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Personally, it pisses me off to hear so many people predicting a 6-6 season and just low expectations in general. We have 4* talent at practically every starting position, and the best OL we've had in several years. We have the biggest group of WR's we've had in UT history.

We have two senior DE's that were 4* recruits (J. Smith was a 5* at one point). We have a mountain for a DT, who will likely be a 1st Rd draft pick. We will have one of the best LB groups in the SEC....3 All-SEC caliber safeties. With all of this in mind, why is our own fanbase selling our team so short? Dooley IS NOT here any longer.

We have witnessed 2 SEC teams in the past few years break out of the doldrums with 1st yr HC's and with low expectations (Auburn in 2010, and TAM last year). Why not just say that you really don't know?

Yeah, um about that. There were Heisman trophy winners on both of those teams that broke out. Those are helpful.
What is absurd is your logic. Talent is just raw material. The Coaching staff's job is to take that raw material and craft something from it. This is why Boise St. and TCU have beaten a number of more "talented" teams. It's why Louisville beat a more talented Florida team. You equate records with talent, and that isn't always the case. Oregon isn't even in the top 10 most years, in recruiting rankings....yet they manage to wind up in the top 3-5 every year in the BCS rankings.

So, again....real slow like....just for you. Cause I know you're having a hard time with reality. Oregon does not have more talent overall, than we do. They just have coached the talent they have exceptionally well. Case in point...Oregon doesn't have a Dan McCullers type player. They don't have a Tiny Richardson type OL. They don't have 3 WR's that are 6'4" and highly rated. They don't have the amount of talent at safety that we do

We hire 2 Head Coaches with losing records and expect that trend to change? We brought in talent....but never coached them up. Now we hired one who has proven he can win, and who says he can't coach the talent we already have, among those he recruited?

Yeah, I'm the one having trouble grasping reality, yet you are the only person on the planet that thinks our present roster is equally talented with Oregon. We have a roster full of guys like Thomas, Mariota, Lyerla and Marshall.
the defense (which includes all those stars you mentioned is fresh off one of the absolute worst seasons in UT history (if not the worst). We have no QB yet, no true RB and a group of WR's who have barely a handful of catches between them. Add that to one of the most difficult schedules in the country and it's not hard to understand

Agree with this... and we have no proven corners that can consistently cover and keep up with the talented and fast receivers we will face against the SEC and also Oregon. I hope we have a couple of guys that really step up big time in the secondary. I think we will.
Ahhh...your wittle pea brain gettin overheated, is it? Attrition happens on every team. Do the names Michael Dyer and Isaiah-Crowell ring a bell for you, Einstein?

The recruiting rankings aren't gibberish. You pessimistic rambling is. The rankings are tangible, verifiable evidence that we have fared much, much better than you battered ladies let on.

On one hand you try to use rankings as proof that we are under-manned. Then when presented the actual numbers, you try to disqualify them with ridicule. Go figure. :crazy: :loco:

You are either a mental invalid or a 5-year old, I can't decide. I have consistently argued that the rankings mean nothing if you don't also look at how many guys are still around and how many turned out to be busts. You've been presented with the fact that nearly 50% of our 4 star or better talent is gone, yet you have conveniently ignored that. You named 2 individuals on 2 different teams to justify your idiotic assertion that our attrition has been no worse than any other teams. Not to mention you still consider three of our D-lineman that have done nothing in their UT careers to be great because Rivals said they were 4 years ago when they were in high school. Sound logic. Keep believing in your intellectual superiority. It is quite entertaining.
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I'll give us a "Puncher's chance" in every game this season. If Kentucky can beat us like they did a couple of years ago with no quarterback and only six players on the field,, then anyone has a chance to win on any given Saturday. A&m beat Alabama with a true freshman quarterback. Oregon has a new coach. Fl has Muschamp at the helm so they are schizophrenic when it comes to their gameplay. We have what should be a road grader of an offencive line so we should be able to find at least one productive RB. If we can get a couple of these green receivers to be clutch guys, we could beat just about anybody. II honestly think our biggest problem is going to be mental. These players have played on a losing team for so long that they're not going to know how to act when they are winning. that or if they actually don't win games will they mentally collapse and have a quitters mentality.
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I'll give us a "Puncher's chance" in every game this season. If Kentucky can beat us like they did a couple of years ago with no quarterback and only six players on the field,, then anyone has a chance to win on any given Saturday. A&m beat Alabama with a true freshman quarterback. Oregon has a new coach. Fl has Muschamp at the helm so they are schizophrenic when it comes to their gameplay. We have what should be a road grader of an offencive line so we should be able to find at least one productive RB. If we can get a couple of these green receivers to be clutch guys, we could beat just about anybody. II honestly think our biggest problem is going to be mental. These players have played on a losing team for so long that they're not going to know how to act when they are winning. that or if they actually don't win games will they mentally collapse and have a quitters mentality.

