Columbus teen shot by police

LeBron James is a great guy. Family man, loyal to his wife, great father, has done more for charitable causes than everyone here combined.

ya'll want to #cancel him cause you dont like his opinion. growwwww up

None of those things makes his opinion more valid than that of anyone else. Neither does being a celebrity or phenomenal basketball player. He's entitled to his opinions, but it certainly doesn't mean his opinions are right or should carry more weight than anyone else. His area of expertise is basketball. If he's going to put his opinions out there for the world to see, then his opinions are open to criticism.
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Did I miss something? All this talk about "knife fights"? Was the other girl also wielding a knife as if in combat? If not, then it is just an attempted stabbing, not a "knife fight".
Half of #Twitteridiots missed it to. The girl in pinks statement was “she came out of the house with a knife” you can see neither of the women she attacked were armed.
Wonder if they arrested that idiot who kicked that other young girl in the head while she was down?
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It would help to not be a hypocrite. Also, When you have millions of people that you have some influence over, you should probably be measured before making statements.
I will agree that his single biggest misstep was going after Darryl Morey for criticizing his comments on Hong Kong. He was controversial before, but what statement is what really opened himself up to being called a hypocrite.
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None of those things makes his opinion more valid than that of anyone else. Neither does being a celebrity or phenomenal basketball player. He's entitled to his opinions, but it certainly doesn't mean his opinions are right or should carry more weight than anyone else. His area of expertise is basketball. If he's going to put his opinions out there for the world to see, then his opinions are open to criticism.

His life, the choices he makes, his responsibility to his family do validate some of his opinions.

I don't know about the quality of his marriage or his relationship with his kids, but if it is legit, much respect to him navigating those difficult waters as an international figure.
Half of #Twitteridiots missed it to. The girl in pinks statement was “she came out of the house with a knife” you can see neither of the women she attacked were armed.
Wonder if they arrested that idiot who kicked that other young girl in the head while she was down?
Same. I've heard nothing about the kicker or the kickee.
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I tend to stay away from grand-cabal-conspiracies, or explanations which are rooted in the media driving society to a destination they want.

I think, and I may be horribly off target here, what we see as captivating our discussions on this forum and what we see as a "narrative" by the media are very similar. Does Freak have an agenda on socio economics? We tend to talk about things which get our emotions ratcheted up. And unfortunately, whites and latino cops killing whites and latinos does not spike our collective emotional state. Just as, the murder rate in chicago is barely registered as a casual mention or as a rebuttal to another train of thought.

People talk about what the media shows them.
OK, I guess I was wrong. Everyone here appears to be so accepting of LeBron James' opinions lol
I think a lot of people disagree with LeBron on certain issues, myself included. I’m not gonna not have a Sprite or not wear Nike (please everyone just leave it alone) because LeBron drinks it or wears it, I don’t think anyone is suggesting that. I think people get tired of his over the top takes when he thinks he confronting serious issues. It’s one thing to say I’m a proud black man who supports causes that I think will improve my community. It’s a completely different situation when you dox a cop the way he did, in a way that could be construed as a threat. The same goes for him basically questioning Daryl Morey and his views on China.
I think a lot of people disagree with LeBron on certain issues, myself included. I’m not gonna not have a Sprite or not wear Nike (please everyone just leave it alone) because LeBron drinks it or wears it, I don’t think anyone is suggesting that. I think people get tired of his over the top takes when he thinks he confronting serious issues. It’s one thing to say I’m a proud black man who supports causes that I think will improve my community. It’s a completely different situation when you dox a cop the way he did, in a way that could be construed as a threat. The same goes for him basically questioning Daryl Morey and his views on China.

yeah, LeBron is NO reality TV star thats for sure. He should shut up
People talk about what the media shows them.
They do.

But out of all the stories presented to us by media, the ones that captivate us play on our emotions.

Look at the threads on policy, lawmaking, etc compared to ones like this one or Covid as an example.
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His life, the choices he makes, his responsibility to his family do valid some of his opinions.

I don't know about the quality of his marriage or his relationship with his kids, but if it is legit, much respect to him navigating those difficult waters as an international figure.
That just makes him a good man. Even good men can have bad opinions.

Some on here have probably gone too far by attacking LeBron's character in an effort to discredit his opinion. You don't have to make character attacks to disagree with someone.
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That just makes him a good man. Even good men can have bad opinions.

Some on here have probably gone too far by attacking LeBron's character in an effort to discredit his opinion. You don't have to make character attacks to disagree with someone.
I agree. Good men can have bad opinions. Bad men can have good opinions. Don't know about women as they aren't allowed to have opinions.

I'm simply saying being a family man in his situation is profoundly challenging and his thoughts/opinions/insight on those is valid because of what he has built with his family.
If you're putting your opinion out there, you should expect it will be attacked by someone. Whether you're a star basketball player or the President of the United States, volunteering your opinion to the public is asking for a response. Not everyone is gonna agree with you.
Geee - ya think?

but DON'T call it cancel culture lol
Happens all the time, from both sides. Were you calling out the character attacks on Donald Trump? No? Welcome to the wonderful world of hypocrisy we all live in.
I agree. Good men can have bad opinions. Bad men can have good opinions. Don't know about women as they aren't allowed to have opinions.

I'm simply saying being a family man in his situation is profoundly challenging and his thoughts/opinions/insight on those is valid because of what he has built with his family.
Women don't have opinions, just commands.
Half of #Twitteridiots missed it to. The girl in pinks statement was “she came out of the house with a knife” you can see neither of the women she attacked were armed.
Wonder if they arrested that idiot who kicked that other young girl in the head while she was down?
Wasn't that foster dad?
I agree. Good men can have bad opinions. Bad men can have good opinions. Don't know about women as they aren't allowed to have opinions.

I'm simply saying being a family man in his situation is profoundly challenging and his thoughts/opinions/insight on those is valid because of what he has built with his family.

All but the most heinous of opinions carry validity. It's up to individuals as to how much weight they give any opinion.

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