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For those expecting more than 6-6, please post links to articles written by reputable college football analysts who also look at our team, talent and schedule and conclude we should expect big things this year. It will help your argument.

Personally, I've looked. Apart from a random quote by Spurrier at media days, I haven't heard any objective observer suggest we will be a surprise team this year. It's just the truth, plain and simple. To a man they say expect 6-6.

Truth is, there are only 3 SEC teams we play this that we are definitely more talented than. All the rest have as many or more four stars on their roster as we do. We also play Oregon at Oregon.

6-6 is a reasonable expectation guys.

An appeal to authority? Really?
Dude...you are just hell bent on underselling our program...aren't you?

Rivals Team recruiting rankings

2009:#10 (Ranked ahead of Florida, Auburn, USCjr and Oregon)
2010:#9 (Ranked ahead of UGA, USCjr and Oregon)
2011: #13 (Ranked only one spot behind Florida, ahead of USCjr and only a handful of spots behind Oregon, UGA, Auburn and LSU)
2012: #17 (Ranked ahead of USCjr and LSU and only one spot behind Oregon)
2013: #21 (Had a small class and still ranked one spot ahead of Oregon)

Need some ketchup to go with that shoe leather? Oregon has had a slightly better class only twice in the past 5 classes. We ranked better than USCjr 3 out of 5 classes. Most of these classes, UGA ranked only a few spots ahead of us, if at all.

Our opponents have an overwhelming talent advantage, eh? :loco:

So all of those recruits are still on campus?
I would not expect much more or you going to be in for a big letdown, we all know these first 2 years are going to be hard when the going gets tough we have to stand behind this team like no other because we got to keep this recruiting class together and let the players and FUTURE PLAYERS feed off of it, when we lose one by 28 we got to really get behind the team and let them know we are there now and will be there the tough times and be there when the good times come quickly.
I'm glad our staff and players aren't taking this approach. We wouldn't win a single game with this aim low-hit low mentality. :blink: I've got a novel idea....how about we just say we don't know? Is that so damn hard?
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Yeah, I hope ESPN and our opponents think we will only win 5 maybe 6 games or less. We can catch people making assumptions and not come out playing with intensity( for example TAM vs ALABUBBA last year). So, they(maybe you) can predict the worse,please do.Then well see
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I don't know....are all of UGA, Auburn, UF, USCjr, Oregon's recruits still on campus? Are we the only team that has some not work out? :loco:

Damn...stupidity is rampant on this board. I guess it goes with the battered wife syndrome.

Stupidity is not admitting our attrition has been ridiculous. It also includes those touting star ratings for seniors who really haven't made an impact in their first 3 years as a reason why we'll be improved.

We'll be better on D (since worse is impossible) but only our o-line is proven on offense. The rest of this is based more on guesses and wishes than facts
More talent if you pretend that we haven't had an insane amount of attrition in the last five years due to all the coaching changes, not to mention a lot of busts.

This comment makes no sense. We are playing opponents with much better talent than us no matter how you look at it (by the recruiting services or if you look at what they have actually done in college).

J. Smith and Miller have had 3 full years to do something and have not stood out at any point. I must have missed when Smith was a solid 4-3 DE though I do remember that one great hit against UGA as a freshman. Most with less orange-tinted glasses would admit hasn't lived up to expectations so far. I haven't seen anything out of those backups yet, but most of them haven't had much of a chance yet. Aside from Carr, most weren't very highly rated though, so it seems you are the one wanting to have it both ways.

I like McCullers but the others haven't impressed and O'Brien is the only one with any real potential.

I truly want to drink a little Kool-Aid with you, but I just can't jump to these wild conclusions of grandeur for some of these players. I like our guys but their talent level is not in the same league with Bama, Georgia, USCe, Florida, or even Auburn for that matter. We can't really out-talent anyone in the SEC this year except for Kentucky, so it will be a heck of a coaching job to do better than 6-6. I do believe Butch has a chance to get it done and meet your expectations, but it won't be because he has so much talent he SHOULD win 8 games.
Maybe you should actually have a look at it........before you spout this battered wife nonsense. Just gave you a list of recruiting rankings and we have outranked Oregon and USCjr 3 out of the last 5 classes. We outranked UF once and just one spot below them 2yrs later. Usually only a handful of spots below most of the others...with the lone exception being Bama.
For me, I'd be content with 6 and ecstatic with 7.

I'm there with you. A non-losing season would be nice. And a step in the right direction.

Six regular wins, the a 7th in the liberty bowl or the papa John's bowl would be okay. Just as long as we beat Vandy and Kentucky Luke we are supposed to. Even in 88, those were automatic wins.
I'm glad our staff and players aren't taking this approach. We wouldn't win a single game with this aim low-hit low mentality. :blink: I've got a novel idea....how about we just say we don't know? Is that so damn hard?

