Columbus teen shot by police

Is it going to get to the point that police responses will require only similar colored cops? IE, if a police officer responds to a scene involving people of color, the officer is required to be of color. idiotic, I know, but it just seems there is no end to this race narrative.
Can't exterminate the minority races with non-lethal weapons.

How many minority deaths per year are caused by police shootings?

How many minority desths in Chicago alone are caused by black on black crime?

This country will never heal or move forward until post and thoughts like yours stop.

There are multiple issues going on here in this country that need fixed.
Who would want to be a cop dealing with all these nutsies out there
Nation is full of them
yep, and when push comes to shove your political leaders will gladly throw you under the bus just to score a few points in the polls. We are in dangerous territory where cities are going to be desperate just to hire people instead of hiring the quality people they need. I know Minneapolis is having that issue and it's happening here in Memphis as well. They can't fill the positions that they need. Good cops are retiring because they see where this is headed.
How many minority deaths per year are caused by police shootings?

How many minority desths in Chicago alone are caused by black on black crime?

This country will never heal or move forward until post and thoughts like yours stop.

There are multiple issues going on here in this country that need fixed.
dat gummit, NEO.
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How many minority deaths per year are caused by police shootings?

How many minority desths in Chicago alone are caused by black on black crime?

This country will never heal or move forward until post and thoughts like yours stop.

There are multiple issues going on here in this country that need fixed.

That would require a lobotomy
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Yeah, and I just read that Bryant's aunt is claiming that she was acting in defense. You can't really see what's going on in the footage, but I don't really see anything that substantiates that claim.

I have previously thought of the scenario where an officer mistakenly shoots someone who is in the middle of legitimately using lethal force in self defense....I can't imagine that scenario being a common one, but what happens when that does go down?
You can tell it wasn't self defense. The girl in pink was walking away towards the street when the suspect attacked her with the knife
When the highly advanced aliens finally reach Earth, and they have to decide whether to approach mankind peacefully or just blow us all to bits, I pray to God they don't access Twitter first.
Social media has ruined any chance of us being judged "intelligent" life.

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