From what I've heard from players and coaches these guys are hungry. CBJ seems to be a great motivator. I'm really excited for the Oregon game. People are gonna sell us short until we get that chance to prove them wrong
Agree with this... and we have no proven corners that can consistently cover and keep up with the talented and fast receivers we will face against the SEC and also Oregon. I hope we have a couple of guys that really step up big time in the secondary. I think we will.

Well to be fair aTm didn't have a QB at this time last year either! And I've said in another forum, our quality talent on the D side of the ball will be shocking this season IMO, cause this group of guys are the same group that was decent under Wilcox!! So I think this staff will get there full potential out of them. And that's not even considering the conditioning program they've been thru! I think there will be some very surprised fans this season!! GBO
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Well to be fair aTm didn't have a QB at this time last year either! And I've said in another forum, our quality talent on the D side of the ball will be shocking this season IMO, cause this group of guys are the same group that was decent under Wilcox!! So I think this staff will get there full potential out of them. And that's not even considering the conditioning program they've been thru! I think there will be some very surprised fans this season!! GBO

This guy gets it
Oregon isn't even in the top 10 most years, in recruiting rankings....yet they manage to wind up in the top 3-5 every year in the BCS rankings.

While I agree with your premis that UT has suffered through inadequate coaching, basing tallent level on a college team solely on recruiting rankings from HS may be a bit weak.

The NFL draft to me is a more reasonable indicator as those guys have a body of college work to review and they only get 7 a year instead of 25 so they have to be better evaluators out of necessity.

Last 2 NFL drafts combined TN has had 5 players drafted in slots 29, 34, 77, 137, 184. Oregon has had 9 players drafted in slots 3, 20, 46, 61, 155, 178, 182, 192, 240.

Clearly the NFL thought higher of Oregon's tallent vs TN's tallent. Typically the NFL picks guys based on their potential more than their college production. The argument against these facts would be whether good college coaching improves a football player's potential>
For those expecting more than 6-6, please post links to articles written by reputable college football analysts who also look at our team, talent and schedule and conclude we should expect big things this year. It will help your argument.

Personally, I've looked. Apart from a random quote by Spurrier at media days, I haven't heard any objective observer suggest we will be a surprise team this year. It's just the truth, plain and simple. To a man they say expect 6-6.

Truth is, there are only 3 SEC teams we play this that we are definitely more talented than. All the rest have as many or more four stars on their roster as we do. We also play Oregon at Oregon.

6-6 is a reasonable expectation guys.

What did SOS say?
Poor lil ole UT. They just puny against those big ole bad boys from Bammer, Gatorland, Stevie's Game Chicken farm, and Bowwowville. Why even those Quackers are going to bite ole Smokey and scare him down the hollar. And we all know Clay Travis' girlfriend is a meany.

Some of you VN royalty need to quit being apologists for the dumb hiring decisions of the UTAD. The talent has been there for the past several years. Coaching matters. Hart got lucky and we are the beneficiaries. You can have great talent and lousy coaching and lose a lot of games in football becuase it is a disciplined, tough, physical sport with eleven guys going against another eleven guys in organized chaos. That means there has to be good coaching for development and game management purposes. We now have good coaching to go with a very experienced team in all positions except QB and WR - where we have top SEC talent.