I'm with you on this, VoN. I'm glad that poster isn't our coach either. CBJ is instilling in our guys to both think and play like champions. He says losing is an attitude. A direct contradiction to terrypedigo's dogma.
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Maybe you should actually have a look at it........before you spout this battered wife nonsense. Just gave you a list of recruiting rankings and we have outranked Oregon and USCjr 3 out of the last 5 classes. We outranked UF once and just one spot below them 2yrs later. Usually only a handful of spots below most of the others...with the lone exception being Bama.

You've been pumping nonsense nonstop without looking into it past Rivals recruiting rankings, so why should I? Love how you dismiss the attrition that we've had as if any other program approaches the same level. If you seriously think our talent is on par with Oregon, you have lost your mind and I'm not going to waste any more time. They have so much more team speed and proven playmakers it is not even funny, but you see them as about roughly equal to us. Good luck finding anyone that is not an equally homerific UT fan to agree with you there.
Stupidity is not admitting our attrition has been ridiculous. It also includes those touting star ratings for seniors who really haven't made an impact in their first 3 years as a reason why we'll be improved.

We'll be better on D (since worse is impossible) but only our o-line is proven on offense. The rest of this is based more on guesses and wishes than facts
I give you clear FACTS to substantiate my position (optimistic), and your only response (pessimistic) is to ignore them and speculate about attrition? EVERY program has some degree of attrition. We are not as depleted of talent as you poor battered women care to acknowledge. The program has largely sold itself despite horrendous coaching hires by our last AD.

We have finally hired one that is indeed qualified for the job. The last 2 never had the credentials for the job in the first place. When your fan base has reservations about your coaching history, you can be damned sure the players and recruits will, too.

THAT is why we've been stuck in the doldrums these past few years
You've been pumping nonsense nonstop without looking into it past Rivals recruiting rankings, so why should I? Love how you dismiss the attrition that we've had as if any other program approaches the same level. If you seriously think our talent is on par with Oregon, you have lost your mind and I'm not going to waste any more time. They have so much more team speed and proven playmakers it is not even funny, but you see them as about roughly equal to us. Good luck finding anyone that is not an equally homerific UT fan to agree with you there.
I gave you clear FACTS....you give me gibberish. Whose intellect should be brought under question, here?

Oregon, Bama, and the others better utilized the talent they had than we did. Stands to reason when our last AD cursed us with 2 HC's with losing records as HC's. My point is, we have a hell of a lot more talent than you want to admit to...with your "woe is us" mentality.

We simply needed better coaches. Now, we have it.
I'm with you on this, VoN. I'm glad that poster isn't our coach either. CBJ is instilling in our guys to both think and play like champions. He says losing is an DISEASE. A direct contradiction to terrypedigo's dogma.
fyp, cause he repeated it again, today. That DISEASE is just as rampant in our fanbase, too. Hence the "Legion of Low Expectations."

I'm not even making a prediction...cause there is just no way to tell. But it doesn't keep me from being optimistic. How can you get excited when you are essentially declaring that we WILL suck this year? What kind of fan does that? Even under Dooley...I had no confidence in him, but I knew we had the talent to win 4-5 of the games we lost, last year. Can't tell this losing crowd that.
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I give you clear FACTS to substantiate my position (optimistic), and your only response (pessimistic) is to ignore them and speculate about attrition? EVERY program has some degree of attrition. We are not as depleted of talent as you poor battered women care to acknowledge. The program has largely sold itself despite horrendous coaching hires by our last AD.

We have finally hired one that is indeed qualified for the job. The last 2 never had the credentials for the job in the first place. When your fan base has reservations about your coaching history, you can be damned sure the players and recruits will, too.

THAT is why we've been stuck in the doldrums these past few years

Your opinion is better described as deluded than optimistic. Facts: '10 - '12 we had 36 players that were 4* or better. Only 19 remain. The only 4* from '09 is Walls and he has yet to do anything of note. Our talent is low right now. Only deluded glue sniffers like yourself disagree. Butch is currently fixing the problem, but pretending like it doesn't exist at the moment isn't going to change the FACTS.

I'm sure the terrible performances of the past few years are due to fans admitting that we're not that good right now as opposed to awful coaching and average at best recruiting. You're totally right on that one.
Now with our coaching staff,we have everything we need to win as many games we can.Now,when we do lose a game, we can hold our head up knowing we played with great intensity and were coached by a championship coaching staff.GBO
I gave you clear FACTS....you give me gibberish. Whose intellect should be brought under question, here?

Oregon, Bama, and the others better utilized the talent they had than we did. Stands to reason when our last AD cursed us with 2 HC's with losing records as HC's. My point is, we have a hell of a lot more talent than you want to admit to...with your "woe is us" mentality.

We simply needed better coaches. Now, we have it.

