Columbus teen shot by police

The funny thing is, is it wasn't even a "whatabout" on my part, which is why I suggested you go reread that thread. I wasn't the first to bring up Maxine. In fact, I responded to a post by BB about Maxine. Something you would know had you actually paid attention to the conversation rather than jonesing to confront me over something. Obviously, I've garnered your attention for some reason. That's cool. I can handle it. I just think it's funny that this recent spate of barbs traces back to misinformation on your part.

Ok. So I'll ask you about Lebron. How are his comments different than Trump's and why did you feel it necessary to comment on Lebron but not Trump?
Ok. So I'll ask you about Lebron. How are his comments different than Trump's and why did you feel it necessary to comment on Lebron but not Trump?
Because I had other things going on when the whole 1-6 thing was going on and just never felt the need to go back and comment. Believe it or not, but I do have a life away from VN.
lmao You're the one who said it was irrelevant. Did I sleep with your sister or something? This obsession is strange.
Its either irrelevant or a comparison in my opinion . I don't have a sister. If you can't stop responding to my comments on your logic maybe you're obsessed with me.
Do have any thoughts about it now?
Not really. I've always said Trump's tweets were stupid. Always said his phone should be taken away from him. And I've paid him zero attention since he left office. I'm not even sure what exactly he said that supposedly stirred up the "insurrection". I don't really care what he has to say.

I get on VN and look at the threads. If I feel like commenting in a certain thread, I will. I don't come here with the purpose of having a conversation on a specific topic.
Next to be convicted? Like the same thing that had just happened yesterday afternoon?

Or are you saying he's calling for a murder of a cop? When was a LEO involved in a controversial shooting murdered recently? If so, what was the previous killing of a LEO that would make this officer next?

(From what I have seen I think it was justified, but I'm not the one that gets to make that call).
He, like most, should probably STFU about things he knows nothing about. Then he might not look like a complete dipshit today.
He, like most, should probably STFU about things he knows nothing about. Then he might not look like a complete dipshit today.
True. And the "like most" part is correct that there are many people, including myself, who can spout off and look like a dipshit on any given day. He has a bigger platform, but he still gets to have his opinion.
True. And the "like most" part is correct that there are many people, including myself, who can spout off and look like a dipshit on any given day. He has a bigger platform, but he still gets to have his opinion.

And I still get to point out that he’s an absolute moron nobody should listen to just because he’s the best ever at playing a sport.
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True. And the "like most" part is correct that there are many people, including myself, who can spout off and look like a dipshit on any given day. He has a bigger platform, but he still gets to have his opinion.

I don't begrudge him his opinion and am not in the shut up and dribble crowd - I think free speech reveals character. Given his big platform he should be more careful but between his reaction to this and his China fiasco he's convinced me to ignore whatever he says (even though he does good work in the community)
I don't begrudge him his opinion and am not in the shut up and dribble crowd - I think free speech reveals character. Given his big platform he should be more careful but between his reaction to this and his China fiasco he's convinced me to ignore whatever he says (even though he does good work in the community)
That good work gets drowned out by his stupidity
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And I still get to point out that he’s an absolute moron nobody should listen to just because he’s the best ever at playing a sport.

Oscar, Wilt, Russell, Kareem, Magic, MJ, and Kobe might disagree with you (I only really saw two of them play and that's only one sport). But Bronbron will never be the best at basketball until he learns to talk ish like Larry Bird.
I don't begrudge him his opinion and am not in the shut up and dribble crowd - I think free speech reveals character. Given his big platform he should be more careful but between his reaction to this and his China fiasco he's convinced me to ignore whatever he says (even though he does good work in the community)

He may or may not be an idiot, but I'll continue to say that just because he's a basketball player doesn't mean he has a lesser right to throw out his hot take.
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True. And the "like most" part is correct that there are many people, including myself, who can spout off and look like a dipshit on any given day. He has a bigger platform, but he still gets to have his opinion.
Who has stopped him from stating his opinion?
Who has stopped him from stating his opinion?
Nobody. I didn't claim anybody had stopped him, however I don't agree he should "shut up and dribble." Let him talk and refute his opinions, don't say his opinions shouldn't carry weight because if his job.

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