Coaching Carousel in Hindsight, turned into.. something else

I get that there's some sarcasm here, but there's also a difference between thinking something about a person's appearance, making a slightly off-color joke and employing racial stereotypes like "lips like Goodyear tires." If you didn't know that was wrong 10 years ago, it's not about changing times, cancel culture, or thought purity, your just a plain ole everyday racist.

Not to mention, who describes another person as a f@ggot in a professional email sent from a work account? That's just classless and dumb.
You are correct, very few people do what Gruden did. I'm not defending Gruden, per se. Personally, I think he is an anachronistic knucklehead who loves himself a bit too much. I am lambasting cancel culture, though. And I really wasn't being sarcastic. If you care to do so, I would be interested in why you think it is ok to demean some people and not others. Where do you personally draw the line, and is that good enough for the mob with their torches? Will it be ok for the future mob with their torches? Perhaps you can provide examples of the off-color jokes and the thoughts about a person's appearance that you have that you deem acceptable to keep you in "good person" status and we can let the Twitter jury decide your fate.
White was the key. We don’t get Heupel without him.
Agreed, we probably don't even look at him w/o White.

I do wonder if they had spoken about it and CJH was the guy all along. Would explain why we "whiffed" on others and covers any concerns of nepotism.
I hate these discussions. There is hardly ever any nuance from either side.

That said, Gruden's comments were really dumb and there was a noticeable pattern. And expressing them via email was monumentally stupid.

I don't believe Gruden is some monster for saying bigoted and sexist things. He's probably just a douchebag.

I tend to agree. Probably just a bad case of “being one of the boys.” Doesn’t free him from the consequences of his actions and words though.
Agreed, we probably don't even look at him w/o White.

I do wonder if they had spoken about it and CJH was the guy all along. Would explain why we "whiffed" on others and covers any concerns of nepotism.

I think he was always the safety net but also think he went hard after the Franklins...Tony and James with both being very close.
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White was the key. We don’t get Heupel without him.
Seems to have ignored the noise and hired a good leader.

Resumes reveal experience... and often cover up a lack of actual leadership ability. Jones and Pruitt both had resumes that indicated success. Both were poor leaders.
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I for one am glad they did not hire that a$$clown.
Mullen is great at developing players. He is probably at his best on gameday. He's not a particularly good recruiter. He can possibly get away with that at the flagship school in a state that produces 75 4/5* players each year... and probably has a number of 3* who are better than higher rated players from other states that the recruiting svcs underrate to avoid fan backlash.

He would have failed miserably at UT. Not only is the talent not as concentrated... it isn't as close.
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Reports from major sporting news outlets saying Jon Gruden is resigning as the head coach of the Raiders. This may undoubtedly end his coaching career with the surfacing of the emails he sent back in 2010-2011.

I know we are early on in the Heupel tenure, but this hire still looks so much better than the other "names" that were always bounced around during coaching surfaces.

Jon Gruden, Tony Elliot, PJ Fleck, Matt Campbell, Mike Leach, Gus Malzahn, Tom Herman, etc etc etc.
The list of names goes on and on and it is encouraging to see what originated as a "boring hire" to what Heupel has done thus far.

Still ALOT of football to go and he still is super early in his tenure, but compared to some of the "popular" names and their performance at other schools/NFL, the Danny White and Josh Heupel hires are looking better than ever today.
Let’s just hope there are no skeletons in Heupel’s closet.
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I get that there's some sarcasm here, but there's also a difference between thinking something about a person's appearance, making a slightly off-color joke and employing racial stereotypes like "lips like Goodyear tires." If you didn't know that was wrong 10 years ago, it's not about changing times, cancel culture, or thought purity, your just a plain ole everyday racist.
Not sure about overall but your example is actually a good example of TRUE racism and cancel culture and thought police. Take a break and watch Blazing Saddles.

If a white person or even black person said another white person had "lips like Goodyear tires" then you might find it rude... or funny.... you wouldn't call it "racist". Racism will be truly dead in this country when no one takes this kind of charge of racism serious.... when the color of someone's skin, size of their lips, color of their eyes, curliness of their hair, et al are just benign things. When simple facts can be discussed without out labels being thrown around to squelch discussion.

Not to mention, who describes another person as a f@ggot in a professional email sent from a work account? That's just classless and dumb.
It is dumb. It is classless. Is it worse than some of the discriminatory things done to and said about serious Christians and conservatives? Things that are not only not condemned but often considered "thoughtful", sophisticated, and progressive.

I think being called a ****** by a football coach is considerably less "offensive" than having a President threaten FBI investigations against parents who FACTUALLY express concerns about historical revisionism being taught to THEIR KIDS.
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The Raiders really lucked out.
They get to dump a career .500 coach that's gone 22-31 for them without (I assume) a buyout
This is such a ridiculous take. It was ok for him to be a racist piece of garage back in 2011? What’s the stature of limitations on making horrifically racist comments? This isn’t a situation where a white dude uses the “n word” amongst friends when he was a teenager.


People never change

Because others like you insist that they don't

Such piety is frightening as the pure are only pure in posture and rarely in reality.

Have you ever done ANYTHING wrong? Im gonna bet you have. And when they come for you in a decade or two try to remember you helped them come for you.
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disability don’t check old emails do they?

Anyone know how to delete history from like years ago?

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My client thinks the world of the Volunteer program and its fans.

He would welcome any opportunity to discuss future opportunities. VFL Coordinator, Quality Control Assistant, Water Boy, Janitor, Groundskeeper etc.

Deleted. Not sure I can get the humor right on this one.
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Is it worse than some of the discriminatory things done to and said about serious Christians and conservatives?

