Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 48 31.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 98 63.6%
  • Melania is lonely. Very lonely.

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
Florida's long-running voter fraud probe ends — DeSantis unleashes on former health department employee — State officials didn't warn public about early signs of pandemic
Remember the Florida recount of 2018?

Every day is a winding road — Well, after 18 months, state law enforcement officials finally disposed of some unresolved legal matters that arose during the chaotic heated finger-pointing that went on that November. And guess what? All the chest-thumping and yelling — and lawsuits, let’s not forget lawsuits — yielded nothing.

No prosecution — That’s right. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement delivered the results of three separate probes launched during the din. And Statewide Prosecutor Nick Cox concluded there was a “lack of sufficient evidence” to prosecute anyone, including Democrats who came under fire for altering forms used to fix mail-in ballots and the Bay County supervisor who counted 12 ballots that were emailed due to Hurricane Michael.
What's the difference from a processing standpoint between absentee voting and mail voting? Feelz and internal rationalization that one is safer than the other?
I think absentee is processed as a provisional ballot. I may be wrong.....but that is the only difference that I think exist.
For a week, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has defended President Donald Trump’s assault on vote-by-mail, insisting, like her boss, that it invites election fraud.

But, also like her boss, McEnany has taken advantage of its convenience time and time again.
Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years

Absentee voting is not the "vote by mail" being debated. Either you are ignorant of the two or deliberately being obtuse, which is it?
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How? I voted by absentee. No problems....maybe you can't read.....please show where there is fraud related to absentee ballots.

Absentee is not at all like the mail in option they are pushing.

With absentee there are safe guards in place.

Feel free to continue doing as you do.

But that's not the same as mail in.
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Absentee is not at all like the mail in option they are pushing.

With absentee there are safe guards in place.

Feel free to continue doing as you do.

But that's not the same as mail in.

None of them will discuss for some reason.
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That's what happens when yankees move south. Probably over half of the people living in the 10 houses on either side of me moved here from liberal utopias.

I've been here in Sumner county since '94 and I'm pretty sure there has been emissions testing and a wheel tax since then.
LOL, everybody is a mail in ballot expert with extensive knowledge of the certainty of the scores of nonexistent fraud cases cited as evidence.

And the officers in the Kathryn Johnston case said that they purchased cocaine at her home to secure the no knock warrant.
That's not falsifying anything. He just said the police didn't ask HIM about the packages. and even the postal inspector interviewed changed his story, saying there was no way to tell if a package was delivered to someone else, and then said, well it could be done but was "labor intensive"

The Kathryn Johnston is a completely different issue...and definitely the officers deserved to be fired and criminally charged
Because the majority of voting locations closing are in the southeast, where republicans mainly are, and the only party that seems to have an issue with mail in voting is the republicans.
In a few states, ,mail-in voting is the predominant method for voting, and it's a mix between red and blue states. There's been really no fraud to speak of in those states
LOL, everybody is a mail in ballot expert with extensive knowledge of the certainty of the scores of nonexistent fraud cases cited as evidence.
I mailed my ballot in for the August primary this year for the first time ever and it was super easy. The only thing I had a hard time with was locating stamps.... I finally found some old .42 stamps and stuck two on because I didn't know how much postage costs these days. So I now consider myself an expert.
In a few states, ,mail-in voting is the predominant method for voting, and it's a mix between red and blue states. There's been really no fraud to speak of in those states
Have you heard of the cluster that is going on right now in NY? They sent mail in ballots to everyone for a congressional race (I believe) and the made the return envelopes postage paid. The postal service doesn't cancel prepaid postage so they have no way of determining when these ballots were received and had to make something like 60k invalid. This is out of a total of 100k ballots roughly. That is not fraud, but sure creates quite the conundrum.

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