Coach Heupel is a very strong Christian

And what evidence do you have that he's not? He actually has a great story of finding Christ and turning his life around.
I never said he wasn't. I'm sure his story inspires many. Religious stories can be inspiring. I particularly like the one where Jesus got pissed at and smote a hapless fig tree.
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Going back to his playing days at OU Josh has been active in the church. He makes time to speak at churches and youth groups. He loves his community and honors the value of family.

I glad my coach loves the Lord and is willing to wear his faith on his sleeve.
View attachment 347840

But can he win football games? Lots of believers cannot
Ummm, not believing in God is actually a one way ticket. I am guessing you never read the bible. It has nothing to do with following the bible to the letter. Read up first and comment after gaining knowledge.
I've read the Bible in its entirety twice. You sound like you have a literal belief of it
Do you see the air you breathe? No, you don't but it exists. You also are misinterpreting the bible on tattoo's in Leviticus. You also fail to realize that sin is forgiven through Christ if it is indeed a sin.

I can see the air I breathe. I can also see someone who is full of **** when they're right in front of me.
Going back to his playing days at OU Josh has been active in the church. He makes time to speak at churches and youth groups. He loves his community and honors the value of family.

I glad my coach loves the Lord and is willing to wear his faith on his sleeve.
View attachment 347840
Said the guy who’s tag line is “I love big jugs”. Hey, God made those too so I’m not judging. I just thought it was funny. Have a good day!
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Going back to his playing days at OU Josh has been active in the church. He makes time to speak at churches and youth groups. He loves his community and honors the value of family.

I glad my coach loves the Lord and is willing to wear his faith on his sleeve.
View attachment 347840
I'm sure that's wonderful, but he will be judged on wins and losses....
When is UT going to lead the country in diversity and hire a Satanist as head coach?

Deicide and Dark Funeral blasting during practice. Goat sacrifice's pre/post game at midfield at Neyland. A sight to behold!

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