan of blowing off that work. Yes, Zelensky isn't my idea of a "model of democracy" but Putin is KGB. He's old school USSR at the core and completely anti-freedom.

A few questions.

How long do we keep up the life support? The way things are going this war could last another 2-3 years or longer, do we keep funneling money and material to Ukraine until they win?
What does a Ukraine win look like? Is it driving the orcs completely out of Ukrainian territory, recapturing Crimea or a Korean cease fire situation allowing Russia to keep the territory it's gained?
What do we do if g^d forbid Russia breaks through and Ukraine starts to fall or if Ukraine does actually fall?
Why isn't the EU taking the lead on this? If the fear is that Russia will reassemble the Soviet Bloc I would think the rest of free Europe would be out front making sure that doesn't happen yet we still have European countries buying gas from them. Plus it's a BS excuse, former red curtain states that are now NATO members aren't going to be invaded.
I am not suggesting go kick ass. I’m questioning the actual goals. If the goal is to win go win. If the goal is to pay off an extortionist then pay him off. If there is another goal then don’t be afraid to state it and go accomplish it. But I’m just not seeing a clear message and I’m seeing a lot of waste
Me too. I hear you. Putin started this and he's got the resources to wear the Ukraine alone down and simply roll in.

He's not a peaceful, isolationist. He's pissed Sweden and Finland chose NATO and he's going to push back. I'm not a big fan of NATO but it serves a purpose BECAUSE Putin and Russia have never been known to stay in their lines.

It's not a good situation but Putin is going to keep pressing buttons to try to "rebuild the Motherland" the USSR had. It's really not in the interest of my grandkids to let that happen.
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A few questions.

How long do we keep up the life support? The way things are going this war could last another 2-3 years or longer, do we keep funneling money and material to Ukraine until they win?
What does a Ukraine win look like? Is it driving the orcs completely out of Ukrainian territory, recapturing Crimea or a Korean cease fire situation allowing Russia to keep the territory it's gained?
What do we do if g^d forbid Russia breaks through and Ukraine starts to fall or if Ukraine does actually fall?
Why isn't the EU taking the lead on this? If the fear is that Russia will reassemble the Soviet Bloc I would think the rest of free Europe would be out front making sure that doesn't happen yet we still have European countries buying gas from them. Plus it's a BS excuse, former red curtain states that are now NATO members aren't going to be invaded.
Great questions. Let's assume we stop support and let Putin have Ukraine. We did that with Crimea and he was satisfied.......uh not.

Russia isn't giving the Crimea back. Period. A Ukraine win is when Putin stops trying to invade. It's not like Ukraine started this by trying to invade anywhere. It's all on Russia. If they stop, it's over.

If Ukraine falls, Putin will taunt at NATO, attempt to build resistance in weaker countries, and look for opportunities to spread Russian influence. Russia is not now nor has it ever been a source of peace in the area except by force.

Should the EU and NATO be front and center? Yes. Would they be able to keep Putin at bay alone without us? I doubt it. Should they be more involved? Absolutely. 100%. Completely. YES!!!

The thing about being the leader of the free world is that America can't MAKE other sovereign nations (including Russia, who don't forget started this whole mess) do what we want. If the EU and NATO won't step up, does that mean we shouldn't either?
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Completely full of it. The House is supposed to pass budgets and avoid shutdowns, not that he cares about what's good for the country.

You just don't find many gay, cross dressing Republicans who know how to take gum on a long, romantic walk anymore. He's your man, GOP!

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Great questions. Let's assume we stop support and let Putin have Ukraine. We did that with Crimea and he was satisfied.......uh not.

Russia isn't giving the Crimea back. Period. A Ukraine win is when Putin stops trying to invade. It's not like Ukraine started this by trying to invade anywhere. It's all on Russia. If they stop, it's over.

If Ukraine falls, Putin will taunt at NATO, attempt to build resistance in weaker countries, and look for opportunities to spread Russian influence. Russia is not now nor has it ever been a source of peace in the area except by force.

