Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 48 31.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 98 63.6%
  • Melania is lonely. Very lonely.

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
What makes you think people who vote by mail don't have a vested interest in politics? You make no sense.
Anyone who is informed and cares even a bare minimum amount can take 15 minutes to go vote in person.

I want you to explain your statement that more votes are always a good thing.

If you make it easier to vote, you are just going to have more uninformed voters. It isn't like mail in voting is going to magically cause people to start researching for an informed opinion. I don't think it should be too easy to vote. The amount of effort you are willing to put in to do something is proportional to how much you care. That's true for anything.

The "civic duty to vote" argument is just BS. If you don't know or care anything about politics, it is your civic duty not to vote.
Anyone who is informed and cares even a bare minimum amount can take 15 minutes to go vote in person.

I want you to explain your statement that more votes are always a good thing.

If you make it easier to vote, you are just going to have more uninformed voters. It isn't like mail in voting is going to magically cause people to start researching for an informed opinion. I don't think it should be too easy to vote. The amount of effort you are willing to put in to do something is proportional to how much you care. That's true for anything.

The "civic duty to vote" argument is just BS. If you don't know or care anything about politics, it is your civic duty not to vote.

Sounds like you are in favor of literacy tests for voters.... I think that was overruled back in the 60's

As for your comment about "civic duty to vote" I agree that it's your civic duty to not vote. But that has nothing to do with vote by mail. People who receive ballots and don't vote, just don't vote, that is their "civic duty. Mail in ballots change nothing, they just provide a means for those who are civically minded to vote easier. Especially, those with limitations or fears related to going to a voting booth. And this even more important during a pandemic!!
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So does Oregon mail out ballots to everyone or do you have to request one?

Oregon mails out ballots to all "registered voters". We've been using vote by mail for around 30 years with really not problems. It's almost comical to Oregonian's that the rest of the country doesn't use vote by mail. It's easy, secure and safe.

How it works in our house is this, we receive our ballots about 3-4 weeks prior to election day. My wife and I go through the various measures, candidates etc over the breakfast table. We have some lively discussions on a few issues. Those we disagree on we research a bit and go over again and we come to a mutual agreement hopefully. Sometimes we don't and we just cancel each other out on our ballots.

Once we fill out our ballots, we can mail them postage free, drop them off at one of the ballot drive through drop off boxes or we can go vote at the local voting stations. It's simple, easy and I think we put more thought into our votes than the old way of going to a voting station, getting in a booth and punching a card.

One of the fun side affects of vote by mail is campaigns that pull out all sorts of last minute advertising just wasted their money because we voted a few weeks before the scam ads hit the air waves. So they can't do successful last minute lies to try and sway an election. They have to have a sustained campaign with values important to voters. It's just a better way to do things.

Stay safe in these trying days......
Sounds like you are in favor of literacy tests for voters.... I think that was over ruled back in the 60's

As for your comment about "civic duty to vote" I agree that it's your civic duty to not vote. But that has nothing to do with vote by mail. People who receive ballots and don't vote, just don't vote, that is their "civic duty. Mail in ballots change nothing, they just provide a means for those who are civically minded to vote easier. Especially, those with limitations or fears related to going to a voting booth. And this even more important during a pandemic!!

Fraud aside.. more people will vote that otherwise wouldn't if there were large scale mail in voting. You made the claim that anyone against high voter turn out was against the welfare of America. That is an absurd claim. You could easily get virtually 85%+ voter turnout if you allowed Twitter and Facebook polls to count as voting booths. Would that be in the best interest of America?

You can make false equivalency to literacy tests all you want. I don't think taking 15 minutes to go to a voting both is particularly difficult or discriminatory. As far as tests go, I don't have a problem with them generally. I think to vote you should certainly have to pass the citizenship test we give immigrants, at least.
These wait times include early voting. That's the problem and it's a known problem. What's the longest you would wait?

I saw guidance from TN saying that if you didn't want to vote in person due to the pandemic, request an Absentee ballot. But at least it isn't one if those "mail-in ballots" .

I’ve never waited more than 30 minutes even on Election Day.

