Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

Majority Leader Steve Scalise has won the Republican nomination to be the next speaker of the House.
Good. Not that I'm a Scalise fan but it's better than looking like we're unable to govern.

I hope he and McCarthy can hug it out and work together without bitterness. I hope Jordan goes back into committee and does what he is really good at. I hope Trump doesn't get his tie knot in a wad and start condemning everyone to "I'll replace you with someone I like" status because they picked Scalise and not Jordan. I hope Gaetz doesn't grandstand on the floor, again.

Form a unit, guys. Find a leader and follow them.
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I think we need to ignore everything else and print billions and keep sending it to him.

If it’s such a good ROI then why stop at billions. Let’s go trillions.

No let’s do a blank check. Since it’s such a good ROI.

Our aid to Ukraine has been a major success: It's bolstered Ukraine substantially--and in doing that we've clearly taken Russia down a couple of notches. The ruble as lost, what, almost 70 percent of its value. Young IT workers have fled Russia. Sanctions are making life difficult for them in numerous ways. Putin's big goal for years has been to weaken NATO--and now Nato has added one new member, and will soon add a second (Sweden) and at some point in the near future a third--Ukraine. And Ukraine will become a member of the EU--which will be a huge plus for Ukraine and a huge blow to Putin. Ukraine, aligned with Europe, has the potential to be a much more dynamic and successful country than Russia--and Putin knows that. And a successful Ukraine makes Putin look bad in comparison. That's one big reason he invaded Ukraine. Aiding Ukraine is also the right thing to do, morally. There is still lots more to do. We need get long-range missiles to Ukraine, so they can start pummeling Russian supply lines in Crimea. I don't know why we've dithered on this. It will be a major move when it happens.
Yes I know his politics and his past. But the Speakership is different. I think he may try to strong arm the Senate and White House initially, but give it the week leading into 11/17 and he can't get a deal done on party line votes in the House and he has to bring in Dems.

I also find it funny the idiots that started all this are now rejoicing at Jordan proposing a months long CR with 1% automatic cuts when they are the very jackasses who tanked a CR with 8% cuts that was labeled as a RINO bill.

I really believe we may see 3-4 Speakers in this Congress before 24 election day

CRs with across the board 1% cuts is just another politician's gimmick, designed to fail and create the opportunity to blame Democrats for it not passing the Senate. It would never pass and is just more stop-gap, blame game, theatrics.

You want to cut the spending, do it in appropriations. Don't kick the can down the road, take it up right away and put bills on the floor. Force the membership in the House, in both parties, to take specific positions on spending. That's the one and only way to cut the spending and the debt.
Good. Not that I'm a Scalise fan but it's better than looking like we're unable to govern.

I hope he and McCarthy can hug it out and work together without bitterness. I hope Jordan goes back into committee and does what he is really good at. I hope Trump doesn't get his tie knot in a wad and start condemning everyone to "I'll replace you with someone I like" status because they picked Scalise and not Jordan. I hope Gaetz doesn't grandstand on the floor, again.

Form a unit, guys. Find a leader and follow them.

Rah, rah team! The Republican Party is a freak show. Scalise is one of many who disgracefully voted not to affirm Biden's election. So he's an ethical loser like many of his GOP buddies. A big collection of rednecks, christian crazies, low IQ fools and performance artists/a$$holes. And look at the presidential contenders---a deranged ex-president/14-year-old who absolutely should be in a prison mental ward-- and a little, thin-skinned Nazi from florida that absolutely no one likes. A diminutive prick.

And the GOP House agenda? They have no agenda except a sham investigation of Biden. Two impeachments of the gangster--absolutely legit and needed, each one of them. Biden investigation? Just a transparent political effort to slime the president like they did Clinton. Not a bit of evidence. Embarrassing waste of time--but this is the GOP. Oh, we gotta have a tit-for-tat or we'll lose votes and power.
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Our aid to Ukraine has been a major success: It's bolstered Ukraine substantially--and in doing that we've clearly taken Russia down a couple of notches. The ruble as lost, what, almost 70 percent of its value. Young IT workers have fled Russia. Sanctions are making life difficult for them in numerous ways. Putin's big goal for years has been to weaken NATO--and now Nato has added one new member, and will soon add a second (Sweden) and at some point in the near future a third--Ukraine. And Ukraine will become a member of the EU--which will be a huge plus for Ukraine and a huge blow to Putin. Ukraine, aligned with Europe, has the potential to be a much more dynamic and successful country than Russia--and Putin knows that. And a successful Ukraine makes Putin look bad in comparison. That's one big reason he invaded Ukraine. Aiding Ukraine is also the right thing to do, morally. There is still lots more to do. We need get long-range missiles to Ukraine, so they can start pummeling Russian supply lines in Crimea. I don't know why we've dithered on this. It will be a major move when it happens.
If it’s so good then why not double or triple the amounts? Quadruple? Quintuple?

If we can just print money and send over there then why do they need my tax dollar? Just print and send. Print and send.

Wait, THIS is who you guys want as speaker?


Hahahahahahahaha haha.

Can't make this **** up if you tried.
That's the worst thing you can find? That he actually *talked* to a group that has racist beliefs over 2 decades ago? Then, apologized and admitted that it was a mistake, while condemning their views?

Any idea how many politicians have spoken to BLM groups and are damn proud of it?

As previously stated, I personally know Scalise to be a good, America-loving, Christian, family man.

Wait, THIS is who you guys want as speaker?


Hahahahahahahaha haha.

Can't make this **** up if you tried.
you really cant

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CRs with across the board 1% cuts is just another politician's gimmick, designed to fail and create the opportunity to blame Democrats for it not passing the Senate. It would never pass and is just more stop-gap, blame game, theatrics.

You want to cut the spending, do it in appropriations. Don't kick the can down the road, take it up right away and put bills on the floor. Force the membership in the House, in both parties, to take specific positions on spending. That's the one and only way to cut the spending and the debt.

I agree with you. Whatever comes out of the House will get marked up more than what the Senate and White House agree to as they are controlled by Dems. So either the House shuts it all down or they make concessions. I would give Jordan the benefit of the doubt as Speaker as it is a different stature than what he has ever done.

The minute he agreed to concessions with Dems, he is a RINO.

Trump would turn on him simply because Trump thinks Gov Shutdown means all federal investigations / cases shutdown with it. That's all he is worried about.
I just don’t see how this standoff ends without a deal with the Democrats being made. Too many people on both the moderate and far-right sides of the GOP are dug in with their guy.

Probably going to have to put up a moderate like Fred Upton and offer concessions to get D votes, such as equal sharing of committee power, cancellation of the impeachment inquiry, etc.

It just isn’t feasible to leave the House shut down for weeks or even months.
I don't see this as a huge issues some are making it. Several here have stated the GOP is wrecked etc...I'd rather have some different opinions (diversity of thought) then everyone in the party goes stepping like the DNC...
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