Columbus teen shot by police

I think the majority of people genuinely suck, especially when it comes to how they treat other people,regardless of color.
Agreed. People have forgotten how to be civil toward one another. You don't have to like one another to just get along.

Personally, I don't hate anyone. I may not like certain people based on their attitude or character, but I don't waste time with hate. And I certainly don't use a person's skin color as a judge of character.
I think I’m struggling with the term Black Supremacist because if you call someone a white supremacist it is automatically implied that that person is racist because they believe in their race being dominant and others being subservient or lesser than. I would assume that black Supremacist would be in that same sort of thought process. Either way I do not care for LeBron’s political or racial ideologies. I do think he’s completely FOS, and even though that guy has the potential to be the first athlete billionaire I still feel his lack of intelligence or education is a massive insecurity he carries with him. I agree with you in that I think his desire to be some sort of SJW to set him apart from Jordan and make him more endearing to the black community.

Edit: full disclosure: I’ve been a LeBron fan for a long time and have always had great respect for his basketball and athletic ability.I’ve even owned 2 pairs of his shoes, but his constant pot stirring in ways that I don’t agree with do interfere with my ability to just watch him casually and not cheer against him.
Not letting LeBron off the hook for this because ultimately it is his decision, but when he speaks about these things sometimes I get the impression that he's a guy being goaded by handlers/managers into weighing in on certain things that he probably genuinely does want to weigh into, but isn't the best at going about it. He has the look of a guy a lot of times who wants to say something (but doesn't know what exactly), and he has a bunch of people suggesting that he say certain things, and what comes out is a blend of his own views + whatever his handlers think sounds good or will help his image. Take the infamous clip where he's speaking to the media about reading a book that Malcolm X wrote. Now, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he might be actually reading the book, but when he talked with the media it was clear he hadn't read much or knew next to nothing about it, and I think the idea to walk about there, book in hand, and just start talking about it was probably an idea from a handler. Watch the clip - it feels so awkward and contrived.

As mentioned previously I think he's acutely aware of the criticism MJ received about not being enough on board with the political causes people wanted him to be, and wants to avoid that. However if you do weigh in, you of course take criticism from people who disagree with you. Ultimately, people in his position have to decide if they want to take criticism from their own side (if they say nothing) or from the other side.
The quote from me was not trying to cancel LeBron. I dont care what he says in public. He doesn't work for me.
I didn't read or infer cancel lebron in your post.

Kinda confused why tasty chose it to illustrate her take.
Not letting LeBron off the hook for this because ultimately it is his decision, but when he speaks about these things sometimes I get the impression that he's a guy being goaded by handlers/managers into weighing in on certain things that he probably genuinely does want to weigh into, but isn't the best at going about it. He has the look of a guy a lot of times who wants to say something (but doesn't know what exactly), and he has a bunch of people suggesting that he say certain things, and what comes out is a blend of his own views + whatever his handlers think sounds good or will help his image. Take the infamous clip where he's speaking to the media about reading a book that Malcolm X wrote. Now, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he might be actually reading the book, but when he talked with the media it was clear he hadn't read much or knew next to nothing about it, and I think the idea to walk about there, book in hand, and just start talking about it was probably an idea from a handler. Watch the clip - it feels so awkward and contrived.

As mentioned previously I think he's acutely aware of the criticism MJ received about not being enough on board with the political causes people wanted him to be, and wants to avoid that. However if you do weigh in, you of course take criticism from people who disagree with you. Ultimately, people in his position have to decide if they want to take criticism from their own side (if they say nothing) or from the other side.

That's some in depth thought and analysis. I am in the camp of why what he says, or reads, or is managed matters. He doesn't make policy. As far as I know, he doesn't influence our laws.
just a sampling...

"This is whats always bugged me about crap like this. Why do athletes and politicians get to say stuff like that or bring politics on the court, but if i pulled anything close to what they do I would be fired in a heartbeat."

"I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics."

"Not this time but social media accounts like that represent the sport..... I could be fired for making similar comments on social media in the same."
You an Olympic athlete? If not you should consider the broad jump.
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just a sampling...

"This is whats always bugged me about crap like this. Why do athletes and politicians get to say stuff like that or bring politics on the court, but if i pulled anything close to what they do I would be fired in a heartbeat."

"I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics."

