Cohen likely to cooperate with prosecution

Yes, those inner City kids born into poverty to crack-addicted single moms have no excuses, but Trump doesn't have to take personal responsibility. Sounds about right.

Saw a mention of this in another thread. If the payments to SD and the other women were illegal because they were an attempt to influence the election by keeping them quite, wouldn't the slush fund congress has to pay off sexual harassment victims be illegal since they have to sign an NDA to get the money?
Saw a mention of this in another thread. If the payments to SD and the other women were illegal because they were an attempt to influence the election by keeping them quite, wouldn't the slush fund congress has to pay off sexual harassment victims be illegal since they have to sign an NDA to get the money?
One would think.
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They are only legal scholars is they agree with you. amiright

Stop embarrassing yourself, Cohen went to jail because he broke the law.

Real federal laws, real federal prosecutors and a real federal judge are sending Cohen to a real federal prison. If you want to make the case that the legal scholars I agree with are wrong, you'll have to convince me that all of these folks and the attorney that plead guilty all somehow missed your superior google search education.
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Stop embarrassing yourself, Cohen went to jail because he broke the law.

Real federal laws, real federal prosecutors and a real federal judge are sending Cohen to a real federal prison. If you want to make the case that the legal scholars I agree with are wrong, you'll have to convince me that all of these folks and the attorney that plead guilty all somehow missed your superior google search education.

Not I who has embarrassed themselves. That would be you.
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Nothing to see here folks let's keep it moving.

Is Trump guilty of a crime?
No. First, he hasn't even been charged. And it is unlikely he will be while in office given the Justice Department policy against charging sitting presidents. To win a case against Trump would require proving the standard of "knowingly and willfully." Trump has said in recent days he didn't know about the payments and described the Daniels case as a "simple private transaction."

Is what the Obama campaign was fined for the same issue or something different?
Something different. The Obama campaign paid a civil fine of $375,000 imposed by the Federal Election Commission after his 2008 campaign did not turn in reports for about 1,300 last-minute donations that totaled nearly $1.9 million. No criminal charges were filed.

Why hush money Michael Cohen paid Stormy Daniels was an illegal campaign donation
What if there are "tapes"? The horrors!

Have you ever seen a network more in the tank to protect a liar?

If they're tapes and Trump actually knew he can pay the FEC fine and move on.

Nope, I didn't do it.

Well, you can't prove it.

OK, even if I did - Obama did it too.

OK, I did it but it's not a crime.

Ok, It's crime - just pay the fine and move on.

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