Speaking as a conservative evangelical myself, yes, yes it is.

And for the record, some of the most judgmental, heartless comments I see on social media more often then not come from people who want to tell you how much they love Jesus on their bios. Which is helpful actually, because you'd never know otherwise if you have judge solely by their actions.
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Gruden was in a role of authority. You probably should read more about.
I’ve read the emails. Also had coaches that have said some pretty inflammatory things in the past, most of them also happened to be pretty decent human beings.

I don’t like what he said, absolutely should be punished but this world has gotten crazy about if you’ve ever made an offensive statement you should be fired. A lot of these social justice warriors haven’t done a damn thing for society other than complain daily on social media and some of the people they’ve taken down have done a lot for communities and people while in those positions. Not making this just specific to gruden either.
The Raiders really lucked out.
They get to dump a career .500 coach that's gone 22-31 for them without (I assume) a buyout
That’s to be determined. He was in the 4th year of a 10 year $100 million contract. I could see them paying him for this season and maybe next and call it a day.
Speaking as a conservative evangelical myself, yes, yes it is.
So you think calling someone a name is worse than forcing a couple out of business because they politely declined to make a cake for a homosexual wedding specifically because it violated their conscience? Or literally years of legal harassment of a Christian photographer for doing the same even though other photographers were available? You think calling someone a name is worse than having your children subjected to public school indoctrination in direct contradiction to clear biblical morality?

And for the record, some of the most judgmental, heartless comments I see on social media more often then not come from people who want to tell you how much they love Jesus on their bios. Which is helpful actually, because you'd never know otherwise if you have judge solely by their actions.
And some of the most dangerous things to religious liberty today... are the comments and actions of those who care more about being "tolerant" than they are the suppression of other Christians.

Jesus forgave the repentant. He didn't excuse or show "tolerance" for sin. In His words, "Go your way and sin no more".
Reports from major sporting news outlets saying Jon Gruden is resigning as the head coach of the Raiders. This may undoubtedly end his coaching career with the surfacing of the emails he sent back in 2010-2011.

I know we are early on in the Heupel tenure, but this hire still looks so much better than the other "names" that were always bounced around during coaching surfaces.

Jon Gruden, Tony Elliot, PJ Fleck, Matt Campbell, Mike Leach, Gus Malzahn, Tom Herman, etc etc etc.
The list of names goes on and on and it is encouraging to see what originated as a "boring hire" to what Heupel has done thus far.

Still ALOT of football to go and he still is super early in his tenure, but compared to some of the "popular" names and their performance at other schools/NFL, the Danny White and Josh Heupel hires are looking better than ever today.

There was never anything boring about the hire. People who said otherwise never bothered to look at the evidence in front of them. We are playing AAC style football now, which is fun and exciting because we score a lot of points. Throw a little D in there and we are all of a sudden a competitive SEC team. We don’t need drama, NFL chops, or a talking head for a coach. We need one who scores lots of points. Looks like we got that. Be happy
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Off topic but I really don't agree with this. Gruden in my humble opinion should not be forced to resign because of something he said or emailed 10 years ago. I think this is really unfair because when this happened he didn't have this job.

Let’s say there’s a career field out there that you would really like to keep yourself open to (NFL Coach). It would behoove you to not talk trash about a person who wields immense power in that field (Roger Goodell) in a notoriously permanent medium that presumably others have access to.

It was just incredibly dumb for an adult man to behave this way. There’s no reason to think that he behaves any differently in private today and it’s hard to blame an employer for wishing to part ways with such a person.

That’s not to say that we don’t all make mistakes or whether a person is deserving of another chance, but let’s be clear the responsibility for this starts and ends with John Gruden. Whether or not you believe in “cancel culture” or whatever is a separate discussion. The guy behaved boorishly and is suffering the consequences.
So you think calling someone a name is worse than forcing a couple out of business because they politely declined to make a cake for a homosexual wedding specifically because it violated their conscience? Or literally years of legal harassment of a Christian photographer for doing the same even though other photographers were available? You think calling someone a name is worse than having your children subjected to public school indoctrination in direct contradiction to clear biblical morality?

You seem like the type of person that screams about hearing a different opinion being communism without the slight clue what that actually means. And a racist.

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You seem like the type of person that screams about hearing a different opinion being communism without the slight clue what that actually means. And a racist.

And you are a hypocrite guilty of the very thing you condemn. You've judged without knowledge and based on your own conjuring rather than truth.

It is noteworthy that you avoided the actual point of my response. Namecalling simply isn't worse than actually suppression of rights and liberties.

I believe in one race. We are all shades of brown. The other divisions... are manufactured and sin.

What about communism... or fascism... or their ideological twins socialism and progressivism would you like to discuss? All are systems designed to confiscate rights and replace God with government as the source for moral instruction, social justice (as opposed to legal justice), and "truth".

I don't mind different opinions. I will generally challenge the reasoning behind them and welcome others to challenge my facts and reasoning. I'd rather be proven wrong than believe something that is untrue.
I’ve read the emails. Also had coaches that have said some pretty inflammatory things in the past, most of them also happened to be pretty decent human beings.

I don’t like what he said, absolutely should be punished but this world has gotten crazy about if you’ve ever made an offensive statement you should be fired. A lot of these social justice warriors haven’t done a damn thing for society other than complain daily on social media and some of the people they’ve taken down have done a lot for communities and people while in those positions. Not making this just specific to gruden either.
Pathetic rationalization. Probably should do some more research on this specific issue. You're conflating issues and making yourself look stupid doing it. Damn

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