Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 48 31.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 98 63.6%
  • Melania is lonely. Very lonely.

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
We live in a two party republic where one party despises the democratic process... that’s nearly unbelievable. If we can’t universally agree to provide access to voting to as many Americans as possible and celebrate a democratic society by making our election day a national holiday so all WORKING Americans are encouraged to participate in our democracy then what are we even doing?

Why not make Saturday an election day? Or have early voting sites open on weekends? Just because the fed declares a "national holiday" doesn't mean people get a paid day off or hell even a day off.

40 states have early voting and every state in the union already has absentee ballots available, all anyone has to do is request one. Is that too much to ask? How much easier does it have to be for someone to vote? Do we need to provide them with a guide that fills in the ballot for them?
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No. You can cast a vote electronically. Verifying that each vote that was cast is legit could be done, but I haven't seen Democrats advance a plan that would do that yet. If they are against having to show an ID at a polling location, they surely wouldn't be for properly identifying and verifying mail in or electronic voting.

I haven't been given the option to cast a vote from my phone, but I can wire money across the world securely.

I suspect there's an underlying reason that's the case and it has nothing to do with the inability to do it securely.
It's not that they "despise the process", they just despise that people they don't want to vote, get to vote. Wait, no - you're right.
Why is okay for voters to present ID's in TN to vote but in blue states that is considered "voter suppression"? Could it be that democrats don't think they can sway voters to their demented side so they just write us off?
Why is okay for voters to present ID's in TN to vote but in blue states that is considered "voter suppression"? Could it be that democrats don't think they can sway voters to their demented side so they just write us off?

I can't answer that as I happen to think that showing ID is the least that should be required to demonstrate citizenship. Before I voted by mail, I went to my polling place and presented my ID - it's a bit strange to me that isn't like that everywhere. I think the legit voter suppression occurs when entire swaths of people are kicked off the voter rolls prior to elections and minority neighborhoods are notoriously undeserved with polling places and often times with shoddy equipment. Anecdotally seems like every four years we're greeted with minorities waiting on line for blocks, deep into the night, in November.
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Why not make Saturday an election day? Or have early voting sites open on weekends? Just because the fed declares a "national holiday" doesn't mean people get a paid day off or hell even a day off.

40 states have early voting and every state in the union already has absentee ballots available, all anyone has to do is request one. Is that too much to ask? How much easier does it have to be for someone to vote? Do we need to provide them with a guide that fills in the ballot for them?

The idea that it takes moving a mountain to get to the polls and vote is a farce. If you want to vote you will go vote.
The polls are open for 12 hours.

Lame excuse

Waiting in line for 5 hours for some people to cast a vote is stupidity. Lame defense on your part. Open more places instead of closing them.

It’s really smart to pack polling places in a pandemic. Don’t like mail in because of “fraud”? Open more places so people are at less risk.
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No. You can cast a vote electronically. Verifying that each vote that was cast is legit could be done, but I haven't seen Democrats advance a plan that would do that yet. If they are against having to show an ID at a polling location, they surely wouldn't be for properly identifying and verifying mail in or electronic voting.
Why paper is considered state-of-the-art voting technology
These concerns are not hypothetical: At the 2018 DEF CON hacking conference, a computer scientist easily manipulated a paperless DRE system such that every vote for one candidate registered as a vote for their opponent. Even more troubling was that without a paper audit trail, it was not possible to know the true count for each candidate.
On June 27, the House passed a bill that would bolster America’s high-tech voting infrastructure with a low-tech fix: paper. Introduced by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA-19), the SAFE Act requires that all voting machines involve “the use of an individual, durable, voter-verified paper ballot of the voter’s vote.” While the inclusion of paper ballots may seem like a technological step backward, the SAFE Act’s affinity for paper is not a quirk. Election security experts from Harvard and Stanford all recommend the phasing out of paperless voting, and twelve of the thirteen Democratic candidates who have declared a position on election security support mandating the use of paper ballots.
LOL. Are you serious? You're just a pretender. Show me that you actually know what you are talking about.

Oregon US Senators were Republican until 2009 and 1996. Oregon has always been pretty independent politically. Vote by mail had been in place for a decade or two before the Dems got the US Senate seats. Currently the US Reps are 4 Dems and 1 Republican.

Oregon tends to be pretty independent. What vote by mail does is it increases voter turnout and that should be an American goal. Anyone oppose to that appears to be self serving and possibly not interested in the welfare of America.
That's crazy. Why would anyone want people without a vested interest in politics to vote? Why do you believe that's a good thing?
Waiting in line for 5 hours for some people to cast a vote is stupidity. Lame defense on your part. Open more places instead of closing them.

It’s really smart to pack polling places in a pandemic. Don’t like mail in because of “fraud”? Open more places so people are at less risk.

40 states have early voting and every state in the union already has absentee ballots available, all anyone has to do is request one. Is that too much to ask? How much easier does it have to be for someone to vote? Do we need to provide them with a guide that fills in the ballot for them?

Why do you people continue to ignore how easy it is to vote? I think I know but would love to hear from you guys.
I haven't been given the option to cast a vote from my phone, but I can wire money across the world securely.

I suspect there's an underlying reason that's the case and it has nothing to do with the inability to do it securely.
There is an underlying reason. The other side hasn't offered a method of verifying the votes.

If you have any ideas of how to do it, I'm all ears.
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Waiting in line for 5 hours for some people to cast a vote is stupidity. Lame defense on your part. Open more places instead of closing them.

It’s really smart to pack polling places in a pandemic. Don’t like mail in because of “fraud”? Open more places so people are at less risk.
Where are they waiting 5 hours? If that is the case, the county election board you are in obviously doesn't have enough polling stations or enough voting machines.
There is an underlying reason. The other side hasn't offered a method of verifying the votes.

If you have any ideas of how to do it, I'm all ears.
There are several ways to do it, but the most secure and best way requires people to show up in person and prove who they are first. It's like what you have to do to scan your face before an iPhone recognizes you. After that vote away.
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8 hours? Really?

8 hours would be a rare occasion, but that's about the maximum I've seen reported. (GA, I think) But how many people are going to wait that long, or even 4 to 5 hours? Waiting more than an hour is BS, as far as I'm concerned. Most people don't have that luxury.
That's crazy. Why would anyone want people without a vested interest in politics to vote? Why do you believe that's a good thing?

What makes you think people who vote by mail don't have a vested interest in politics? You make no sense.
I'm good with making it a holiday.

Those that think spending a half day on something that can impact their lives everyday for years to come arent worried enough to bother anyway.

The recent protests are an excellent example. There are a lot people spending more than a few hours on the street one day/nite over something they see as important.
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