Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 48 31.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 98 63.6%
  • Melania is lonely. Very lonely.

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
While I do not like “no reason” absentee ballots its more secure than mailing ballots to every registered voter without verifying they still live there or even still alive.

Glad we settled that. Although, I'm not sure which states are doing what you say, mailing to just everyone. Some states have existing systems which predominately use "vote by mail", but these states who are just going to start mailing ballots to everyone, I haven't seen anything specific.

All I'm sure of is it that Trump is sure it will be the biggest fraud in history. And he should know something about that.
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Glad we settled that. Although, I'm not sure which states are doing what you say, mailing to just everyone. Some states have existing systems which predominately use "vote by mail", but these states who are just going to start mailing ballots to everyone, I haven't seen anything specific.

All I'm sure of is it that Trump is sure it will be the biggest fraud in history. And he should know something about that.
Yah, considering that he endured the biggest FISA fraud in known history. If they'd defraud the courts as an insurance plan against him, imagine what they could do with mail-in voting.

You act as though his concerns are mere ignorant paranoia. I wonder why the Dem congress were begging Barr not to release the results of the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation. Oh, yah. They said it'd affect the election. They know something.
Yah, considering that he endured the biggest FISA fraud in known history. If they'd defraud the courts as an insurance plan against him, imagine what they could do with mail-in voting.

You act as though his concerns are mere ignorant paranoia. I wonder why the Dem congress were begging Barr not to release the results of the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation. Oh, yah. They said it'd affect the election. They know something.

So, this is why Trump thinks the election should be cancelled and mail shut down?
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So, this is why Trump thinks the election should be cancelled and mail shut down?
Cancelled? This really the course you want to take in discussion?

Yah. I think it's a major reason why he wants mail-in shut down. It's rife for abuse and I'm fairly certain he's convinced the Democrats are no-scruple, power-glutton frauds that already tried to steal one election from him.
Cancelled? This really the course you want to take in discussion?

Yah. I think it's a major reason why he wants mail-in shut down. It's rife for abuse and I'm fairly certain he's convinced the Democrats are no-scruple, power-glutton frauds that already tried to steal one election from him.

Well, maybe you know what his feelings are. I personally think he just feels he's gonna lose, and is willing to do nearly anything to stay in office. And it does seem like desperation.
Well, maybe you know what his feelings are. I personally think he just feels he's gonna lose, and is willing to do nearly anything to stay in office. And it does seem like desperation.
I couldn't care much less what you think about his motives, which is why I never asked.

I don't consider you to be particularly fair minded when making up your mind on him, and (as alluded to in my last post) lying about his tweets doesn't just ooze fair-mindedness.

You, on the other hand...

So, this is why Trump thinks the election should be cancelled and mail shut down?

...asked my opinion for some reason. I answered.
Glad we settled that. Although, I'm not sure which states are doing what you say, mailing to just everyone. Some states have existing systems which predominately use "vote by mail", but these states who are just going to start mailing ballots to everyone, I haven't seen anything specific.

All I'm sure of is it that Trump is sure it will be the biggest fraud in history. And he should know something about that.

OR is the only state I know of that uses a true vote by mail system that mails ballots to every registered voter. They mail them without verifying the person still lives there or is even alive. That is the system that is being proposed is several states.

Every other state has an absentee ballot available but the voter has to request one. Why aren’t the Dems just encouraging their followers to use the existing absentee systems in their states instead of pushing the OR system?
OR is the only state I know of that uses a true vote by mail system that mails ballots to every registered voter. They mail them without verifying the person still lives there or is even alive. That is the system that is being proposed is several states.

Every other state has an absentee ballot available but the voter has to request one. Why aren’t the Dems just encouraging their followers to use the existing absentee systems in their states instead of pushing the OR system?
I used the "mail in ballot" system this year in TN for the first time and I could see it could be very difficult for the tech challenged, i.e. people that are barely able to drive a car. In any event, it is no harder to request a mail in ballot than it is to operate a voting machine. I actually encourage older people to request a ballot by mail and if needed get your kids to request it for you.
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I couldn't care much less what you think about his motives, which is why I never asked.

I don't consider you to be particularly fair minded when making up your mind on him, and (as alluded to in my last post) lying about his tweets doesn't just ooze fair-mindedness.

You, on the other hand...