You mistake your own gibberish for facts. You can't distinguish between making a realistic prediction based upon team talent and schedule and expecting the team to fail. Your "in-depth" research consists entirely of looking at Rivals recruiting rankings. I expect the team to play well and look better than the past few years, but I'm not going to pretend that we have the SHOULD beat some of the teams on our schedule because Rivals recruiting rankings told you that UT is just as talented as Oregon. That is such an absurd statement on its face that I can't believe someone would try to stand behind it with a straight face.
A&M probably didn't know what they had as they redshirted him his first year. While it would be a pleasant surprise I think Workey will do great things; however, not win a heisman. Although, I would like my crow medium rare with a loaded baked potato if I'm wrong lol

i agree. i actually preferred to have peterman just bc he can extend plays and scramble and it has been awhile since we have had a qb of that caliber. (if only kiff didnt screw us over with Tajh.) but i believe in the end worley wins out and does exactly what bUTch wants the offense to do while laying the foundation and that is eliminate turnovers. obviously worley cant help the rb's from coughing it up, but i believe he will be a game manager, almost like alex smith was with the 49ers. nothing special or flashy, just get the job done and let the playmakers make plays.

i believe with our oline, our rb's will be vastly improved and i think the receivers will come along as the season progresses. alot of talent that just needs to be broken in. it would be nice if North could have a impact like cooper for bama did. wishful thinking i know:unsure:
I tell you what. If the posters in this thread who are angry about those predicting 6-6 get pissed and trash CBJ when he actually goes 6-6 this fall (like Saban, Carroll, and Muschamp in their first years), I will loading up my ignore list. Lots of unreasonable homers in this thread IMO.

I expect great things from CBJ, just not this year. 6-6 is an entirely reasonable expectation.
Very true. As "evidence" Butch's records in his first years previously:

C. Mich - 8-6
Cinci - 4-8
Avg was: 6-7
Gentlemen, the Kiffy and Dools era has half the fanbase lining up to jump off the Gay street bridge. It is no wonder that expectations are low. If I worked in Vegas I would have us at 6-6.

HOWEVER, I was borned and raised in dem dar hills and graduated from THE UT! We can win any game on our schedule and that is what I expect!

Bring 'em on by god!
You mistake your own gibberish for facts. You can't distinguish between making a realistic prediction based upon team talent and schedule and expecting the team to fail. Your "in-depth" research consists entirely of looking at Rivals recruiting rankings. I expect the team to play well and look better than the past few years, but I'm not going to pretend that we have the SHOULD beat some of the teams on our schedule because Rivals recruiting rankings told you that UT is just as talented as Oregon. That is such an absurd statement on its face that I can't believe someone would try to stand behind it with a straight face.
What is absurd is your logic. Talent is just raw material. The Coaching staff's job is to take that raw material and craft something from it. This is why Boise St. and TCU have beaten a number of more "talented" teams. It's why Louisville beat a more talented Florida team. You equate records with talent, and that isn't always the case. Oregon isn't even in the top 10 most years, in recruiting rankings....yet they manage to wind up in the top 3-5 every year in the BCS rankings.

So, again....real slow like....just for you. Cause I know you're having a hard time with reality. Oregon does not have more talent overall, than we do. They just have coached the talent they have exceptionally well. Case in point...Oregon doesn't have a Dan McCullers type player. They don't have a Tiny Richardson type OL. They don't have 3 WR's that are 6'4" and highly rated. They don't have the amount of talent at safety that we do

We hire 2 Head Coaches with losing records and expect that trend to change? We brought in talent....but never coached them up. Now we hired one who has proven he can win, and who says he can't coach the talent we already have, among those he recruited?
Very true. As "evidence" Butch's records in his first years previously:

C. Mich - 8-6
Cinci - 4-8
Avg was: 6-7
I notice you take the winning record and try to dilute it with the one year he had a losing season. His first year at Cincy, was a rebuilding year, after they lost a lot of their upperclassmen to graduation and the draft.

It's not the same here. He has inherited a LOT of talent at practically every position.
Your opinion is better described as deluded than optimistic. Facts: '10 - '12 we had 36 players that were 4* or better. Only 19 remain. The only 4* from '09 is Walls and he has yet to do anything of note. Our talent is low right now. Only deluded glue sniffers like yourself disagree. Butch is currently fixing the problem, but pretending like it doesn't exist at the moment isn't going to change the FACTS.

I'm sure the terrible performances of the past few years are due to fans admitting that we're not that good right now as opposed to awful coaching and average at best recruiting. You're totally right on that one.
Ahhh...your wittle pea brain gettin overheated, is it? Attrition happens on every team. Do the names Michael Dyer and Isaiah-Crowell ring a bell for you, Einstein?

The recruiting rankings aren't gibberish. You pessimistic rambling is. The rankings are tangible, verifiable evidence that we have fared much, much better than you battered ladies let on.

On one hand you try to use rankings as proof that we are under-manned. Then when presented the actual numbers, you try to disqualify them with ridicule. Go figure. :crazy: :loco:
better than 2009? No, we have a guy with good speed who can't hit holes and a guy who can hit holes but lacks top end speed.

maybe but only Worley has even played a college game and he didn't make me feel warm and fuzzy. There is no proof any will be great QB's. Sure we all hope they will be but there is no reason to believe that right now besides blind optimism

this season is likely to be rough and I'm usually one of the biggest consumers of koolaid around

Hey man! We've been drinking from the same jug! :birgits_giggle:

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