Coach Heupel is a very strong Christian

Remember many years ago one of our high school scouts said re Bill Battle--"Bill entirely committed to FCA--in fact he cannot tell if a kid can play or not once he finds out he is FCA member"
And how did that work out?
Loves using martial law to overthrow democracy more
Yeah... "democracies" send out unsolicited ballots knowing that many will be fraudulently cast and refuse to impose ID laws on false claims of "suppression" in spite of concrete proof that votes primarily for Dems are being cast by dead people and people that don't actually exist... as in no house at the address given for the registration.

I do not know if enough fraud happened to turn the election. I doubt it can be proven and definitely not within the time constraints. But vote fraud is an absolute FACT and most of it benefits Dems... which is why they adamantly oppose voter ID laws though over 70% of voters want them.

FTR, I'm not a Trump fan and didn't vote for him either time. There comes a point when the lesser evil is still too evil. I just oppose dishonest elections more than I oppose Trump.

True story. Do you know one of the big demands the Dems and Obama administration made before the Iraqis held their elections? They wanted secure and verifiable ID's issued to all voters. Why? Because they know without them election fraud is too easy to perpetrate.

Rather than argue with me and deny reality... just affirm with me this statement: Every legal vote should count and not a single illegal vote should count.
Is their a politics/religion area on this board?

Asking for a moderator...... who can likely move this thread where it belongs.
Yeah... "democracies" send out unsolicited ballots knowing that many will be fraudulently cast and refuse to impose ID laws on false claims of "suppression" in spite of concrete proof that votes primarily for Dems are being cast by dead people and people that don't actually exist... as in no house at the address given for the registration.

I do not know if enough fraud happened to turn the election. I doubt it can be proven and definitely not within the time constraints. But vote fraud is an absolute FACT and most of it benefits Dems... which is why they adamantly oppose voter ID laws though over 70% of voters want them.

FTR, I'm not a Trump fan and didn't vote for him either time. There comes a point when the lesser evil is still too evil. I just oppose dishonest elections more than I oppose Trump.

True story. Do you know one of the big demands the Dems and Obama administration made before the Iraqis held their elections? They wanted secure and verifiable ID's issued to all voters. Why? Because they know without them election fraud is too easy to perpetrate.

Rather than argue with me and deny reality... just affirm with me this statement: Every legal vote should count and not a single illegal vote should count.
I gladly agree with your last statement. Now YOU affirm with me this statement,
Declaring martial law to overturn an election result confirmed by state governments in accordance eith the constitution is unconstitutional and undemocratic.
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That's admirable however has zero to do with winning football games.
Whether you're a Christian or not, its about the Standard of Christian values that the coach will be able to instill in his players. That standard of Doing Right. Standing Up Right. Making good decisions based off of Christian principles. What some fail to believe is that Holiness is Right, because its more than being Morally good. It's putting your Faith in someone greater than yourself, and trust that He will never leave you nor forsake you.
And how can you judge someone based on a few words on a message board?

This is exactly what’s wrong with religion in general if you don’t follow the book to the letter they damn you to hell.
Ummm, not believing in God is actually a one way ticket. I am guessing you never read the bible. It has nothing to do with following the bible to the letter. Read up first and comment after gaining knowledge.
This is one of the weirdest reasons to be a fan of anyone that isn’t a preacher .
Not sure Jesus supports using martial law to overturn democratic elections, as My Pillow man advocated.
Did he? Did he say that martial law should overturn the election or that martial law might be necessaryso that fraud did not overturn the election?

I'm quite sure that Jesus opposes a very large number of things that Dems hold as core principles. Are you really sure you want to get into a discussion where you attempt to speak for Jesus?
Yeah... "democracies" send out unsolicited ballots knowing that many will be fraudulently cast and refuse to impose ID laws on false claims of "suppression" in spite of concrete proof that votes primarily for Dems are being cast by dead people and people that don't actually exist... as in no house at the address given for the registration.

I do not know if enough fraud happened to turn the election. I doubt it can be proven and definitely not within the time constraints. But vote fraud is an absolute FACT and most of it benefits Dems... which is why they adamantly oppose voter ID laws though over 70% of voters want them.

FTR, I'm not a Trump fan and didn't vote for him either time. There comes a point when the lesser evil is still too evil. I just oppose dishonest elections more than I oppose Trump.

True story. Do you know one of the big demands the Dems and Obama administration made before the Iraqis held their elections? They wanted secure and verifiable ID's issued to all voters. Why? Because they know without them election fraud is too easy to perpetrate.

Rather than argue with me and deny reality... just affirm with me this statement: Every legal vote should count and not a single illegal vote should count.

They won't listen bro..They think we worship trump..Trump isn't much to me .. Presidents come and go but the people should be able to vote without it being rigged in our republic. Democracy alone is just mob rule . It's easily over taken bit a Republic is different..They will just repeat history. I've never voted for trump ..
I gladly agree with your last statement. Now YOU affirm with me this statement,
Declaring martial law to overturn an election result confirmed by state governments in accordance eith the constitution is unconstitutional and undemocratic.
Interesting that Amazon in Alabama is fighting mail in ballots in their voting to unionize. Not secure enough.
I gladly agree with your last statement. Now YOU affirm with me this statement,
Declaring martial law to overturn an election result confirmed by state governments in accordance eith the constitution is unconstitutional and undemocratic.
Unless there is concrete proof of fraud yes.

But there WAS concrete proof that the US Constitution was violated by the state of Pennsylvania. SCOTUS shirked its responsibility by claiming that Texas did not have "standing" to challenge what PA did. The Constitution EXPLICITLY says that LEGISLATURES... not governors or anyone else in state government create election law. PA election law as passed by the legislature does NOT authorize the extension of deadlines for the receipt of votes by the state. The governor and sec of state simply decided to ignore the law and Constitution.... and got away with it... and was covered for by the media.

Look. I argue the other way too. I know Trump people who "know" that the election was stolen. Frankly... no they do not "know" any such thing. It was not proven. And so far Trump hasn't "loved his country" enough to come forward with the evidence they do have which includes affidavits from people who witnessed illegal activity by election officials.

This was an absolute mess. My hope that is at a bear minimum we see a tightening of election law to assure that ONLY legal votes are counted... and to make unsolicited mail out ballots illegal. However Dems have power and will oppose any move to secure our elections tooth and nail. Even if you are a Dem supporter... that should bother you a lot.

Another true story. I live in a pretty conservative rural area. When I went in to vote I ran into a guy who was there to vote... who was told that a ballot was sent to his address and returned. No one in his home filled it out. Someone took it from his box and used it. If he had not voted... that vote would have been counted. When 5 million votes are decided by 10,000... you don't have to have too many ballots stolen from mailboxes to make a difference.

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