...asked my opinion for some reason. I answered.

Well thanks for offering your unsolicited opinion to begin with. Which i find myself not being able to care much less about, as well.

And sure "postponed"... my bad.
OR is the only state I know of that uses a true vote by mail system that mails ballots to every registered voter. They mail them without verifying the person still lives there or is even alive. That is the system that is being proposed is several states.

Every other state has an absentee ballot available but the voter has to request one. Why aren’t the Dems just encouraging their followers to use the existing absentee systems in their states instead of pushing the OR system?

Makes sense to me. Seems like Trump, especially, is confusing everyone across the board.

Honestly, I'm still curious though, about which state might have just started doing this, and specifics.
Well thanks for offering your unsolicited opinion to begin with. Which i find myself not being able to care much less about, as well.

And sure "postponed"... my bad.
I guess that's why you asked? And will your next retort be "I know you are, but what am I?" Maybe the old "rubber/glue" logic?

So, you knew the difference and twisted it. And yet you clutch your pearls when someone tells you they can't trust your opinions on him, so couldn't care less about them. <sigh>
I guess that's why you asked? And will your next retort be "I know you are, but what am I?" Maybe the old "rubber/glue" logic?

So, you knew the difference and twisted it. And yet you clutch your pearls when someone tells you they can't trust your opinions on him, so couldn't care less about them. <sigh>

No, you expressed disinterest in my opinion, and my opinion of yours went down considerably.

Sort of how it goes in life.
Makes sense to me. Seems like Trump, especially, is confusing everyone across the board.

Honestly, I'm still curious though, about which state might have just started doing this, and specifics.

Trump isn’t confusing anyone, it’s the Dems that are straight out lying.
Oregon mails out ballots to all "registered voters". We've been using vote by mail for around 30 years with really not problems. It's almost comical to Oregonian's that the rest of the country doesn't use vote by mail. It's easy, secure and safe.

How it works in our house is this, we receive our ballots about 3-4 weeks prior to election day. My wife and I go through the various measures, candidates etc over the breakfast table. We have some lively discussions on a few issues. Those we disagree on we research a bit and go over again and we come to a mutual agreement hopefully. Sometimes we don't and we just cancel each other out on our ballots.

Once we fill out our ballots, we can mail them postage free, drop them off at one of the ballot drive through drop off boxes or we can go vote at the local voting stations. It's simple, easy and I think we put more thought into our votes than the old way of going to a voting station, getting in a booth and punching a card.

One of the fun side affects of vote by mail is campaigns that pull out all sorts of last minute advertising just wasted their money because we voted a few weeks before the scam ads hit the air waves. So they can't do successful last minute lies to try and sway an election. They have to have a sustained campaign with values important to voters. It's just a better way to do things.

Stay safe in these trying days......
Sounds very inclusive. What do they do if somebody moves?
Trump isn’t confusing anyone, it’s the Dems that are straight out lying.
Oh please, his crusade against "mail-in ballots" hasn't confused anyone, yet his campaign sent clarification email saying "absentee ballots are OK", I'm sure none of his FL base is still not confused about it.

Trump wouldn't lie...
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What they call it is irrelevant.

Doesn't matter what Trump wants to call it either, there has been 0.0025% instances of fraud with Universal Mail-In Ballots and that won't equal to Trump's claim of Most Inaccurate and Fraudulent Election in History.

But maybe he knows something about his claim of foreign countries printing and mailing counterfeit ballots... hmmm

Otherwise he'd be just pulling that out of his ass, but surely it would be worth shutting down USPS just to make sure. Hell, might as well just reroute all the ballots to the WH, so he can personally verify each one.
Doesn't matter what Trump wants to call it either, there has been 0.0025% instances of fraud with Universal Mail-In Ballots and that won't equal to Trump's claim of Most Inaccurate and Fraudulent Election in History.

But maybe he knows something about his claim of foreign countries printing and mailing counterfeit ballots... hmmm

Otherwise he'd be just pulling that out of his ass, but surely it would be worth shutting down USPS just to make sure. Hell, might as well just reroute all the ballots to the WH, so he can personally verify each one.

One thing you need to understand about your stat. If nobody is looking then of course the “instances of fraud” will be low.

There is a reason the Dems are pushing so hard for the vote by mail system and it isn’t to make it easier for registered voters.

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