Cohen likely to cooperate with prosecution

Cohen would be picked apart on this, regardless. After denying any knowledge in his congressional testimony, changing the story, now, will not be given much credence.

I do get a feeling though, even if he hard proof of Trump's knowledge of the meeting, the narrative would morph into, "So, what?".

I’ll give you a “so what” and for good measure I’ll throw in a WGAF for free.
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That's his schtick, posting videos nobody watches. Stick around and see the ones of the leather hippie who lives in mama's basement.

I was going to comment on the "general characteristics" of QTrumpers...but those Qwazy people's videos he posted in support of Q was all that was needed.
I would rather trump be voted out of office than impeached. Much better for a democracy.


Is it really so hard to believe that a man with his lack or moral character wouldn’t accept the help of another nation state to “win” given how important “winning” is to him?

Mueller is many steps ahead of trump. Smart and calculated beats an erratic bulley every time.

It's not a question of "would he", it's a question of "did he", and honestly, I don't think he did. No proof has surfaced to show that he did. For all of his digging, Mueller has produced nothing to suggest Trump was complicit with the crimes of Russia.

Mueller is not "steps ahead" of Trump. Mueller is using his power to dig into every other aspect of Trump's life looking for something to take him down because he knows he can't prove this charge of collusion. If Trump does get impeached, it won't be because he colluded with Russia, which is the supposed crime Mueller is investigating. I get that there are people who don't like Trump and his moral character, but when did moral character become a reason for impeachment? If it were, several of our past President's would have been subjected to impeachment themselves.

Mueller's investigation is walking down a dangerous path that can't be unwalked. People will use this investigation as precedent to chase after future President's based on party lines. We've reached a point where investigations will be demanded simply because one side is upset that their candidate lost. We've become a nation of sore losers.
It's not a question of "would he", it's a question of "did he", and honestly, I don't think he did. No proof has surfaced to show that he did. For all of his digging, Mueller has produced nothing to suggest Trump was complicit with the crimes of Russia.

Mueller is not "steps ahead" of Trump. Mueller is using his power to dig into every other aspect of Trump's life looking for something to take him down because he knows he can't prove this charge of collusion. If Trump does get impeached, it won't be because he colluded with Russia, which is the supposed crime Mueller is investigating. I get that there are people who don't like Trump and his moral character, but when did moral character become a reason for impeachment? If it were, several of our past President's would have been subjected to impeachment themselves.

Mueller's investigation is walking down a dangerous path that can't be unwalked. People will use this investigation as precedent to chase after future President's based on party lines. We've reached a point where investigations will be demanded simply because one side is upset that their candidate lost. We've become a nation of sore losers.

Respectfully disagree with your first two paragraphs, I believe that the convictions and immunities being granted are all laying the groundwork for the bigger picture. Trump’s inner circle has been very sloppy with their stories and paper trails, frankly, because trump has been able to bully his opponents into submission historically. This sloppiness makes the job for Muellers team easier. These things take time, largely because of needing to get the ducks in a row with a high degree of precision, but I get the sense he’s closing in with so many of trumps people turning on him in recent weeks.

Related to your third paragraph, I agree that politics has become so divisive that we risk seeing this occur again. However, my belief is that the current state is so nasty that good lessons will be learned going forward and we won’t elect such an unqualified, antagonistic, narsissistic, corrupt bully and demagogue again any time soon. If you believe in any sense of karma, trump has brought much of this on himself. He didn’t have to conduct himself by constantly attacking, he could have acted with dignity and civility. Of course, that’s not who he is. But what goes around comes around and he’s going to get his.
Respectfully disagree with your first two paragraphs, I believe that the convictions and immunities being granted are all laying the groundwork for the bigger picture. Trump’s inner circle has been very sloppy with their stories and paper trails, frankly, because trump has been able to bully his opponents into submission historically. This sloppiness makes the job for Muellers team easier. These things take time, largely because of needing to get the ducks in a row with a high degree of precision, but I get the sense he’s closing in with so many of trumps people turning on him in recent weeks.

