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For those expecting more than 6-6, please post links to articles written by reputable college football analysts who also look at our team, talent and schedule and conclude we should expect big things this year. It will help your argument.

Personally, I've looked. Apart from a random quote by Spurrier at media days, I haven't heard any objective observer suggest we will be a surprise team this year. It's just the truth, plain and simple. To a man they say expect 6-6.

Truth is, there are only 3 SEC teams we play this that we are definitely more talented than. All the rest have as many or more four stars on their roster as we do. We also play Oregon at Oregon.

6-6 is a reasonable expectation guys.
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For those expecting more than 6-6, please post links to articles written by reputable college football analysts who also look at our team, talent and schedule and conclude we should expect big things this year. It will help your argument.

Personally, I've looked. Apart from a random quote by Spurrier at media days, I haven't heard any objective observer suggest we will be a surprise team this year. It's just the truth, plain and simple. To a man they say expect 6-6.

Truth is, there are only 3 SEC teams we play this that we are definitely more talented than. All the rest have as many or more four stars on their roster as we do. We also play Oregon at Oregon.

6-6 is a reasonable expectation guys.

You can say that again.
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the defense (which includes all those stars you mentioned is fresh off one of the absolute worst seasons in UT history (if not the worst). We have no QB yet, no true RB and a group of WR's who have barely a handful of catches between them. Add that to one of the most difficult schedules in the country and it's not hard to understand

Just cuz we don't have (proven) talent at key positions doesn't mean we don't have talent at all! I expect 7-8 wins this year & that is VERY POSSIBLE! & everyone knows that last years D performance is not a good indication of what they are capable of.
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For those expecting more than 6-6, please post links to articles written by reputable college football analysts who also look at our team, talent and schedule and conclude we should expect big things this year. It will help your argument.

Personally, I've looked. Apart from a random quote by Spurrier at media days, I haven't heard any objective observer suggest we will be a surprise team this year. It's just the truth, plain and simple. To a man they say expect 6-6.

Truth is, there are only 3 SEC teams we play this that we are definitely more talented than. All the rest have as many or more four stars on their roster as we do. We also play Oregon at Oregon.

6-6 is a reasonable expectation guys.
Really? So, you're relying on the same pundits who do just like you do and base your opinions off of the most recent results....which happen to have been under Dooley....a guy who never had the credentials to even get the HC job at LaTech, much less a major program in the SEC.

And these same experts predicted TAM would do well in the SEC and beat Bamer, then Oklahoma in their bowl game? Same ones that predicted Chizik would lead his Auburn team to an undefeated season his first year as a HC?

That's pretty damn smart thinking.....or not.:loco:
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Personally, it pisses me off to hear so many people predicting a 6-6 season and just low expectations in general. We have 4* talent at practically every starting position, and the best OL we've had in several years. We have the biggest group of WR's we've had in UT history.

We have two senior DE's that were 4* recruits (J. Smith was a 5* at one point). We have a mountain for a DT, who will likely be a 1st Rd draft pick. We will have one of the best LB groups in the SEC....3 All-SEC caliber safeties. With all of this in mind, why is our own fanbase selling our team so short? Dooley IS NOT here any longer.

We have witnessed 2 SEC teams in the past few years break out of the doldrums with 1st yr HC's and with low expectations (Auburn in 2010, and TAM last year). Why not just say that you really don't know?
you dam right the time for winning is now!! I favor our vols in every game always have always will!
My expectations are simple:

1. I want our team to be well conditioned in order to play 4 quarters of football. I think the 52 110's show you that they're willing to get there.

2. I want our team to be well prepared from a coaching perspective. Meaning, I want the right number of players on the field. I want players lining up on the right spots on defense. I want them running the right routes.

3. I want our coaches to make calls that show a aggressive and confident but sensible decisions. The exact opposite of what Dooley did at the end of Mizzou game.

4. I want a fundamentally sound team that executes. Wrapping up on tackles, fielding punts properly, holding on to the football, knowing when to throw it away and checking down receiver options.

I will be thrilled if I see those things.
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Leave it up to volnation to blow up a thread stating that CBJ was doing a live interview on ESPN haha. This is why I love this place.
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We have witnessed 2 SEC teams in the past few years break out of the doldrums with 1st yr HC's and with low expectations (Auburn in 2010, and TAM last year). Why not just say that you really don't know?[/QUOTE]

Not being nittpicky but 2010 was Chiziks 2nd year on the plains Tubberville and Fulmer got axed the same year.
Really? So, you're relying on the same pundits who do just like you do and base your opinions off of the most recent results....which happen to have been under Dooley....a guy who never had the credentials to even get the HC job at LaTech, much less a major program in the SEC.

