Columbus teen shot by police

The problem isn't LeBron James' opinion. The problem is social media like Twitter that allows everyone to post opinions so quickly, before they can actually be thought out. People say stupid things off the top of their head without putting much thought into it. That may fly around people who know you and your true character. But when you put those malformed opinions out there to millions of people who don't really know you from Adam....Well, you can easily end up looking stupid, or misinformed. Twitter really is the devil.

I disagree. It is not the devil. I dont use it, but it is not the devil.

I like that it allows us to see who people really are and what they think.

I compare it to my belief that businesses should be allowed to discriminate based on race, sex, religion, height, etc. I prefer to know what people believe rather than it be hidden.
Right? People like Gina Carano get to share their opinions with no consequences at all.
It's okay to cancel people's opinions you don't agree with. Tasty just agrees with LeBron, which is why it's bad in this case.

Seriously, we all practice some degree of hypocrisy in our lives. Some just embrace it more than others.
His first tweet was a picture of the cop with the words "YOU'RE NEXT!" He deleted that tweet after a few hours.
I think I saw that one posted here yesterday. I took the "you're next" as youre the next cop to get found guilty of murder (like Chauvin). Was there something more sinister in play?
If you're putting your opinion out there, you should expect it will be attacked by someone. Whether you're a star basketball player or the President of the United States, volunteering your opinion to the public is asking for a response. Not everyone is gonna agree with you.

I agree. Do not give your opinion on something unless you are willing to take the backlash, deserved or undeserved. It is laughable how celebrities and athletes give an opinion then play the victim when there is not a 100 percent agreement with the statement.
I really think a big pain point for him is the criticism he'd get from his own "side" if he didn't weigh in on this stuff.

LeBron plays in an age where people, especially famous people like him, are expected to have strong opinions about different things and make them known. He also, unlike MJ who faced some of the same pressures (although not to the same extent), I think is sensitive to those criticisms and wants to avoid them.

He knows that regardless of what he does, he is going to take heat from a side, and he's made a decision to take heat from the other side. There is no way to appease both sides.
I get it. I'm just of the opinion it's better to stay quiet if you're not wholly informed. Not everything requires an immediate response.
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I think I saw that one posted here yesterday. I took the "you're next" as youre the next cop to get found guilty of murder (like Chauvin). Was there something more sinister in play?

I'm sure that's what he meant. But I'm also sure that there are several nutjobs amongst Lebron's millions of twitter followers who might not have taken it that way.
I think Biden is proving that the President isn't the person that really runs the country so does it even matter?

Good point. We have 3 branches for a reason. Very refreshing after 4 years of hero worship and a desire for authoritarian rule
I'm sure that's what he meant. But I'm also sure that there are several nutjobs amongst Lebron's millions of twitter followers who might not have taken it that way.
Understood. Don't share the same concern but I understand how you arrived.
The problem isn't LeBron James' opinion. The problem is social media like Twitter that allows everyone to post opinions so quickly, before they can actually be thought out. People say stupid things off the top of their head without putting much thought into it. That may fly around people who know you and your true character. But when you put those malformed opinions out there to millions of people who don't really know you from Adam....Well, you can easily end up looking stupid, or misinformed. Twitter really is the devil.
I've thought this for a long time.

Social media, and Twitter in particular, is the public manifestation of hot takes that, before Twitter existed, would have simply remained in people's heads or shared amongst whoever happened to be around at the time they had the thought (like guys shooting the breeze at a bar or something).

Today, the technology exists to send those kinds of thoughts all around the world, where everybody can see them in real time, and it makes people crazy. It isn't that people, or politics, or culture has gotten more controversial over's just that some people post stuff that in the past nobody would have known about on Twitter now.
I disagree. It is not the devil. I dont use it, but it is not the devil.

I like that it allows us to see who people really are and what they think.

I compare it to my belief that businesses should be allowed to discriminate based on race, sex, religion, height, etc. I prefer to know what people believe rather than it be hidden.

I don't think it gives us an accurate depiction of who people really are. It's a funhouse mirror that gives us a distorted picture of who people are. In no way do I think we get an accurate picture. How could you from random thoughts with character restrictions?
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Understood. Don't share the same concern but I understand how you arrived.

I think a good rule of thumb is to never dox anyone for any reason. Lebron's intent may have been relatively innocuous. But no one controls how his words will be perceived, and it's simply irresponsible to blast the man's picture out with any kind of threat attached.

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