Clarence Thomas in Hot Water (Alito too!)

I voted for Biden because I thought he was the lesser of two evils. No matter which man I gave my vote to it was be given to a man without ethics.

Out of curiousity do you believe we should be investigating the Hunter Biden emails regarding “x% for the big guy” (going off memory and paraphrasing)
Weren’t the flights on his friends private plane and at a resort he owns?

Yep he’s 100% misrepresenting it. Even when he’s trying to assign a value to the boat ride it’s the same weak game he’s playing with the “airline tickets”. He’s pretending it would’ve cost x amount to rent that! Sure it would’ve…but no one did that
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To play your game.

If you had a backbone and ethics you wouldn’t have voted for either.

But that has the risk of assisting the greater of two evils in the election efforts by not voting against him. The most ethical thing I could do was vote against the greater evil and the most effective way to do that was to vote for the lesser evil.
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But that has the risk of assisting the greater of two evils in the election efforts by not voting against him. The most ethical thing I could do was vote against the greater evil and the most effective way to do that was to vote for the lesser evil.

Is Biden really the lesser evil? Or is he just more palatable to you because of politics? His Presidency has been pretty bad.
I’ve never read so many vague accusations. Most of which were off topic and just rambling. But let’s start here:

What specifically has Thomas misrepresented financially?

And how did Trump personally profit from his office
I think that's DDs alt account
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But that has the risk of assisting the greater of two evils in the election efforts by not voting against him. The most ethical thing I could do was vote against the greater evil and the most effective way to do that was to vote for the lesser evil.
Luther? Is that you?
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But that has the risk of assisting the greater of two evils in the election efforts by not voting against him. The most ethical thing I could do was vote against the greater evil and the most effective way to do that was to vote for the lesser evil.

American politics every year:

“Do you want to put the baby in the blender or the microwave?”

“Can’t I just vote for the other guy who doesn’t want to kill the kid?”

“Yeah, but he won’t win because everyone’s really just trying to decide if they’d prefer a blended baby or a microwaved baby”
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I am not sure I made the right decision, but Trump's presidency wasn't successful despite his revisionist history.
I don't like Trump's personality. He really is an arrogant ass. But I thought he was a better President than Biden has been. But that's not really saying much.
Is Biden really the lesser evil? Or is he just more palatable to you because of politics? His Presidency has been pretty bad.
It's either a career politician, or the "me me me" guy that Trump is. I honestly don't like either. Wish we had better options. Not voting libertarian either, that's definitely a throwaway vote in my book.
It's either a career politician, or the "me me me" guy that Trump is. I honestly don't like either. Wish we had better options. Not voting libertarian either, that's definitely a throwaway vote in my book.

Did you vote for either?
I ended up voting for Trump, but have regretted it more and more. Never again.

Just asking out of curiousity. Not really trying to play a got ya game. But does that mean in the future you intend to “throw your vote away” on a third party or just not vote at all?

Mainly asking because I’m in the same boat.
2008: Obama (I was young)
2012: Ron Paul
2016: Rand Paul midterm, Gary Johnson president
2020: Trump
2024: I don’t know if I will even vote given our options seem to get worse every cycle
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Just asking out of curiousity. Not really trying to play a got ya game. But does that mean in the future you intend to “throw your vote away” on a third party or just not vote at all?

Mainly asking because I’m in the same boat.
2008: Obama (I was young)
2012: Ron Paul
2016: Rand Paul midterm, Gary Johnson president
2020: Trump
2024: I don’t know if I will even vote given our options seems to get worse every cycle

I honestly don't know, I can always walk over to the other side of the aisle. My opinions aren't concrete and I'm always open to learning. But the answer is, I don't know. The GOP sucks right now.
Had a conversation with a German immigrant yesterday. She is in her mid 60s and went through the channels to become a citizen many years ago. We have talked politics a little over the past few times we have met but yesterday a little more deeply, she said she voted for Biden (she knew I voted for Trump). Then she says I have always voted for democrats since I was eligible to vote but never again. Her main reasons, the terrible pull out in Afghanistan and the wide open border. She said biden is a dumba$$ moron and isn't fit for office. She closed by saying she has been listening to Trump more and more lately, says he is right on most stuff, more coherent than biden and will vote for him in 2024.
I honestly don't know, I can always walk over to the other side of the aisle. My opinions aren't concrete and I'm always open to learning. But the answer is, I don't know. The GOP sucks right now.

For me it’s less that I think the gop sucks and more that I think the candidate they’ll select (Trump) sucks.
Had a conversation with a German immigrant yesterday. She is in her mid 60s and went through the channels to become a citizen many years ago. We have talked politics a little over the past few times we have met but yesterday a little more deeply, she said she voted for Biden (she knew I voted for Trump). Then she says I have always voted for democrats since I was eligible to vote but never again. Her main reasons, the terrible pull out in Afghanistan and the wide open border. She said biden is a dumba$$ moron and isn't fit for office. She closed by saying she has been listening to Trump more and more lately, says he is right on most stuff, more coherent than biden and will vote for him in 2024.

More coherent than Biden is a low standard. I actually think Trump governed well (minus the bump stock ban, which is more unconstitutional action against guns than Biden and Obama combined). But he’s probably the worst representative for a country, a party, a movement, an ideology, etc that you could possibly find.
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Had a conversation with a German immigrant yesterday. She is in her mid 60s and went through the channels to become a citizen many years ago. We have talked politics a little over the past few times we have met but yesterday a little more deeply, she said she voted for Biden (she knew I voted for Trump). Then she says I have always voted for democrats since I was eligible to vote but never again. Her main reasons, the terrible pull out in Afghanistan and the wide open border. She said biden is a dumba$$ moron and isn't fit for office. She closed by saying she has been listening to Trump more and more lately, says he is right on most stuff, more coherent than biden and will vote for him in 2024.

She's getting early onset dementia
But that has the risk of assisting the greater of two evils in the election efforts by not voting against him. The most ethical thing I could do was vote against the greater evil and the most effective way to do that was to vote for the lesser evil.
I can understand this position.

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