Should the EU and NATO be front and center? Yes. Would they be able to keep Putin at bay alone without us? I doubt it. Should they be more involved? Absolutely. 100%. Completely. YES!!!

The thing about being the leader of the free world is that America can't MAKE other sovereign nations (including Russia, who don't forget started this whole mess) do what we want. If the EU and NATO won't step up, does that mean we shouldn't either?

Funny how a guy named Chamberlain agreed to "just a nibble" to make a dictator happy, and the next thing you know the world was at war. For whatever reason, a lot of people try really hard to forget history. The sad part is that, unlike then, there are missiles and bombers that can cross the oceans, subs that can park off the coast and launch shorter range missiles, and people still think we can be isolationists while being a major power. If Russia and China pick off other countries one at a time and become stronger because we chose not to help out, it seems pretty obvious what the end game is.

Another guy named Martin Niemöller in hindsight made quite a statement when he penned

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
Funny how a guy named Chamberlain agreed to "just a nibble" to make a dictator happy, and the next thing you know the world was at war. For whatever reason, a lot of people try really hard to forget history. The sad part is that, unlike then, there are missiles and bombers that can cross the oceans, subs that can park off the coast and launch shorter range missiles, and people still think we can be isolationists while being a major power. If Russia and China pick off other countries one at a time and become stronger because we chose not to help out, it seems pretty obvious what the end game is.

Another guy named Martin Niemöller in hindsight made quite a statement when he penned

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
I disagree with funneling billions to little fatigue boy. If we are serious about winning against Russia then there are better ways to do so. But I’m not convinced that winning is the goal.
I think given current crisis in the Middle East raises prospects that the same 95%+ of House will opt for him vs Jordan/Scalise.
I disagree with funneling billions to little fatigue boy. If we are serious about winning against Russia then there are better ways to do so. But I’m not convinced that winning is the goal.

How many times are you going to signal to everyone that you're more against Ukraine than Russia?

Your obsession with hating Zelinsky is fascinating. The way you refer to him is bizarre and seems almost personal.

What are your 'better ways' to force Russia out of Ukraine and ending the needless war?
I think given current crisis in the Middle East raises prospects that the same 95%+ of House will opt for him vs Jordan/Scalise.

It will be interesting to see the people bitching about sending aid to Ukraine navigate not wanting to sending aid to Israel.
How many times are you going to signal to everyone that you're more against Ukraine than Russia?

Your obsession with hating Zelinsky is fascinating. The way you refer to him is bizarre and seems almost personal.

What are your 'better ways' to force Russia out of Ukraine and ending the needless war?
Well it’s obvious. We have to spend more money. Let’s print a few hundred billion and give it to them. Like duh.

Why do you love Ukraine so much? It almost seems personal.
It will be interesting to see the people bitching about sending aid to Ukraine navigate not wanting to sending aid to Israel.

I'm not anti Ukraine funding, but I am anti blank check.... There needs to be a stated plan with Ukraine. Israel is literally fighting for its existence from multiple directions / countries.

I do think this offers a moment for folks to realize that both sides are hypocrites with it and have chance to come together.
I disagree with funneling billions to little fatigue boy. If we are serious about winning against Russia then there are better ways to do so. But I’m not convinced that winning is the goal.

Dont be silly. Winning is not the goal. Bleeding Russia is the goal. We dont really want them gone either because then there a serious power vaccum. We just want them weak. Of course we wont say that.
Non-zero chance this happens.

Its interesting because Jordan said afterwards that what happened to McCarthy was unfair. If he came back to the position, he's have caveats. For one Gaetz would be placed in an abandoned bathroom stall in the basement. Fitting, if you ask me.

He'd also have to reform the rule on a single person asking for such a vote. Make it doable by one, but has to be seconded by a third of the party in power. Something like that, before it gets voted on.

Finally, though, in the short run he'll have to make some concessions to Demos, at least enough to get the half dozen or so he needs to relegate Gaetz et al to basement office Hell.

The one thing which absolutely cannot happen is Jordan getting the Speaker's chair. What a disaster he'd be for the country and the World.

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