Columbus teen shot by police

Your comparing James to Manson?? Youre better than that. A famous guy who puts out a few dumb statements on Twitter versus a cult leader? Maybe you're not comparing them and just randomly bring up Charles Manson. I don't know.
He’s simply saying that there’s precedent to hold someone accountable for deliberately inciting violence against someone if certain conditions are met. He brought up Manson because he’s a well known example of that legal principle. He’s not saying that Charles Manson and Lebron are comparable. Lebron is a bad dude though.
He’s simply saying that there’s precedent to hold someone accountable for deliberately inciting violence against someone if certain conditions are met. He brought up Manson because he’s a well known example of that legal principle. He’s not saying that Charles Manson and Lebron are comparable. Lebron is a bad dude though.

You guys are about to get into "Trump started the riot" territory.
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I'm not sure the words and deeds Manson put out to his followers are comparable to the words (not sure what deeds) James put out to his Twitter followers. Manson instructed people to go commit a murder. James took a position on an act by a cop. Stupid position, yeah, but a lousy and inflammatory comparison.
This is in relation to LeBron's tweet of the cop's picture with the caption "You're next".

One that James himself eventually realized was ill-advised and deleted.
This is in relation to LeBron's tweet of the cop's picture with the caption "You're next".
Next to be convicted? Like the same thing that had just happened yesterday afternoon?

Or are you saying he's calling for a murder of a cop? When was a LEO involved in a controversial shooting murdered recently? If so, what was the previous killing of a LEO that would make this officer next?

(From what I have seen I think it was justified, but I'm not the one that gets to make that call).
Your comparing James to Manson?? Youre better than that. A famous guy who puts out a few dumb statements on Twitter versus a cult leader? Maybe you're not comparing them and just randomly bring up Charles Manson. I don't know.
Trumps words that incited 1-6 should teach all of us that have followers to watch our words
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Your comparing James to Manson?? Youre better than that. A famous guy who puts out a few dumb statements on Twitter versus a cult leader? Maybe you're not comparing them and just randomly bring up Charles Manson. I don't know.

He has put out a lot more than a few dumb statements on Twitter. People listen to those like Leflop and other athletes and believe what they say is life changing. One could easily say that Leflop and ones who believe like they do are cult like.
This is in relation to LeBron's tweet of the cop's picture with the caption "You're next".

One that James himself eventually realized was ill-advised and deleted.
Two words John Hinckly, you never know how crazy your fans are and what are wolf whistles
just a sampling...

"This is whats always bugged me about crap like this. Why do athletes and politicians get to say stuff like that or bring politics on the court, but if i pulled anything close to what they do I would be fired in a heartbeat."

"I might drop somebody from my business in a heartbeat if they kept publicly mouthing off about politics."

"Not this time but social media accounts like that represent the sport..... I could be fired for making similar comments on social media in the same."
And youre a moron if youre butthurt about my quote. Its an honest question.
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Next to be convicted? Like the same thing that had just happened yesterday afternoon?

Or are you saying he's calling for a murder of a cop? When was a LEO involved in a controversial shooting murdered recently? If so, what was the previous killing of a LEO that would make this officer next?

(From what I have seen I think it was justified, but I'm not the one that gets to make that call).
Why even post the pic? It was a stupid move, and apparently even he realized it was dumb. Not sure why people keep defending it when even LeBron himself seems to have realized his error?
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Anybody else here consider that the root of our discontent is liberals attempting to turn a conservative nation liberal rather than just going somewhere else and starting their own paradise?

No because we have always been a liberal nation in the classical sense, individual liberty, little central control and capitalism are classical liberal ideals. The people that identify as liberals today are for less individual liberty, strong central control and a socialist type economy.
Why even post the pic? It was a stupid move, and apparently even he realized it was dumb. Not sure why people keep defending it when even LeBron himself seems to have realized his error?

I've never said it was smart, but I don't agree with your Manson comparison and I'm willing to continue to say so.
No, the people that are influenced by him are the problem.
True. But he needs to realize that he influences people and choose his words wisely. At least if he's going to put them out into the world for consumption.

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