What was Bama and LSU before Saban? Us - before Jones. They were starting with worse talent and experience under him than we have now. Get over your whining, wimpy selves and expect success.

love the post.. u r who u believe u r.. n u have to expect n believe u r better n going to win.
Yeah, I'm the one having trouble grasping reality, yet you are the only person on the planet that thinks our present roster is equally talented with Oregon. We have a roster full of guys like Thomas, Mariota, Lyerla and Marshall.
Have you noticed that none of their QB's ever amount to squat in the NFL? Same thing with their RB's. Stewart was the only one that saw regular duty with the Panthers. One would think such productive backs would be starting somewhere in the league.

They excel in Kelly's system, but not so much outside of it. Rajion Neal would likely have been a bada$$ RB for them, if he were on their roster...with his blend of size and speed. You just don't get it. Them having a few marquee players doesn't = having the same talent as we do overall. We have much more talent and size at other positions. What part of that escapes you?
You are either a mental invalid or a 5-year old, I can't decide. I have consistently argued that the rankings mean nothing if you don't also look at how many guys are still around and how many turned out to be busts. You've been presented with the fact that nearly 50% of our 4 star or better talent is gone, yet you have conveniently ignored that. You named 2 individuals on 2 different teams to justify your idiotic assertion that our attrition has been no worse than any other teams. Not to mention you still consider three of our D-lineman that have done nothing in their UT careers to be great because Rivals said they were 4 years ago when they were in high school. Sound logic. Keep believing in your intellectual superiority. It is quite entertaining.
Bonehead, I keep telling you that it DOES NOT MATTER! Why? Cause THE OTHER TEAMS LOSE PLAYERS TOO!!! Hello! Earth to Major Tom? You're trying to refer to one single class (Kiffins 09 class) as a basis to slam all recruiting since then.

Idiots like you are quick to refer to recruiting rankings to claim we are woefully short of talent. But the second that fallacious argument gets exposed, you start backpedaling with a host of excuses why those ranking aren't relevant, afterall. Go figure? :loco::crazy: Whose funking team are you REALLY pulling for? If there ever was a real NEGAVOL, your are certainly the chief of them. You're like Charlie Cheeseburger (Weiss), trashing his team. With fans like you, who needs opponents?
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While I agree with your premis that UT has suffered through inadequate coaching, basing tallent level on a college team solely on recruiting rankings from HS may be a bit weak.

The NFL draft to me is a more reasonable indicator as those guys have a body of college work to review and they only get 7 a year instead of 25 so they have to be better evaluators out of necessity.

Last 2 NFL drafts combined TN has had 5 players drafted in slots 29, 34, 77, 137, 184. Oregon has had 9 players drafted in slots 3, 20, 46, 61, 155, 178, 182, 192, 240.

Clearly the NFL thought higher of Oregon's tallent vs TN's tallent. Typically the NFL picks guys based on their potential more than their college production. The argument against these facts would be whether good college coaching improves a football player's potential>
You mean "talent?" NFL teams typically equate losing teams with poor talent and winning teams with superior talent. That's just the nature of things. Arian Foster would have been a 2-3rd pick (says the NFL evaluation committee) had he come out as a Junior. But having stayed at UT and suffering a dismal season, he went undrafted. Same sort of thing happened with Denarius Moore. He blew up his freshman season making a host of spectacular catches, and yet, because our team did not fare so well in the W/L column, he got drafted very late.

Also, the point I've been making is that it's NOT that we don't have the RAW talent to compete with most of the teams on our schedule. It's been a matter of coaching them once they get here...that's been the issue.

So, my contention is that CBJ and staff have proven that they know how to win...how to coach up moderate level talent to play beyond their own talent level. THAT is what we want. Dooley had NOTHING in his resume to give us fans, players or recruits confidence that he could do that. Not even Kiffin. He had to be a slick salesman, selling his coordinator days at USC, which meant very little.
Bonehead, I keep telling you that it DOES NOT MATTER! Why? Cause THE OTHER TEAMS LOSE PLAYERS TOO!!! Hello! Earth to Major Tom? You're trying to refer to one single class (Kiffins 09 class) as a basis to slam all recruiting since then.

Idiots like you are quick to refer to recruiting rankings to claim we are woefully short of talent. But the second that fallacious argument gets exposed, you start backpedaling with a host of excuses why those ranking aren't relevant, afterall. Go figure? :loco::crazy: Whose funking team are you REALLY pulling for? If there ever was a real NEGAVOL, your are certainly the chief of them. You're like Charlie Cheeseburger (Weiss), trashing his team. With fans like you, who needs opponents?

