Can McCarthy survive as Speaker?

Goodbye, McCarthy and good riddance. I hear Zelensky is in tears and is doing an extra line of coke due to this.

Another RINO Republicuck bites the dust! These GOPe’s sure are slow learners to the America First movement.
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All Republicans had to do, to avoid this "chaotic" and "embarrassing" outcome, was take up 12 appropriation bills over the last 9 months.

So, why didnt they?
All Republicans had to do, to avoid this "chaotic" and "embarrassing" outcome, was take up 12 appropriation bills over the last 9 months.

So, why didnt they?

That would rob some of them of the "burn it all to the ground!" drama they craved to get on Fox.
That would rob some of them of the "burn it all to the ground!" drama they craved to get on Fox.

Voting to defund these agencies that many pols on the right, during election season, tell their voters need to be reformed is a whole lot harder than making excuses, "well golly gee shucks, would you look at that we were forced to fully fund those agencies again because we were right up on the clock of a govt shutdown and if we shut down the govt it puts a lot of our members in tough Districts up in play. We will get to it next year, mumble, mumble, socialism is bad, marxism, transgenderism....look at the shiny objects".
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Voting to defund these agencies that many pols on the right, during election season, tell their voters need to be reformed is a whole lot harder than making excuses, "well golly gee shucks, would you look at that we were forced to fully fund those agencies again because we were right up on the clock of a govt shutdown and if we shut down the govt it puts a lot of our members in tough Districts up in play. We will get to it next year, mumble, mumble, socialism is bad, marxism, transgenderism....look at the shiny objects".

These agencies you speak of. Or programs.

Be specific. Because is suspect the ones that irk you are so small that reducing them would make no difference.
These agencies you speak of. Or programs.

Be specific. Because is suspect the ones that irk you are so small that reducing them would make no difference.

I am talking about passing 12 appropriation bills that contain funding for the govt as a whole. Different Republicans have different talking points as to where they want to cut but most are too scared to actually put their name on actual cuts. That is my point.
Was it the "MAGA looney's" crack?

If the shoe fits.

Is it that your DTS causes you to forget that we had a conversation about 2 months ago where I admitted 2 months ago to the misery of openly campaigning against Trump in East Tennessee. Instead of wondering whether I’m a MAGA looney maybe you should worry more about your own shoes.
They got it done. Non defense spending growth is at least capped for a year. The work requirement to appease the base got in there. W Va gets its pipeline.

It's not perfect but it is a start towards reasonable compromise longer term.
Compromise being whatever the Democrat party wants.

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