Cohen likely to cooperate with prosecution

I wonder what's on tap for executive time this morning?


I doubt Trump would have known. He didn't know to tell the two agents to fk off that showed up at the White House without following proper channels to interview Flynn.
I hope at some point you guys come to terms with the reality that political partisan punditry has no bearing on actual law.
Except this guy isn't a political partisan, but don't let that get in the way of your daily BS.
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Except this guy isn't a political partisan, but don't let that get in the way of your daily BS.

National Review - LOL, if you say so.

Be sure to send Cohen a letter in jail to tell him how he didn't commit a crime, I'm sure the op-ed's you cite will comfort him.
National Review - LOL, if you say so.

Be sure to send Cohen a letter in jail to tell him how he didn't commit a crime, I'm sure the op-ed's you cite will comfort him.

When you have nothing, disparage the publication.

The author is a law professor and former head of the FEC and had a hand in writing the regulations. Yep, he's just an ignorant political hack like you.
When you have nothing, disparage the publication.

The author is a law professor and former head of the FEC and had a hand in writing the regulations. Yep, he's just an ignorant political hack like you.

Have nothing? LOL, Cohen was convicted.


Scoreboard, look at the scoreboard.
Nope, I didn't do it.

Well, you can't prove it.

OK, even if I did - Obama did it too.

OK, I did it but it's not a crime.

Ok, It's crime - just pay the fine and move on.
Actually some of us have said “who cares just pay the fine and move on!” from day one. But don’t stop believing!
National Review - LOL, if you say so.

Be sure to send Cohen a letter in jail to tell him how he didn't commit a crime, I'm sure the op-ed's you cite will comfort him.
I thought he was doing time for tax evasion. He plead guilty to the campaign finance charge to only get 3 years. I don't remember anyone recently going to jail for what he did as it relates to campaign finance violations. That charge was to hurt Trump.
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I thought he was doing time for tax evasion. He plead guilty to the campaign finance charge to only get 3 years. I don't remember anyone recently going to jail for what he did as it relates to campaign finance violations. That charge was to hurt Trump.

Ding, ding, ding.

This allowed him to walk on bigger things while creating the appearance that Trump broke the law without ever having to prove in court that any law was even broken.
I thought he was doing time for tax evasion. He plead guilty to the campaign finance charge to only get 3 years. I don't remember anyone recently going to jail for what he did as it relates to campaign finance violations. That charge was to hurt Trump.

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump’s onetime attorney and personal fixer, Michael Cohen, told a federal court on Tuesday that he had paid off two women to silence them before the 2016 election at Trump’s "direction," and admitted that the payments were illegal.
Cohen admitted he paid an adult film star hush money "at the direction of" a candidate running for federal office, a reference to Trump. He said the payment was intended to keep her from talking about an affair she said she had with the billionaire in 2006.

Judge William H. Pauley III called Mr. Cohen’s crimes a “veritable smorgasbord of fraudulent conduct” and added, “Each of the crimes involved deception and each appears to have been motivated by personal greed and ambition.” He added that Mr. Cohen’s particular crimesbreaking campaign finance laws, tax evasion and lying to Congress — “implicate a far more insidious harm to our democratic institutions.”

“As a lawyer, Mr. Cohen should have known better,” the judge said.

LOL @ "smorgasbord of fraud"
Edwards used campaign money, completely different.
I am about to the point of letting these obsessed lefty loons drool all over each other and have their circle jerk until they go blind, without any interruption by me. Facts are irrelevant to them.
I am about to the point of letting these obsessed lefty loons drool all over each other and have their circle jerk until they go blind, without any interruption by me. Facts are irrelevant to them.
Same here, but opposite.
I'm about to the point of letting the redhatters ride this one out to the bitter and unavoidable end. The only curiosity I have left is who will be the first redhatter on here to acknowledge that they were wrong, that Trump wasn't what they thought, and that the sooner he's gone the better.

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