Guys, let's face it.
This is NOT the hire that we expected.
Hart set very high expectations for us fans.
Am I glad we tried Gruden? Sure am, but he should have spoken and lowered expectations in regards to Gruden. He let it get out of control and the bar was set super high.
So we as fans, thanks Hart's mismanagement would not expect anyone but Gruden, Stoops as the grand slam and home run hires. Then once those were out of the picture, we had to start looking at names like Gundy, Strong, Fedora and Jones.
Because Gundy is a proven HC and Strong has coached in the SEC, we saw them both as excellent hires but not quite a home run, probably a triple. They both said no, and now we're down to Fedora, Jones which in my mind are doubles.
so yes, we were flexing to swing for the fences at the bottom of the 9th with the bases loaded, the ball was thrown our way and we swung and hit it but not as far as we wanted.
Had Hart set the expectations to the likes of Gundy, Strong, Fedora, Golden, Jones, we would have been disappointed that we got Jones but it would not be this horrible outcry that led to Tennessee fans to blast Jones' twitter account which that alone is absurd.
If anything needs to be blasted, it's Hart and Cheek, not Jones.
Not his fault he's been hired.
Looking him up, he has a winning record, he rebuilt Cincy after Kelly left and the talent level dropped off, he has beaten Strong 2 out of 3 years and is currently out recruiting him.
So, what we need to do as fans is:
- Express our outrage towards Hart and Cheek
- Support Jones until he gives us a reason not to.
- Blast Social Media, Message Boards and Radio Stations to push Hart and Jones to bring a Tennessee feel to his staff.
- Cheer, do our part.
- Call out the Grudenites that kept saying up until yesterday that he was coming, after Gruden's agent b*tch slapped Hart publicly. Those who believed Gruden was coming and had insider info, prior to Lamonte's comments, I have no problem with.
Just my two cents...