Kiffin's class is not even in my numbers (which you've conveniently overlooked) you blithering moron. Also, I have never pointed to the rankings as proof that we don't have talent. Instead, I take the novel approach of looking at the product on the field. You brought rankings into the discussion and havent bothered to account for any variables. Your sole evaluation of talent is based upon what some "expert" at Rivals thinks. Your only response to the valid point that we have lost MORE players to attrition than others is that other teams lose players too. No ****, genius. I'm saying we've lost disproportionately more players. You are clearly mentally incompetent so I'm not going to continue this discussion, but I would like to point out that we both think we've found the right man for the job. The only difference is you think he's already loaded up with SEC championship talent and I think it will take Butch a year or two to get there. Try using your expansive research skills and look at my post history. I'm far from a Negavol, I just recognize that Kiffin and Dooley have put us into quite a hole.
We can't really out-talent anyone in the SEC this year except for Kentucky, so it will be a heck of a coaching job to do better than 6-6.

Okay, so by that logic if Butch gets us to the all-elusive 7 wins, we are looking at the next Nick Saban?

C'mon mane...

Just be stoked for a little big orange excitement on the hill and a vol team that believes in themselves.

Remember they don't play the games on paper. They line up on Saturdays in the Fall and leave it all on the field.
On another note... all the folks bringin up Kiffin...

Remember for a moment the name Jonathon Cromptopn and all that comes to mind...

Before Kiffin the dude was a turkey that could barely show his face in public without some vol fan telling him he sucked and to go to hell...

A brash and confident (even if foolishly over-confident) coach took ol' Cromp Daddy aside and built him up to a competent and servicable quarterback that took us to a 7-6 record.

I don't need to remind everybody how close we came to beating the almighty bammer that year...

Fast forward to present day...

A team that has been described as incompetent and one of the worst in the SEC for all the reasons you can come up with til you're blue in the face now has a confident coach that is bringing a new attitude to a new year. They are an entirely new team.

The point is coaches get paid the big bucks for a reason. You can never underestimate good or bad coaching.

Yes, 8 wins might be a reach but all this 'oh we got six wins in us at the max' is just downright insulting.

If bigfatty thinks that coach jones is so damn good then why the hell ya gonna sit here and criticize people for saying we could get 7 wins or more?

Coaches win with less all the time.

Marinade on that for a little bit.
Okay, so by that logic if Butch gets us to the all-elusive 7 wins, we are looking at the next Nick Saban?

C'mon mane...

Just be stoked for a little big orange excitement on the hill and a vol team that believes in themselves.

Remember they don't play the games on paper. They line up on Saturdays in the Fall and leave it all on the field.

I am stoked! I think with CBJ leading the team there is a good chance that we'll surprise some people this year. I just got off track arguing with a lunatic whether we are loaded with All SEC-level talent or not.
Yes, 8 wins might be a reach but all this 'oh we got six wins in us at the max' is just downright insulting.

If bigfatty thinks that coach jones is so damn good then why the hell ya gonna sit here and criticize people for saying we could get 7 wins or more?

Coaches win with less all the time.

Marinade on that for a little bit.

I don't think anyone said a max of 6 wins, certainly not me. There are a lot of people (all Negavols and not "true fans", of course) that think that 6-6 is a reasonable expectation for our record this year. I think great coaching could certainly net us a couple more wins this year, but it's the first year installing a new O and D and I haven't seen CBJ coach a game at UT yet. Therefore, expectation of 6 wins, anything else is gravy.
I don't think anyone said a max of 6 wins, certainly not me. There are a lot of people (all Negavols and not "true fans", of course) that think that 6-6 is a reasonable expectation for our record this year. I think great coaching could certainly net us a couple more wins this year, but it's the first year installing a new O and D and I haven't seen CBJ coach a game at UT yet. Therefore, expectation of 6 wins, anything else is gravy.

I agree completely.

My mind is blown haha we just had a reasonable back and forth on volnation! What has the world come to?!?!

Good points bigfatty
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