No kidding.
8 hours would be a rare occasion, but that's about the maximum I've seen reported. (GA, I think) But how many people are going to wait that long, or even 4 to 5 hours? Waiting more than an hour is BS, as far as I'm concerned. Most people don't have that luxury.

Have you ever watched an election in a foreign country? They would call you a whinny bitch.
Have you ever watched an election in a foreign country? They would call you a whinny bitch.

Hey, like the question, "why it's so hard to take 15 minutes to vote?" That's not even my experience, and no where near the experience of millions of other people.
Sounds like you are in favor of literacy tests for voters.... I think that was overruled back in the 60's

As for your comment about "civic duty to vote" I agree that it's your civic duty to not vote. But that has nothing to do with vote by mail. People who receive ballots and don't vote, just don't vote, that is their "civic duty. Mail in ballots change nothing, they just provide a means for those who are civically minded to vote easier. Especially, those with limitations or fears related to going to a voting booth. And this even more important during a pandemic!!
I mail nothing of importance. Because the mail has lost too many things. I’ve had issues with contracts using registered mail as well.

If you want to hire people to collect votes door to door. I’d be good with that.
If you want a drive by drop off station where people don’t have to get out of their cars I’d be good with that.
We can talk about all kinds of methods for dealing with the vote during a pandemic but mailing.....given the postal systems history of stupid
Hey, like the question, "why it's so hard to take 15 minutes to vote?" That's not even my experience, and no where near the experience of millions of other people.

Again, so what if it takes you a few hours. It’s a minor inconvenience to have a say in our government.
Again, so what if it takes you a few hours. It’s a minor inconvenience to have a say in our government.

But absentee votes are bad... or , just the mail-in ones... hell, it's hard to keep track of things here.
But absentee votes are bad... or , just the mail-in ones... hell, it's hard to keep track of things here.

Stop being obtuse, you’re not that stupid. You know there is a difference in absentee ballots and the vote by mail being proposed.
Stop being obtuse, you’re not that stupid. You know there is a difference in absentee ballots and the vote by mail being proposed.

But you can't tell me what it is. Does Florida use absentee or mail-in ballots? What does TN advise people to do if they don't want to vote in person due to CV19?
But you can't tell me what it is. Does Florida use absentee or mail-in ballots? What does TN advise people to do if they don't want to vote in person due to CV19?

Florida uses absentee ballots, you have to request one. I don’t know if TN is offering any advice, anyone old enough to vote should be intelligent enough to figure out how to.
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That’s not true, and even if that were true it makes it a bad idea?

It’s absolutely true, just because a day is declared a national holiday private industry has no obligation to close and give employees a day off.

Yes that’s a bad thing.
Florida uses absentee ballots, you have to request one. I don’t know if TN is offering any advice, anyone old enough to vote should be intelligent enough to figure out how to.

Florida doesn't have an absentee ballot anymore:

Florida lawmakers in 2016 changed the terminology from “absentee” to “vote-by-mail” because all registered voters in the state are allowed to cast a ballot without showing up at their assigned polling location. Other states require an accepted excuse for being unable to vote in person.

Vote-by-Mail - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State

Call it what you will but the voter still has to request a “vote by mail ballot”.

A vote-by-mail ballot refers to a ballot that you request and pick-up or have delivered to you without having to vote at the polls during early voting or on Election Day. A voter must first be registered to vote before he or she can request a vote-by-mail ballot. Unless otherwise specified, a request to receive a vote-by-mail ballot covers all elections through the end of the calendar year for the second ensuing regularly scheduled general election. If a vote-by-mail ballot is returned undeliverable, it will cancel a request for future elections and must be renewed.
Call it what you will but the voter still has to request a “vote by mail ballot”.

So, your position is that if a state requires that you request a ballot, then it's OK to use "vote by mail"?

which states are you griping against?
So, your position is that if a state requires that you request a ballot, then it's OK to use "vote by mail"?

which states are you griping against?
While I do not like “no reason” absentee ballots its more secure than mailing ballots to every registered voter without verifying they still live there or even still alive.

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