Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

Can We Hold a Fair Election Using Mail-in Ballots This Fall?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 48 31.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 98 63.6%
  • Melania is lonely. Very lonely.

    Votes: 8 5.2%

  • Total voters
You honestly believe that if somehow a new ballot system makes cheating almost impossible to detect that people won't cheat?

You truly believe this?

I believe that the number of people cheating the system are far less significant than the number you want to believe are cheating.

Again, we're about to send people to another planet - it's hard to reconcile that the technology isn't available to the citizens of the bestest country on our planet to cast a secure vote online or through the mail.

This isn't an accident, it's by design.
Not if Democrats are involved. They view Republicans as an existential threat. Support burning cities down, rioting and looting. They rig their own primary in favor of their preferred candidate. You think they wouldn’t do the same to the vote? Look at the continuous meltdown they’ve had since the last election. We can’t let them compromise this election.

That fact right there should end the discussion.
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Weird how we can send a helicopter to Mars, deposit a check from your sofa with a iphone or transfer money to anywhere in the world while watching The Andy Griffith show but somehow the technology to check a box over the internet doesn't exist.
No one is arguing that the technology isn't available right now to vote in that manner.

The problem is maintaining voting integrity.
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Just a quick list of things people stand in line for on an almost daily basis:

Drivers license
Auto parts

So what’s wrong with waiting in line to vote?
interesting point, what is your take on the Breonna Taylor incident, since you have taken that stance?
I view Breona Taylor the same way I view Kathryn Johnston. There is no gotcha moment. The police falsified evidence to enter both residences. But if you are equating the Federal government listening to foreign agents and someone from the chump campaign actively coordinating with them as the same as police falsifying evidence and breaking into a house and killing the occupant, you are a really reaching.
No one is arguing that the technology isn't available right now to vote in that manner.

The problem is maintaining voting integrity.

Lol, you're arguing against it by suggesting voting integrity isn't possible by voting in that manner.
I view Breona Taylor the same way I view Kathryn Johnston. There is no gotcha moment. The police falsified evidence to enter both residences. But if you are equating the Federal government listening to foreign agents and someone from the chump campaign actively coordinating with them as the same as police falsifying evidence and breaking into a house and killing the occupant, you are a really reaching.
Falsified evidence? How so?
There is early an option. There is absentee voting as an option as well. There are many options. None are no worse than the other.

What's the difference from a processing standpoint between absentee voting and mail voting? Feelz and internal rationalization that one is safer than the other?
COVID will be the convenient reason. Voter fraud would be the real reason.
Desperation, IMHO.

I agree. And it leads me to believe they don't believe the polls. I suspect this mail-in push is about fraud, and why would they try to steal an election they think they're winning?

And as I've stated elsewhere... Superimpose that thought on the Dems asking Barr for promises that he won't release the results fo Durham's investigation into campaign spying and FISA fraud because it would affect the election. What should that tell us they know?
COVID will be the convenient reason. Voter fraud would be the real reason.
Desperation, IMHO.

I agree. And it leads me to believe they don't believe the polls. I suspect this mail-in push is about fraud, and why would they try to steal an election they think they're winning?

And as I've stated elsewhere... Superimpose that thought on the Dems asking Barr for promises that he won't release the results fo Durham's investigation into campaign spying and FISA fraud because it would affect the election. What should that tell us they know?
Desperation, IMHO.

I agree. And it leads me to believe they don't believe the polls. I suspect this mail-in push is about fraud, and why would they try to steal an election they think they're winning?

And as I've stated elsewhere... Superimpose that thought on the Dems asking Barr for promises that he won't release the results fo Durham's investigation into campaign spying and FISA fraud because it would affect the election. What should that tell us they know?

Desperation like trying postpone the election?
Desperation like trying postpone the election?
I haven't followed that, actually. Can you fill me in on the details? I actually looked for video or quotes, but all I found was editorializing.


Found it.

Yah. It sounds like he's desperate not to have mail-in election tampering. I read that as: "If it's too dangerous to vote, then don't vote until it's safe."

Sounded like sarcasm to me, though I'm sure you're the first to argue that Trump is above trolling the Dems over Twitter.
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How? I voted by absentee. No problems....maybe you can't read.....please show where there is fraud related to absentee ballots.

Do you know what is being proposed for "vote by mail"? Unlike an absentee ballot that you have to request, ballots would be mailed to every resisted voters last address. If you have moved and didn't update your voter registration someone else could vote for you, someone died, well whoever opens the mailbox gets to fill in that ballot.

Are you getting the picture about the differences?
Do you know what is being proposed for "vote by mail"? Unlike an absentee ballot that you have to request, ballots would be mailed to every resisted voters last address. If you have moved and didn't update your voter registration someone else could vote for you, someone died, well whoever opens the mailbox gets to fill in that ballot.

Are you getting the picture about the differences?

Sort of like that family that got a voter registration for their dead cat.

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