And these same experts predicted TAM would do well in the SEC and beat Bamer, then Oklahoma in their bowl game? Same ones that predicted Chizik would lead his Auburn team to an undefeated season his first year as a HC?

That's pretty damn smart thinking.....or not.:loco:

Didn't Chizik pay for his title? Also, what has CBJ proven in the SEC?

Also,I think it's hilarious CBJ already did something Dooley failed to do the last two years. Beat Vandy with the same Cincy team we beat in Knoxville.
Really? So, you're relying on the same pundits who do just like you do and base your opinions off of the most recent results....which happen to have been under Dooley....a guy who never had the credentials to even get the HC job at LaTech, much less a major program in the SEC.

And these same experts predicted TAM would do well in the SEC and beat Bamer, then Oklahoma in their bowl game? Same ones that predicted Chizik would lead his Auburn team to an undefeated season his first year as a HC?

That's pretty damn smart thinking.....or not.:loco:

:). Second, more subtle part of my argument was that 6 teams on our schedule arguably have more talent than we do, including Bama, USCe, Florida, Oregon, Georgia and Auburn. Missouri on the road may be tough and Vandy is competitive (though I think we beat both).

In short, it's not like we are sitting on overwhelming talent relative to our schedule. We could win 8 games or so, it's not out of the realm of possibility. But as a baseline expectation upon which we should judge CBJ as a coach, 6 wins remains reasonable IMO.
Nobody expected either one of them to do jack at this same stage, either....so what's your point? If you didn't know Cam Newton would make such an impact until halfway through the season, how in the hell do you know Worley or Peterman won't burst onto the scene, this year? You don't.

Nobody was anointing Johnny Football or Cam Newton as Heisman candidates prior to their first fall camp.

You tell 'em, VoN. Further, as I recall, folks on VN were making snide remarks about Auburn accepting a laptop thief who would only be trouble for them. Poetic justice perhaps, when our own Cameron Clear not only swiped a square shaped plastic pomaceous fruit with a circuit laden interior, but was dumb enough to sit outside Neyland using the freaking thing.

Back to your point. No one knows if our QBs or other players will or will not explode and do for us what CamNew did for Auburn. Personally, I believe we will see both JW and NP provide us with a dual dimension threat every game. I also believe the WRs will provide such varied threats to go along with a very decent running game we will confound most opponents and end winning more games than we now are given credit for being capable of winning. I can be either dead right or dead wrong. But when a so-called fan posts something showing s/he has given up on our Vols before they even take the field, you just have to wonder whose side that person is on.
the defense (which includes all those stars you mentioned is fresh off one of the absolute worst seasons in UT history (if not the worst). We have no QB yet, no true RB and a group of WR's who have barely a handful of catches between them. Add that to one of the most difficult schedules in the country and it's not hard to understand

These defensive players you speak of had the WORST DC in the school's history! The scheme in '11 fit these players and they ranked in the 30's that season. Getting them back to their comfort zone fixes most of those ills. The only real concern for me is the QB question and if Dobbs is as smart as they say, he is our safety net!

GO VOLS!! #Brick by Brick
When you have the battered wife syndrome, this team probably does look like dog meat. It's amazing that people expect a lot less for this team, with more talent, than the 07 team that went to the SECC game, with less talent.

More talent if you pretend that we haven't had an insane amount of attrition in the last five years due to all the coaching changes, not to mention a lot of busts.

It does matter what recruiting services thought...because folks like you would point to their low rating if that were indeed the case. You'd be saying...."look man, we're playing 4-5* talent with a bunch of 2-3*s." You can't have it both ways.

This comment makes no sense. We are playing opponents with much better talent than us no matter how you look at it (by the recruiting services or if you look at what they have actually done in college).

The fact is, there is a hell of a lot more DLine talent than we've had in several years. J. Smith was a solid 4-3 DE when he was a freshman and Soph. I expect he will have a big year, as a senior. Same with Corey Miller. He was asked to play out of his natural position until this year. Then we have Lewis, J.Williams, Carr, and Vareen behind them.

J. Smith and Miller have had 3 full years to do something and have not stood out at any point. I must have missed when Smith was a solid 4-3 DE though I do remember that one great hit against UGA as a freshman. Most with less orange-tinted glasses would admit hasn't lived up to expectations so far. I haven't seen anything out of those backups yet, but most of them haven't had much of a chance yet. Aside from Carr, most weren't very highly rated though, so it seems you are the one wanting to have it both ways.

