Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 48 31.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 98 63.6%
  • Melania is lonely. Very lonely.

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
Helps to read/educate yourself:

"Florida does not have absentee voting. Anyone can vote by mail here without a reason. The Times asked McEnany if Florida should change its law to restrict voting by mail to those unable to vote in person. The story will be updated if she responds."
Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years
The point was, were they voting by ballots sent to every address based on the gov't listing of previous addresses, or did they know that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA got his intended ballot and cast it?

Do you know what is being proposed for "vote by mail"? Unlike an absentee ballot that you have to request, ballots would be mailed to every resisted voters last address. If you have moved and didn't update your voter registration someone else could vote for you, someone died, well whoever opens the mailbox gets to fill in that ballot.

Are you getting the picture about the differences?
USPS is so slow - it will never work
There is a reason it is slow or slower

An NPR analysis has found that in the primary elections held so far this year, at least 65,000 absentee or mail-in ballots have been rejected because they arrived past the deadline, often through no fault of the voter."

"The Washington Post reported late Tuesday that Postmaster General (PMG) Louis DeJoy, who took charge last month, issued memos announcing "major operational changes" to the USPS "that could slow down mail delivery, warning employees the agency would not survive unless it made 'difficult' changes to cut costs."

"In March, Congress approved a $10 billion emergency USPS loan, but the Treasury Department has yet to release the funds as the Trump administration attempts to use the money as leverage to force changes to the agency's finances and operations."

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There is a reason it is slow or slower

An NPR analysis has found that in the primary elections held so far this year, at least 65,000 absentee or mail-in ballots have been rejected because they arrived past the deadline, often through no fault of the voter."

"The Washington Post reported late Tuesday that Postmaster General (PMG) Louis DeJoy, who took charge last month, issued memos announcing "major operational changes" to the USPS "that could slow down mail delivery, warning employees the agency would not survive unless it made 'difficult' changes to cut costs."

"In March, Congress approved a $10 billion emergency USPS loan, but the Treasury Department has yet to release the funds as the Trump administration attempts to use the money as leverage to force changes to the agency's finances and operations."

In Tennessee you can request a ballot 90 days before the election. There is no reason why someone can't send in a ballot in plenty of time for it to be received by the deadline. If they can't maybe the postal service should reinstate their tax return stamp sites they had back when people mailed in their tax returns.
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Helps to read/educate yourself:

"Florida does not have absentee voting. Anyone can vote by mail here without a reason. The Times asked McEnany if Florida should change its law to restrict voting by mail to those unable to vote in person. The story will be updated if she responds."
Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years

I didn't know that other states weren't doing this already. Nutty that with all this mail in fraud that trump still managed to win FL in the last election. Magnets, how do they work?
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It's pretty obvious what's happening. Since Trump can't stop individual states from allowing mail-in ballots he installed a loyalist last month, Louis DeJoy, to sabotage USPS from within. Add in the fact that most Trump supporters think that covid-19 is a hoax. By law, the Electoral College has to give their votes by December 14th. Remember Bush won in 2000 because Florida could not count all of the votes by the deadline that was set. Trump's plan to "win" in 2020 is to delay the mail-in ballots from getting delivered in time so they don't count. Another suppression tactic:some states will only accept ballots if they ARRIVE in time - if you postmark before the election and it shows up late, your ballot will not be counted. This move is obviously intended to make this happen. What's worse is, many locations will also not accept mail-in ballots BEFORE a certain date.
The other upside for Republicans is that this gives them a chance to privatize the postal service, something that has been their goal for years.

'Attempted Murder of Your Post Office': Outrage as Trump Crony Now Heading USPS Moves to Slow Mail Delivery
It's pretty obvious what's happening. Since Trump can't stop individual states from allowing mail-in ballots he installed a loyalist last month, Louis DeJoy, to sabotage USPS from within. Add in the fact that most Trump supporters think that covid-19 is a hoax. By law, the Electoral College has to give their votes by December 14th. Remember Bush won in 2000 because Florida could not count all of the votes by the deadline that was set. Trump's plan to "win" in 2020 is to delay the mail-in ballots from getting delivered in time so they don't count. Another suppression tactic:some states will only accept ballots if they ARRIVE in time - if you postmark before the election and it shows up late, your ballot will not be counted. This move is obviously intended to make this happen. What's worse is, many locations will also not accept mail-in ballots BEFORE a certain date.
The other upside for Republicans is that this gives them a chance to privatize the postal service, something that has been their goal for years.