Related to your third paragraph, I agree that politics has become so divisive that we risk seeing this occur again. However, my belief is that the current state is so nasty that good lessons will be learned going forward and we won’t elect such an unqualified, antagonistic, narsissistic, corrupt bully and demagogue again any time soon. If you believe in any sense of karma, trump has brought much of this on himself. He didn’t have to conduct himself by constantly attacking, he could have acted with dignity and civility. Of course, that’s not who he is. But what goes around comes around and he’s going to get his.

So to be clear, you believe Trump was complicit with Russia and that Mueller will ultimately prove that? If that's the case, I'm sorry, I think you're deluding yourself. I won't say that Trump will escape impeachment, but he will not be impeached for the so-called crime of collusion.

As for learning lessons, when have politicians ever learned anything? The last election we were dealt two horrible candidates, yet the left continues to argue Hillary wasn't a horrible candidate. She was bad enough that American's chose a known egomaniac over her. Yet instead of accepting that fact, instead of acknowledging it, they cling to the whole Russian collusion story despite facts supporting that even without Russia's efforts, the outcome of the election would be the same. Nothing has been learned.

This picture that anti-Trumpers are trying to create that they are on the side of morality is laughable. This has nothing to do with morals. It's purely partisan and butthurt. The reason anyone embraced Trump is they saw him as different. Sure, he's a loudmouth obnoxious ass hole, but the difference between him and every other politician is he doesn't hide it.
Same could be asked about Cohen, yet you haven't. I wonder why
Maybe because he has tapes and documents to support what he’s saying (see Gates and the Manafort trail).

There is absolutely no one in this whole mess who has any credibility. Just like in the Manafort trail, where the jury disregarded Gates entire testimony, this will come down to where the tapes and paper trail leads it.
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So to be clear, you believe Trump was complicit with Russia and that Mueller will ultimately prove that? If that's the case, I'm sorry, I think you're deluding yourself. I won't say that Trump will escape impeachment, but he will not be impeached for the so-called crime of collusion.

As for learning lessons, when have politicians ever learned anything? The last election we were dealt two horrible candidates, yet the left continues to argue Hillary wasn't a horrible candidate. She was bad enough that American's chose a known egomaniac over her. Yet instead of accepting that fact, instead of acknowledging it, they cling to the whole Russian collusion story despite facts supporting that even without Russia's efforts, the outcome of the election would be the same. Nothing has been learned.

This picture that anti-Trumpers are trying to create that they are on the side of morality is laughable. This has nothing to do with morals. It's purely partisan and butthurt. The reason anyone embraced Trump is they saw him as different. Sure, he's a loudmouth obnoxious ass hole, but the difference between him and every other politician is he doesn't hide it.

Show me another high-level politician that publicly criticizes his own cabinet members, publicly criticizes the FBI, publicly criticizes the fourth estate which is essential to democracy, and takes the side of a Russian autocrat over his own intelligence agencies. You are in serious delusion if you think trump is more of the same. He's much worse, much, much worse in that he is undermining fundamental principles of democracy.

We can disagree on the conclusion of the Mueller probe, no point arguing over that at this point.
Cohen Has No Dirt for Mueller and His Lawyer Totally Trolled CNN

Who is this John Lennon impersonator that you keep posting youtube videos of? And why doesn't he own a shirt that has buttons?
I went to watch him at War Memorial Auditorium about 4 or 5 years ago. He's still got it even though he left the band years before. Quite the showman.
So DeYoung tours separate from Styx now. I saw him about 3 years ago. DeYoung was Styx and sounds more like Styx than the current Styx does in my opinion.
So DeYoung tours separate from Styx now. I saw him about 3 years ago. DeYoung was Styx and sounds more like Styx than the current Styx does in my opinion.
I think both are fantastic. I've seen Styx several times without him over the last few years. Their precision is phenomenal.

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