CBJ calls out the OL

If TN goes 8-4 this year.. He should be awarded a lifetime contract.

I remember when that would get you on the hot seat at TN. wait that was 6 years ago. I realize times have been tough and 3 games would be pretty tough to pull off, but isn't going a little too far?
i actually think it will take 4 years or more to get everything lined up and clicking right as far as wins and loses go,people need to remember,even with a great class of recruits coming in
Dooley had a much worse starting point. His first two recruiting classes were pretty good. You could argue that up to UK he had beaten the teams he was "supposed" to beat... many were ready to run him out of town inside of two years.

Jones needs 7 or 8 wins this year to build the credibility to hope for a year 4. If he wins 5 to 7 games for three years straight... all the warm and fuzzy so many express here will be long gone... and so will he.

it will take several classes of great recruiting to get to where everybody wants the Vols to be consistently at and a lot of player development along the way
Now if you are talking about winning championships then you are almost certainly looking at '15 and beyond.

I am talking about the immediate- 7 or 8 wins this year, 6 or so next year, then marked improvement in year 3.

just remember that freshmen starting isn't usually a good thing in the SEC,there are exceptions of course,but most do better with a year or to of S&C training and getting coached up along the way too
If Jones starts more than 2 or 3 Fr then it will be because they beat out upperclassmen. Dooley started or played more than 15 Fr in each of his first two years because he didn't have any upperclassmen for them to beat out. If Dooley can win 6 in his first season with that... then Jones should be able to win 7 with what he has this year.

I do thing CBJ will get it done,but it is going to take a lot of time too

Those are contradictory statements. If it takes a lot of time then he will never get the chance to get it done.
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Only if expecting Jones to do better than Dooley in his first year with a better roster against a schedule that is no worse than equal.

And you of all people should know about ragging a coach because he's losing. If you think Jones will survive two 6 or less win seasons followed by something less than "special" then you are the delusional one.

And I would still like an answer from you too. If he would be doing great or even just fine winning 6 this year... then what is your expectation for next year when he is likely to have to replace his starting OL and at least 6 of the starting front 7 on D? Four? Five? Three?
While I'm not usually on the same page as you most of the time, losing huge numbers of linemen from both sides of the ball after this year will definitely test the mettle of the coaching staff to continue to win in the SEC.
I am glad he is calling out the OL, because they have been great at pass blocking and last year good at run blocking. Although I am a little concerned, because these guys have got to be the best OL hands down in the SEC for us to win this year.
So he gets a pass when he does 5 at a time, instead of one? If he doesn't mention names, wonder who the 5 could possibly be?

Hey, it's big a difference!! It sends a message to the OL that if one man fails, they ALL fail. That's promoting TEAM right there and accountability!

What if he had said, "we should have made that 4th and 1 but Zach Fulton decided to half ass on the play and didn't open a hole." That's finger pointing and doesn't promote a team attitude at all. He just threw his player under the bus and basically excused the rest of the OL. That's the kind of loser crap that Dooley would pull.
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While I'm not usually on the same page as you most of the time, losing huge numbers of linemen from both sides of the ball after this year will definitely test the mettle of the coaching staff to continue to win in the SEC.

I don't remember disagreeing with you that much... but OK.

I am just trying to talk some sense to people. If he wins six this year then 5 next year... he's got a showdown with destiny in '15. You and I both know that negative voices will roar the comparisons with Dooley.

I honestly think Jones is not that guy. I think he WILL do better than these lowballers expect. But if he doesn't then he has a seriously steep uphill climb to survive past '15.

BTW... I said something very similar about Dooley when he was first hired and AFTER many here had started to find reasons to "believe" he could get it done. IIRC, I was called delusional and the like then too. I was assured this fanbase after what it had been through would give a coach 4 or 5 years before expecting wins.
If they wanna pat themselves on the back for pass blocking they can, but until UT can establish a running game they're nothing to brag on. He said they failed on 4th and 1? That's not even the basics of a running game.
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Hey, it's big a difference!!