'Attempted Murder of Your Post Office': Outrage as Trump Crony Now Heading USPS Moves to Slow Mail Delivery

Every day Trump is in office, Democracy dies a little more.
Helps to read/educate yourself:

"Florida does not have absentee voting. Anyone can vote by mail here without a reason. The Times asked McEnany if Florida should change its law to restrict voting by mail to those unable to vote in person. The story will be updated if she responds."
Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years

Vote-by-Mail - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State

A vote-by-mail ballot refers to a ballot that you request and pick-up or have delivered to you without having to vote at the polls during early voting or on Election Day. A voter must first be registered to vote before he or she can request a vote-by-mail ballot. Unless otherwise specified, a request to receive a vote-by-mail ballot covers all elections through the end of the calendar year for the second ensuing regularly scheduled general election. If a vote-by-mail ballot is returned undeliverable, it will cancel a request for future elections and must be renewed.
It wouldn't take much.

I believe I get as much of my neighbors mail as they get.
I don't think they hire the sharpest tools in the shed anymore. They used to be clean cut and wore uniforms, now they wear sweatpants and bunny slippers.
Every day Trump is in office, Democracy dies a little more.


Postal Worker Worries about Threats to Rural ‘Lifeline’ During Pandemic

Alex Fields delivers mail to rural communities outside the city limits of Knoxville, Tennessee. He’s worried that lack of federal support and attempts to privatize the U.S. Postal Service will break the lifeline that the post office provides to rural America

Will postal reform leave rural Americans in the cold?

My Point of View: Stand up for rural America by supporting the post office - Albert Lea Tribune
I think we can all agree that the election will be rigged in favor of Joe, no need for trumpers to even bother voting. Don't risk Covid, but if you must - make sure you prophylactically inject bleach before you go to the polls.
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I think we can all agree that the election will be rigged in favor of Joe, no need for trumpers to even bother voting. Don't risk Covid, but if you must - make sure you prophylactically inject bleach before you go to the polls.
I will inject bleach.... right into the Antifa 'protester' standing next to me.
Which states are proposing that they send a ballot to every address?

I can’t find it.

“vote by mail” google search turns up info from a bunch of states that say you can request a ballot.
“Enter the first three letters of the candidate you’d like to vote for”

[Enters: ‘T’ ‘R’ ‘U’]

“You’ve selected Joe Biden. If this is correct press ‘1’”
Ahh, that one's a classic !
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There has been very few issues with mail-in ballots, based on past performance. It's an extremely false narrative Trump is spewing and we all know why

Not a fan of it. Showing up to vote or getting an absentee ballot isnt too much to ask. My opinion has nothing to do with Trump.
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We live in a two party republic where one party despises the democratic process... that’s nearly unbelievable. If we can’t universally agree to provide access to voting to as many Americans as possible and celebrate a democratic society by making our election day a national holiday so all WORKING Americans are encouraged to participate in our democracy then what are we even doing?
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That's not falsifying anything. He just said the police didn't ask HIM about the packages. and even the postal inspector interviewed changed his story, saying there was no way to tell if a package was delivered to someone else, and then said, well it could be done but was "labor intensive"

The Kathryn Johnston is a completely different issue...and definitely the officers deserved to be fired and criminally charged
but how did they know if the package went to the address if they didn't go through the postal inspector? If a package is coming through the mail, and the police know, they notify the postal inspector. Police don't have that kind of autonomous authority.
We live in a two party republic where one party despises the democratic process... that’s nearly unbelievable. If we can’t universally agree to provide access to voting to as many Americans as possible and celebrate a democratic society by making our election day a national holiday so all WORKING Americans are encouraged to participate in our democracy then what are we even doing?

It's not that they "despise the process", they just despise that people they don't want to vote, get to vote. Wait, no - you're right.
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Then the technology isn't there? Which is it?
No. You can cast a vote electronically. Verifying that each vote that was cast is legit could be done, but I haven't seen Democrats advance a plan that would do that yet. If they are against having to show an ID at a polling location, they surely wouldn't be for properly identifying and verifying mail in or electronic voting.

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