You sound like you might be a good candidate for the new Thought Purity Czar position. You will, of course, need to pass a polygraph to ensure that you never engaged in, or tacitly approved by lack of opposition, any demeaning behavior to include inappropriate thoughts or comments about any groups of people to include their physical appearance or attributes (fat, skinny, short, tall, light, dark, bald, attire choices, anti-male, anti-female, etc), their religious convictions (to include any anti-Scientology, anti-Mormon, anti-Pentacostal, anti-Muslim, anti-Hindu, anti-atheist, anti-Catholic, etc), their cultural or nationalistic attributes (anti-redneck, anti-southern, anti-hippy, anti-new age, anti-yankee, anti-Canadian, anti-Russian, anti-Chinese, anti-French, etc), their political beliefs that are ad hominem (anti-Democrat, anti-Republican, anti-Trump, anti-Obama, anti-Larouche), their job choices (anti-lawyer, anti-carpenter, anti-plumber, anti-call support, etc), their sexual orientation and proclivities (gay, transgender, straight, all the letters that I don't even know what they stand for, anti- foot fetish, anti- dress up like a possum, anti-bondage, etc), their socioeconomic status (anti-rich, anti-poor), and any other categories that are now or in the future deemed to be inappropriate to include veganism/animal rights, tobacco usage, alcohol/drug usage, driving fossil fuel machines, etc. .