No. There really isn't as far as them doing it. There may be a difference in the way the players receive it or the way the fans excuse it or else accuse it... but coaches call guys out. Saban has done it. Most coaches if you listen long enough will do it in some way or another.

With Dooley, people were just ready to blame him, fire him, and move on.
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No. There really isn't as far as them doing it. There may be a difference in the way the players receive it or the way the fans excuse it or else accuse it... but coaches call guys out. Saban has done it. Most coaches if you listen long enough will do it in some way or another.

With Dooley, people were just ready to blame him, fire him, and move on.

Damn right!
Again, you're delusional.

Still waiting for someone who is not "delusional" to tell me what is reasonable for '14 if six wins is reasonable for this year... and while you are at it tell me again how this fanbase will still love Jones and believe in him if he does no better in his first two years than Dooley.
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Dooley had a much worse starting point. His first two recruiting classes were pretty good. You could argue that up to UK he had beaten the teams he was "supposed" to beat... many were ready to run him out of town inside of two years.

Jones needs 7 or 8 wins this year to build the credibility to hope for a year 4. If he wins 5 to 7 games for three years straight... all the warm and fuzzy so many express here will be long gone... and so will he.

Now if you are talking about winning championships then you are almost certainly looking at '15 and beyond.

I am talking about the immediate- 7 or 8 wins this year, 6 or so next year, then marked improvement in year 3.

If Jones starts more than 2 or 3 Fr then it will be because they beat out upperclassmen. Dooley started or played more than 15 Fr in each of his first two years because he didn't have any upperclassmen for them to beat out. If Dooley can win 6 in his first season with that... then Jones should be able to win 7 with what he has this year.

Those are contradictory statements. If it takes a lot of time then he will never get the chance to get it done.

Jones gets a signature win this year that gives him year 4, my prediction.
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Still waiting for someone who is not "delusional" to tell me what is reasonable for '14 if six wins is reasonable for this year... and while you are at it tell me again how this fanbase will still love Jones and believe in him if he does no better in his first two years than Dooley.

He will do better! You can see it in camp man! He is working and pushing these kids harder than they ever were under Dooley. He Is instilling a winning attitude and a toughness that they did not have before! Plus he is putting together an elite recruiting class, something Dooley never did! I can't tell you what the records will be but I am quite confident that CBJ's first 2 years at UT will better than Dooley's first 2 years!
Still waiting for someone who is not "delusional" to tell me what is reasonable for '14 if six wins is reasonable for this year... and while you are at it tell me again how this fanbase will still love Jones and believe in him if he does no better in his first two years than Dooley.

You are delusional if you think losing most of your O-line means you win only 4 games next year. We will be upgraded with talent and depth at almost every position except O-line and maybe D line. Besides, there won't be as big a drop off as some think. Jackson, Kerbyson, Crowder return and it looks like Wiesman is going to be a good one.
Butch could win 4 this year. He will be here at least 3 years regardless
You are delusional if you think losing most of your O-line means you win only 4 games next year.
Not what I said. I asked YOU what was reasonable for next year if six is "good" for this year... then explained why expecting a better record was NOT reasonable. Maybe you should actually try reading before throwing words like "delusional" around, huh?

We will be upgraded with talent and depth at almost every position except O-line and maybe D line.
LOL... there is no "maybe" about the DL. Jones loses 3 of the top four DT's and 3 of the top 4 DE's. There are no replacements for them on the roster. And if you think it is easier to plug your entire OL and DL up with newcomers than WR and one CB spot... you truly are delusional. Oh, he is going to lose at least 3 of his top 4 LB's too.
Besides, there won't be as big a drop off as some think. Jackson, Kerbyson, Crowder return and it looks like Wiesman is going to be a good one.

OK. Let's hear it... if this is a six win team then what is that one?
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Oh, the roster will be thinner next year as well at most positions. Many if not most back ups will be true Fr.

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