Columbus teen shot by police

That's some in depth thought and analysis. I am in the camp of why what he says, or reads, or is managed matters. He doesn't make policy. As far as I know, he doesn't influence our laws.

Directly, no; but celebrities are often used by political candidates to boost their campaigns, and winning politicians do influence our laws. Not being picky, but too many weak minded people value celebrity input for too many life decisions. It's scary that people defer to a physical giant and mental midget or a guy who acted as someone important and spent the night at a Holiday Inn Express.

Beware of pretty faces that you find
A pretty face can hide an evil mind

... or at best an empty mind
I tend to stay away from grand-cabal-conspiracies, or explanations which are rooted in the media driving society to a destination they want.

I think, and I may be horribly off target here, what we see as captivating our discussions on this forum and what we see as a "narrative" by the media are very similar. Does Freak have an agenda on socio economics? We tend to talk about things which get our emotions ratcheted up. And unfortunately, whites and latino cops killing whites and latinos does not spike our collective emotional state. Just as, the murder rate in chicago is barely registered as a casual mention or as a rebuttal to another train of thought.

Hey, this place could be Freak's thesis for a PhD in Psychology ... probably of the abnormal kind
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Not for some time. That, or they just completely abandoned what the Founding Fathers believed in.

Anybody else here consider that the root of our discontent is liberals attempting to turn a conservative nation liberal rather than just going somewhere else and starting their own paradise?
Why even put the cop's identity out there? It's not his responsibility to do so. Let the legal system work. The world, and the crazies of the world, don't need to know his identity. It served no other purpose than to incite. It was a poor decision made in haste, which is what Twitter allows people to do. The fact he removed the Tweet leads me to believe LeBron realized it was a mistake. But by then, the damage has been done. Which leads me back to my complaint that the real problem is Twitter itself. People post things with little to no thought. That's dangerous, IMO.

Twitter is capitalizing on on being a de facto news feed which is dangerous ground because it carries both "journalists" and certified nutcases identifying as journalists. None of the work is vetted or edited as used to be done when reporting was more or less factual. Many of us simply ignore twitter, but to others it's a legitimate and credible source.

News organizations and "legitimate" and "credible" does bring up a topic that was somewhat heated, and I know I sparked some outrage with our resident lawyers and others on VN. The coroner finally got around to releasing Brian Sicknick's cause of death back in January. After achieving martyr status and laying in state at the Capitol as a hero, Sicknick was not killed by a mob or even by a protestor. He didn't die from being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher, and he didn't die from bear spray; he did die of natural causes - a stroke. Common sense would have told anyone that death by injury (like crushed skull) could have been determined quickly - it wasn't, but that never put a stop to "reporters" with an agenda.

Medical Ruling: Capitol Cop Brian Sicknick Died of Natural Causes
That's some in depth thought and analysis. I am in the camp of why what he says, or reads, or is managed matters. He doesn't make policy. As far as I know, he doesn't influence our laws.

The problem is he influences people.
Was of his followers takes action, you've got a legit beef. Until then, you've only got concern.
Which counters your earlier statement that he wouldn't be responsible if someone did something.
And one of those adults kicked the would be stabbing victim in the head. Animals kicking a teenage girl in the head
Seeing that guy do that make me want to Omar Payne his face......I was taught to not lay hands on a woman, a boot to the head is .........
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Which counters your earlier statement that he wouldn't be responsible if someone did something.
You've got a beef. Not me. I remember when I got ticked at Spike Lee publishing somebody's address. The stuff that hacks us off rarely (never?) amounts to anything. Doesn't make it smart what they put out. Just not anything to make a big deal.
You've got a beef. Not me. I remember when I got ticked at Spike Lee publishing somebody's address. The stuff that hacks us off rarely (never?) amounts to anything. Doesn't make it smart what they put out. Just not anything to make a big deal.
I'm just having a discussion. Did you know Charles Manson didn't actually commit any of the 9 murders he was convicted of? His followers did.
Seeing that guy do that make me want to Omar Payne his face......I was taught to not lay hands on a woman, a boot to the head is .........
It’s wild that people can watch that video and the person they ridicule is the cop. I like to think maybe the few people criticizing the cop haven’t actually watched it. There’s zero ambiguity as to what needed to be done
I'm just having a discussion. Did you know Charles Manson didn't actually commit any of the 9 murders he was convicted of? His followers did.
I do. Think the circumstances change when there is closeness, relationship, and intimacy.
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I do. Think the circumstances change when there is closeness, relationship, and intimacy.
I think we're all responsible for what we say and do, and that when we say or do something stupid, we should be adult enough to own it rather than try to excuse it.
I think we're all responsible for what we say and do, and that when we say or do something stupid, we should be adult enough to own it rather than try to excuse it.
The world would definitely be improved if we could adhere to your expectations.
I'm just having a discussion. Did you know Charles Manson didn't actually commit any of the 9 murders he was convicted of? His followers did.

Your comparing James to Manson?? Youre better than that. A famous guy who puts out a few dumb statements on Twitter versus a cult leader? Maybe you're not comparing them and just randomly bring up Charles Manson. I don't know.
Your comparing James to Manson?? Youre better than that. A famous guy who puts out a few dumb statements on Twitter versus a cult leader? Maybe you're not comparing them and just randomly bring up Charles Manson. I don't know.
Take it how you will. Sometimes you have to pull out the extreme example to make a point. It doesn't matter who you are. We are all responsible for the words and deeds we put out in the world.
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Take it how you will. Sometimes you have to pull out the extreme example to make a point. It doesn't matter who you are. We are all responsible for the words and deeds we put out in the world.

I'm not sure the words and deeds Manson put out to his followers are comparable to the words (not sure what deeds) James put out to his Twitter followers. Manson instructed people to go commit a murder. James took a position on an act by a cop. Stupid position, yeah, but a lousy and inflammatory comparison.

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