Coach Heupel is a very strong Christian

Ummm, not believing in God is actually a one way ticket. I am guessing you never read the bible. It has nothing to do with following the bible to the letter. Read up first and comment after gaining knowledge.

I’ve read the Bible. Been to church.

I know where I’m going when I die. I don’t need someone to damn me to hell because I don’t live the way they live.
Is their a politics/religion area on this board?

Asking for a moderator...... who can likely move this thread where it belongs.
Yes. And unfortunately a thread that should have been a positive discussion of Heupel's faith... will probably get deleted.
Going back to his playing days at OU Josh has been active in the church. He makes time to speak at churches and youth groups. He loves his community and honors the value of family.

I glad my coach loves the Lord and is willing to wear his faith on his sleeve.
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Hugh Freeze is a man of faith also isn't he?
I gladly agree with your last statement. Now YOU affirm with me this statement,
Declaring martial law to overturn an election result confirmed by state governments in accordance eith the constitution is unconstitutional and undemocratic.
Interesting that Amazon in Alabama is fighting mail in ballots in their voting to unionize. Not secure enough.
BTW, misleading thread title. Not convinced he's that strong. Biceps don't look that big.
Good on whatever mod or God moved this.

I'm going back to Purgatory..... er..... the Football Forum.

Don't go just yet.....

We are about to discuss pedophilia in the Catholic church and whether or not Q tried to inform everyone.

Then we're gonna make s'mores and sit around the campfire and PJ tells us stories of what volnation was like back in 2006 when it was still running on DOS.
Have you not been watching the last 15 years of UT football? I'm convinced hell exists.
Our previous coaches haven’t been praying hard enough. All of our players who have had season ending injuries, god didn’t listen to their prayers about staying safe. Our only option is to hire a preacher for HC JMO
Going back to his playing days at OU Josh has been active in the church. He makes time to speak at churches and youth groups. He loves his community and honors the value of family.

I glad my coach loves the Lord and is willing to wear his faith on his sleeve.
View attachment 347840
If he loves the Lord and walks in His steps, I will proudly support him.
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