Ok so most picked us to go 5-7 or 6-6 at best last season.
No. The vast majority said 6 wins. Stop trying to drop the bar after the fact. There were more saying 8 than 5.
Don't be dishonest.
This was before Auburn and. Mizzou balled out and became top 10 teams.
And before UF proved to be a total trainwreck. You can't have it both ways.
So I see one game in which there was underachievement, the Vandy game.
So you think So Alabama should have played UT that tight? You think the 4 big losses should have been only as competitive as the mid-majors those teams played?
Remember 09? Kiffin didn't have the guns to compete with UF or Bama. But he gameplanned to keep it close. He figured out a way to frustrate not only teams with better rosters but teams with better coaches. Kiffin has since tanked... but somehow you are OK with Jones getting blown out like that and being able to do nothing at all about it?
CBJ coached that game in a very weird way, I will admit that. Considering we almost won playing that bad shows that he made a coaching error. So what? It happens.
It happened other times as well. You just don't want to face it.
Oregon was beaten by lesser rosters? Wow the fact that you said that shows a lot. It's not even worth arguing over because you're just blind.
No. I've just looked at who beat them.
OK. I'll spoon feed you again. They were beaten by Arizona. Arizona was a 4-5 Pac12 team. They came into that game off two losses with the 2nd one being to a very weak WSU team. They BLEW OREGON OUT. The next week... They were crushed by ASU.
Arizona's talent is around the Vandy level. They have less talent than UT did this past year.
You're obviously a recruiting star gazer.
Ah, so the one thing everyone is high on this staff for is based on a ranking system that cannot be trusted to correctly evaluate athletic talent? And no, not necessarily. "Stars" mean something but not everything. They are generally accurate so that you can correctly say that a group averaging high stars has talent but not a particular individual. Overall, they're accurate. But they miss individual players with some frequencey.
Every game is different. One game cannot predict the outcome of another.
Several games that all tend the same direction can be an indicator of a coach's ability though.
Look at last nights game. OU does not have anywhere near the talent that Bama has on either side of the ball. But what happened? The tide got rolled. What you cannot seem to realize is it doesn't matter how close or how competitive a game is played. Do you think people look at OUs schedule and see that they barely beat WV? Or the fact that Auburn barely beat TAMU? No. It's wins and losses and that's it. If FSU only won all of their games by 3 points and only beat Auburn by 3 points, would people be saying wow they barely won all of their games? No. They would be saying they went undefeated and won the NC.
You could not have pointed to a worse example or attempted more strained reasoning based on it.
Margins matter. They indicate competitiveness and especially when there are large margins one way or the other in multiple games. It absolutely DOES matter how competitive a game is played. What you said there is ridiculous in the extreme. By that logic, I guess you would argue that someone with a 1.5 gpa is no further from becoming a successful student than one with a 2.9, right?
According to you us being more competitive in our blow out losses would have made some kind of difference.
No. It would have SHOWN some kind of difference. It would have demonstrated the staff's ability to outcoach someone in spite of having less talent. Do you really... I mean honestly... not understand that? You really don't get that it takes a better coaching performance to keep a mismatch close than to be blown out?
It would have only made a difference to you.
I can just about bet you that it would have made a difference to MANY objective observers... not the least of which are recruits.
Like I have said before, if we would have been more competitive those losses would still have been losses.
But there would have been far more reason to believe the coaches could compete with the big boys.
The coaching staff did make some mistakes this season, but given the situation they were in and the schedule, I am proud of what they accomplished.
That.... is a truly sad statement. You have set the bar low enough that any midget can walk under it. Congratulations.
Oh and I guess beating the #11 team in the country, something Missouri or Clemson couldn't do, means nothing right?
Are you dense? How many times do I have to repeat that USCe was a good win? A thousand?
Take this as a personal message JUST TO YOU. USCe was a good win. If it had been backed up with competitiveness in other games then I'd be leading the cheerleading squad for the coaching ability of this staff. It wasn't.
They had one good win. They had one "good" loss.
They had one bad win. They had 5 bad losses if you don't count UF.
BTW, have you or would you agree that the UGA game was a good loss? Would you say that it showed something on the part of the staff? I would. If it does then your whole argument above blows up. If a loss is just a loss then it would not have mattered if UGA had blown UT out too.