Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

Dont be silly. Winning is not the goal. Bleeding Russia is the goal. We dont really want them gone either because then there a serious power vaccum. We just want them weak. Of course we wont say that.
Russia has crap for an economy now. It always does. We have them weak already and we're just keeping them there.

Russia has nukes and ..... well, Russia has nukes. Putin is a useless, overly macho, old school, pound the shoe on the dais and tell America how much you hate them, communist relic. His only Russian legacy is if he can "reunite the Motherland."

No. You can't. Go away you short elf looking ferret.
Its interesting because Jordan said afterwards that what happened to McCarthy was unfair. If he came back to the position, he's have caveats. For one Gaetz would be placed in an abandoned bathroom stall in the basement. Fitting, if you ask me.

He'd also have to reform the rule on a single person asking for such a vote. Make it doable by one, but has to be seconded by a third of the party in power. Something like that, before it gets voted on.

Finally, though, in the short run he'll have to make some concessions to Demos, at least enough to get the half dozen or so he needs to relegate Gaetz et al to basement office Hell.

The one thing which absolutely cannot happen is Jordan getting the Speaker's chair. What a disaster he'd be for the country and the World.
I hope Jordan gets the Speaker's chair. The meltdown you will have will be glorious to witness.
Well it’s obvious. We have to spend more money. Let’s print a few hundred billion and give it to them. Like duh.

Why do you love Ukraine so much? It almost seems personal.

I despise Russia for what they are and what they're doing. As I explained to you the other day, this is some of the best ROI on your tax dollars ever. It appears as though your hatred for Zelensky us blinding you from that fact.
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I hope Jordan gets the Speaker's chair. The meltdown you will have will be glorious to witness.
Bro, the house GOP is in shambles. It would be considered an upgrade to be mentioned as a dumpster fire. You ought to worry less about sticking it to the left and more about the lasting damage being done. The ramifications of Gaetz and the Idiot 8 could cost the house the majority.

Will that be "glorious?"
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How many times are you going to signal to everyone that you're more against Ukraine than Russia?

Your obsession with hating Zelinsky is fascinating. The way you refer to him is bizarre and seems almost personal.

What are your 'better ways' to force Russia out of Ukraine and ending the needless war?

Eerily similar to your obsession with Trump. Or, excuse me ... “Donny” is it?
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Bro, the house GOP is in shambles. It would be considered an upgrade to be mentioned as a dumpster fire. You ought to worry less about sticking it to the left and more about the lasting damage being done. The ramifications of Gaetz and the Idiot 8 could cost the house the majority.

Will that be "glorious?"
It's maddening. The country is all to ****, they still can't win an election, and all they want to do is troll the left.
He'd also have to reform the rule on a single person asking for such a vote. Make it doable by one, but has to be seconded by a third of the party in power. Something like that, before it gets voted on.
This is going to have to happen regardless of who the speaker is, right?
I despise Russia for what they are and what they're doing. As I explained to you the other day, this is some of the best ROI on your tax dollars ever. It appears as though your hatred for Zelensky us blinding you from that fact.
I think we need to ignore everything else and print billions and keep sending it to him.

If it’s such a good ROI then why stop at billions. Let’s go trillions.

No let’s do a blank check. Since it’s such a good ROI.
I think we need to ignore everything else and print billions and keep sending it to him.

If it’s such a good ROI then why stop at billions. Let’s go trillions.

No let’s do a blank check. Since it’s such a good ROI.
How does one call it a good ROI when one doesn’t know the investment amount or liabilities?
It would surely result in the House reverting to Dem control next cycle.

I’m not sure of that. The reason I say that is I don’t think Jordan would be Speaker all the way to November 2024. He’d be labeled a traitor when he cuts a deal with Senate Dems and the White House in November/December on a CR
I’m not sure of that. The reason I say that is I don’t think Jordan would be Speaker all the way to November 2024. He’d be labeled a traitor when he cuts a deal with Senate Dems and the White House in November/December on a CR

You assume he would cut a deal and I do not think he would. His role so far has been as GOP bomb-thrower towards Biden and the Dem party, generally. If he continued in that strain, we'd default at the first opportunity and the government would also be shut down.

Jordan loves the cameras as much, if not more, than does Trump. The gimmick of not wearing a jacket, the wild accusations in committees, all designed to get on tv. Now, in the past week he has laid low. It could be that he would abandon the theatrics of his prior service if he were Speaker.

But I don't trust that, and more importantly I think even if it was all an act he has pigeon holed himself quite a bit. And for him to now make deals with this WH? Just do not see it.
LG giving predictions and advice to the GOP..lmao

In all honesty the GOP is acting like the dog that caught the car and has no clue what to do now. They seem never to have planned, coordinated, or developed a contingency plan. Where the dems tend to do stuff in lockstep, the GOP is generally like herding cats. Seeing things independently certainly isn't a bad thing unless the opponent does stuff in lockstep.
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You assume he would cut a deal and I do not think he would. His role so far has been as GOP bomb-thrower towards Biden and the Dem party, generally. If he continued in that strain, we'd default at the first opportunity and the government would also be shut down.

Jordan loves the cameras as much, if not more, than does Trump. The gimmick of not wearing a jacket, the wild accusations in committees, all designed to get on tv. Now, in the past week he has laid low. It could be that he would abandon the theatrics of his prior service if he were Speaker.

But I don't trust that, and more importantly I think even if it was all an act he has pigeon holed himself quite a bit. And for him to now make deals with this WH? Just do not see it.

Yes I know his politics and his past. But the Speakership is different. I think he may try to strong arm the Senate and White House initially, but give it the week leading into 11/17 and he can't get a deal done on party line votes in the House and he has to bring in Dems.

I also find it funny the idiots that started all this are now rejoicing at Jordan proposing a months long CR with 1% automatic cuts when they are the very jackasses who tanked a CR with 8% cuts that was labeled as a RINO bill.

I really believe we may see 3-4 Speakers in this Congress before 24 election day

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