Between Big Mac, Couch, O'Brien, Walls, Carson, Saulsberry and Clark, we have a pretty good group at DT. Big Mac was penetrating the OL during the whole O/W game. He'll have a bigger impact this year than last year. Why? Cause in a 4-3, he was asked just to eat up space. Now, he's asked to collapse the middle of the LOS...and he's well able to do just that.

I like McCullers but the others haven't impressed and O'Brien is the only one with any real potential.

I truly want to drink a little Kool-Aid with you, but I just can't jump to these wild conclusions of grandeur for some of these players. I like our guys but their talent level is not in the same league with Bama, Georgia, USCe, Florida, or even Auburn for that matter. We can't really out-talent anyone in the SEC this year except for Kentucky, so it will be a heck of a coaching job to do better than 6-6. I do believe Butch has a chance to get it done and meet your expectations, but it won't be because he has so much talent he SHOULD win 8 games.
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Personally, it pisses me off to hear so many people predicting a 6-6 season and just low expectations in general. We have 4* talent at practically every starting position, and the best OL we've had in several years. We have the biggest group of WR's we've had in UT history.

We have two senior DE's that were 4* recruits (J. Smith was a 5* at one point). We have a mountain for a DT, who will likely be a 1st Rd draft pick. We will have one of the best LB groups in the SEC....3 All-SEC caliber safeties. With all of this in mind, why is our own fanbase selling our team so short? Dooley IS NOT here any longer.

We have witnessed 2 SEC teams in the past few years break out of the doldrums with 1st yr HC's and with low expectations (Auburn in 2010, and TAM last year). Why not just say that you really don't know?
I think the sky is the limit..I only see 4 games we should be underdogs...Ore, Fla, Bama, Uga.. think 8 wins is very possible:thumbsup:
I have no expectations of winning a NC this year.we have talent on both sides of the ball but we are in the first year of all new coaches and schemes.

I think we might win some we are not supposed but we could lose some we are suppose to win.i will say,at the most7 wins or we could just win 5 games.there's to much uncertainty going into the year.the change will be,we will be in every game till the end.

I just want to see this team fight for 60 min's.if they do that,I will be happy,happy,happy.
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Exactly the point I've been making. An 8 win season should be expected and I expect much more.
I would not expect much more or you going to be in for a big letdown, we all know these first 2 years are going to be hard when the going gets tough we have to stand behind this team like no other because we got to keep this recruiting class together and let the players and FUTURE PLAYERS feed off of it, when we lose one by 28 we got to really get behind the team and let them know we are there now and will be there the tough times and be there when the good times come quickly.
I have no expectations of winning a NC this year.we have talent on both sides of the ball but we are in the first year of all new coaches and schemes.

I think we might win some we are not supposed but we could lose some we are suppose to win.i will say,at the most7 wins or we could just win 5 games.there's to much uncertainty going into the year.the change will be,we will be in every game till the end.

I just want to see this team fight for 60 min's.if they do that,I will be happy,happy,happy.

Yes just play 60 minutes of football all i ask for is that and effort.:good!:
:). Second, more subtle part of my argument was that 6 teams on our schedule arguably have more talent than we do, including Bama, USCe, Florida, Oregon, Georgia and Auburn. Missouri on the road may be tough and Vandy is competitive (though I think we beat both).

In short, it's not like we are sitting on overwhelming talent relative to our schedule. We could win 8 games or so, it's not out of the realm of possibility. But as a baseline expectation upon which we should judge CBJ as a coach, 6 wins remains reasonable IMO.
Dude...you are just hell bent on underselling our program...aren't you?

Rivals Team recruiting rankings

2009:#10 (Ranked ahead of Florida, Auburn, USCjr and Oregon)
2010:#9 (Ranked ahead of UGA, USCjr and Oregon)
2011: #13 (Ranked only one spot behind Florida, ahead of USCjr and only a handful of spots behind Oregon, UGA, Auburn and LSU)
2012: #17 (Ranked ahead of USCjr and LSU and only one spot behind Oregon)
2013: #21 (Had a small class and still ranked one spot ahead of Oregon)

Need some ketchup to go with that shoe leather? Oregon has had a slightly better class only twice in the past 5 classes. We ranked better than USCjr 3 out of 5 classes. Most of these classes, UGA ranked only a few spots ahead of us, if at all.

Our opponents have an overwhelming talent advantage, eh? :loco:
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