Columbus teen shot by police

yeah, LeBron is NO reality TV star thats for sure. He should shut up

He doesn’t have to shut up , just trying thinking more before he posts something everyone but him knows is stupid . How long did that tweet stay up before it was deleted?
I have no idea

yeah, twitter is for idiots
If LeBron doesn't want response, good or bad, then he shouldn't put forth his opinions to begin with. Seems that's the whole purpose of social media to begin with.
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Good point. If he switched his twitter opinions around a little bit, he could probably get the Republican nomination for president

Or if he would stay in his basement and have the mental capacity of a half dead lab rat, he could win the democratic nomination. On second thought might make him over qualified.
The problem isn't LeBron James' opinion. The problem is social media like Twitter that allows everyone to post opinions so quickly, before they can actually be thought out. People say stupid things off the top of their head without putting much thought into it. That may fly around people who know you and your true character. But when you put those malformed opinions out there to millions of people who don't really know you from Adam....Well, you can easily end up looking stupid, or misinformed. Twitter really is the devil.
LeBron James is a great guy. Family man, loyal to his wife, great father, has done more for charitable causes than everyone here combined.

ya'll want to #cancel him cause you dont like his opinion. growwwww up
Are you sure? Same was said about Kobi until news came out of CO, that couldn't be hushed.
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It's not even his opinion that's the problem. It's that he doxxed the cop and put a target on his back.
Missed that. Something he absolutely should not have done. Seems like everyone (with a lick of common sense) should be able to agree on that.
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The problem isn't LeBron James' opinion. The problem is social media like Twitter that allows everyone to post opinions so quickly, before they can actually be thought out. People say stupid things off the top of their head without putting much thought into it. That may fly around people who know you and your true character. But when you put those malformed opinions out there to millions of people who don't really know you from Adam....Well, you can easily end up looking stupid, or misinformed. Twitter really is the devil.

After 4 years of the President of the United States tweeting like a retarded teenager 20+ times a day, opinions like this fall on deaf ears
If LeBron doesn't want response, good or bad, then he shouldn't put forth his opinions to begin with. Seems that's the whole purpose of social media to begin with.
I really think a big pain point for him is the criticism he'd get from his own "side" if he didn't weigh in on this stuff.

LeBron plays in an age where people, especially famous people like him, are expected to have strong opinions about different things and make them known. He also, unlike MJ who faced some of the same pressures (although not to the same extent), I think is sensitive to those criticisms and wants to avoid them.

He knows that regardless of what he does, he is going to take heat from a side, and he's made a decision to take heat from the other side. There is no way to appease both sides.
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After 4 years of the President of the United States tweeting like a retarded teenager 20+ times a day, opinions like this fall on deaf ears
I had the same opinion about his tweets, and said so many times.
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