China invasion of Taiwan

Dumbass people that can only see their side of ANYTHING.
When there's a whole picture to look at.

What did you think I meant??
Wasn't sure, that's why I asked for clarification so no conclusions would be jumped.

Top Republicans Alarmed By 'beyond unnerving' report Xi Warned Biden that China WILL Reunify With Taiwan in Blunt Message During Crunch Talks in San Francisco​

  • Xi reportedly expressed to Biden during last month's APEC Summit in San Francisco, California, that China would 'reunify' with Taiwan
Top lawmakers are expressing concern that the U.S. is projecting 'weakness' after a new report revealed Chinese President Xi Jinping told President Biden he is planning to take over Taiwan soon.

Xi expressed to Biden during last month's APEC Summit in San Francisco, California, that China would 'reunify' with Taiwan, but the timing was still not determined, according to NBC News.

The Chinese president added that his preference is that Taiwan would be taken over 'peacefully' and not by force, according to three U.S. officials.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who serves as the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee called the report 'beyond unnerving.'

'To communist China, if you think you can bully your way into destroying world order without consequences, you will be making Putin's decision to invade Ukraine look wise,' he said in a statement to

Joe Biden and Jinping met for the first time in over a year for high-stakes talks on Wednesday to try and bury the hatchet amid dangerously escalating tensions between Washington and Beijing


Top Republicans Alarmed By 'beyond unnerving' report Xi Warned Biden that China WILL Reunify With Taiwan in Blunt Message During Crunch Talks in San Francisco​

  • Xi reportedly expressed to Biden during last month's APEC Summit in San Francisco, California, that China would 'reunify' with Taiwan
Top lawmakers are expressing concern that the U.S. is projecting 'weakness' after a new report revealed Chinese President Xi Jinping told President Biden he is planning to take over Taiwan soon.

Xi expressed to Biden during last month's APEC Summit in San Francisco, California, that China would 'reunify' with Taiwan, but the timing was still not determined, according to NBC News.

The Chinese president added that his preference is that Taiwan would be taken over 'peacefully' and not by force, according to three U.S. officials.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who serves as the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee called the report 'beyond unnerving.'

'To communist China, if you think you can bully your way into destroying world order without consequences, you will be making Putin's decision to invade Ukraine look wise,' he said in a statement to

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Joe Biden and Jinping met for the first time in over a year for high-stakes talks on Wednesday to try and bury the hatchet amid dangerously escalating tensions between Washington and Beijing

Uber-Hawk Lindsey Graham Blows A Gasket At Report Xi Warned Biden He Plans To Reunify Taiwan With China

The senator from South Carolina then warned Beijing directly, saying: "To communist China, if you think you can bully your way into destroying world order without consequences, you will be making Putin's decision to invade Ukraine look wise."

Specifically he was responding to a widely circulating NBC report published Wednesday which for the first time unveils new details surrounding Xi's San Francisco trip in mid-November.

Multiple current and former officials said Xi very bluntly told Biden that Taiwan will be reunified and that the only undecided factor is the timing. "Xi told Biden in a group meeting attended by a dozen American and Chinese officials that China’s preference is to take Taiwan peacefully, not by force," according to the sources.
Shoguns and Ninjas to the east, oppressed Huns to the west….what’s to fear?

Around my surrounding area it's a mystery to me all these massive warehouses being built and are just sitting there vacant with advertising signs on them. Makes me wonder someone knows something is coming.
Around my surrounding area it's a mystery to me all these massive warehouses being built and are just sitting there vacant with advertising signs on them. Makes me wonder someone knows something is coming.
where u at?

Group That Rescues Americans From Hot Spots Preparing For Possible Taiwan Operation​

A nonprofit organization dedicated to saving Americans abroad whose lives are at risk is currently preparing for the possibility they may conduct rescue missions in Taiwan and mainland China ahead of a possible conflict.

China views the island of Taiwan as a rogue province and has threatened to take it by force, and while the U.S. does not recognize Taiwan's independence, it also does not want to see any unilateral shift in the status quo. Beijing's military modernization and nuclear expansion, plus its more aggressive posture toward Taiwan, have raised concerns that China could try to take Taiwan militarily in the coming years.

How is this good for the US? Now this will only embolden us to destroy Taiwan in the same manner that we are destroying Ukraine and Israel.
China would do far worse to the Taiwanese. Taiwan is where the good Chinese fled the communists.
China would do far worse to the Taiwanese. Taiwan is where the good Chinese fled the communists.
Maybe... but why is it any of our business? Why is it worthy of the US defending or wasting money and blood halfway around the globe?
There's this whole world outside of the United States. You should learn about it sometime.
I'm fully aware of this world outside of the US. But right now, we have a border issue going on with Mexico.

You should learn about it sometime.
I'm fully aware of this world outside of the US. But right now, we have a border issue going on with Mexico.

You should learn about it sometime.
Now you're talking about the border? You're all over the place. lmao

I'll bite since you've now conceded whatever point you tried to have.

Our border should not be open, nor should it ever have been open. Obama (Who is really calling the shots), Biden, and the administration should be held for charges of treason. We're letting in the worst people from all over the world to destroy this country and it's on purpose. Specifically with the Chinese we're allowing in, they will destroy our infrastructure - water, power, food, etc, at the command of the CCP as soon as they start their aggressions on the world stage. We will be destroyed from within and it's all on purpose from our government. You're not going to get any pushback from me on how f'd up our border is.
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I agree with Biden on this, we shouldn’t support independence for Taiwan we should be supporting democracy for all of China. Nixon and Kissinger really screwed up in the way they presented the “one China” policy and recognizing the ChiComs As a legitimate government.

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