"Not this time but social media accounts like that represent the sport..... I could be fired for making similar comments on social media in the same."
None of those are calling for his cancellation.
LeBron James is a great guy. Family man, loyal to his wife, great father, has done more for charitable causes than everyone here combined.

ya'll want to #cancel him cause you dont like his opinion. growwwww up

I don’t want him canceled , I like having snakes and people with stupid ideologies out in the open where we can see them . Both are a lot less dangerous that way .
Lebron said you're next to a guy who just saved a life. If he would have owned the mistake, fine. But I don't think he views it as a mistake based on his following tweet. This is very similar to his China tweets earlier. These aren't mistakes, these are his views, and they are wrong.
That's some in depth thought and analysis. I am in the camp of why what he says, or reads, or is managed matters. He doesn't make policy. As far as I know, he doesn't influence our laws.
Yep. I don't think it is really worth going after him at the same level as someone that makes policy, but in some ways people with large megaphones (like him) can be just as powerful as the folks making the laws.
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LeBron James is a great guy. Family man, loyal to his wife, great father, has done more for charitable causes than everyone here combined.

ya'll want to #cancel him cause you dont like his opinion. growwwww up
I don’t think anyone is trying to cancel anyone. Plus LeBron could have more evidence brought against him in a murder case than OJ and he still wouldn’t be cancelled.
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You can sensationalize any cop shooting a citizen. It's deeper than that.
I tend to stay away from grand-cabal-conspiracies, or explanations which are rooted in the media driving society to a destination they want.

I think, and I may be horribly off target here, what we see as captivating our discussions on this forum and what we see as a "narrative" by the media are very similar. Does Freak have an agenda on socio economics? We tend to talk about things which get our emotions ratcheted up. And unfortunately, whites and latino cops killing whites and latinos does not spike our collective emotional state. Just as, the murder rate in chicago is barely registered as a casual mention or as a rebuttal to another train of thought.
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I tend to stay away from grand-cabal-conspiracies, or explanations which are rooted in the media driving society to a destination they want.

I think, and I may be horrible off target here, what we see as captivating our discussions on this forum and what we see as a "narrative" by the media are very similar. Does Freak have an agenda on socio economics? We tend to talk about things which get our emotions ratcheted up. And unfortunately, whites and latino cops killing whites and latinos does not spike our collective emotional state. Just as, the murder rate in chicago is barely registered as a casual mention or as a rebuttal to another train of thought.

Hell yeah Freak has an agenda.
I don’t think anyone is trying to cancel anyone. Plus LeBron could have more evidence brought against him in a murder case than OJ and he still wouldn’t be cancelled.

OK, I guess I was wrong. Everyone here appears to be so accepting of LeBron James' opinions lol
LeBron James is a great guy. Family man, loyal to his wife, great father, has done more for charitable causes than everyone here combined.

ya'll want to #cancel him cause you dont like his opinion. growwwww up

I tend to agree with this. His politics is rotten as well as his victimhood narrative, but there arent many of his critics who could see through that cultural narrative either and most cant see through their own culutral narrative that binds them.

At the end if the day, he's a better role model (for the reasons you listed) for kids than most other celebrities media tries to feed them, but the bar is pretty damn low unfortunately.
Yep. I don't think it is really worth going after him at the same level as someone that makes policy, but in some ways people with large megaphones (like him) can be just as powerful as the folks making the laws.
That's true. If her were to coalesce a large group of people and spur them on to take action, then he crossed a threshold for which culpability is required.

...say, for instance, getting his fans to attack the capitol in DC.
Not letting LeBron off the hook for this because ultimately it is his decision, but when he speaks about these things sometimes I get the impression that he's a guy being goaded by handlers/managers into weighing in on certain things that he probably genuinely does want to weigh into, but isn't the best at going about it. He has the look of a guy a lot of times who wants to say something (but doesn't know what exactly), and he has a bunch of people suggesting that he say certain things, and what comes out is a blend of his own views + whatever his handlers think sounds good or will help his image. Take the infamous clip where he's speaking to the media about reading a book that Malcolm X wrote. Now, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he might be actually reading the book, but when he talked with the media it was clear he hadn't read much or knew next to nothing about it, and I think the idea to walk about there, book in hand, and just start talking about it was probably an idea from a handler. Watch the clip - it feels so awkward and contrived.

As mentioned previously I think he's acutely aware of the criticism MJ received about not being enough on board with the political causes people wanted him to be, and wants to avoid that. However if you do weigh in, you of course take criticism from people who disagree with you. Ultimately, people in his position have to decide if they want to take criticism from their own side (if they say nothing) or from the other side.

It would help to not be a hypocrite. Also, When you have millions of people that you have some influence over, you should probably be measured before making statements.
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