Columbus teen shot by police

Good Shot. That’s all he could have done there. It takes a special kind of stupid to go on trying to stab someone with the police present.

Oh quit playing stupid, maybe you arent.

If there is a national news theme right now, it is cops kill innocent blacks. It has been the theme for weeks or months. All the headline needed to report was that a teen was killed while threatening deadly force to another. Intertwining GF was just an attempt to create doubt on the legitimacy of the shooting by the cop.
It just seems like this could have been avoided, the officer wasn’t in harms way, couldn’t he have used a taser or shot her in the leg?
Tasers aren’t nearly as accurate. Shooting someone in the leg from that angle isn’t as easy as you might think either, he did the right thing.
I was actually thinking the officer did extremely well to keep his focus on the chick with the blade , when I first saw it my eyes went toward the dude kicking the other chick in the head . There are three lucky people involved and one unlucky one .
Officer was spot on paying attention to multiple suspects committing multiple crimes
Wow, this is a long thread where literally every poster is in agreement. I'm not sure if the "outrage from the left" is actually occurring for this particular instance....I personally have not seen anything in the news or social media calling this unjust.

Nice preemptive defense.
Wow, this is a long thread where literally every poster is in agreement. I'm not sure if the "outrage from the left" is actually occurring for this particular instance....I personally have not seen anything in the news or social media calling this unjust.

Nice preemptive defense.

I thing there have been only one or two postings of tweets from the crazies. Relatively quiet.
I thing there have been only one or two postings of tweets from the crazies. Relatively quiet.
Yeah, and I just read that Bryant's aunt is claiming that she was acting in defense. You can't really see what's going on in the footage, but I don't really see anything that substantiates that claim.

I have previously thought of the scenario where an officer mistakenly shoots someone who is in the middle of legitimately using lethal force in self defense....I can't imagine that scenario being a common one, but what happens when that does go down?
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Yeah, and I just read that Bryant's aunt is claiming that she was acting in defense. You can't really see what's going on in the footage, but I don't really see anything that substantiates that claim.

I have previously thought of the scenario where an officer mistakenly shoots someone who is in the middle of legitimately using lethal force in self defense....I can't imagine that scenario being a common one, but what happens when that does go down?
You can't fault the family member for going that direction.

And, that's a good question.
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Yeah, and I just read that Bryant's aunt is claiming that she was acting in defense. You can't really see what's going on in the footage, but I don't really see anything that substantiates that claim.

The bodycam footage really can't substantiate or refute that claim, which would suggest that the officer to whom the camera was attached couldn't tell either. He saw someone using deadly force against another and he acted. The situation is absolutely tragic, but I fail to see what else the cop should have been expected to do.
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I deal all the time with the inappropriate collectivization of all interactions between black persons and white police officers. Both have points to be made, in certain circumstances. But a problem arises when people imprint onto those circumstances their own experience or political narrative.

Advocates for reform have a point that we can revisit the tendency of officers to treat people differently based on economic class or skin color. I don't see why anyone would argue against that. It can't hurt to talk about it. BUT, it is a mistake to conclude that every interaction between white officers and black person that goes south is because of race. When advocates for reform do that, they destroy their credibility on the larger issue.

Those who deny there is a problem at all destroy their own credibility when they ignore the larger issue, or when they write off terrible circumstances as an oddity. I think we can rationally have a discussion about the bigger issue without having to resort to name calling or comparing incomparable situations to one another.

Take the incident with the young man shot by the gun rather than a taser, apparently by accident. One can argue until the cows come home whether the initial stop of the car was motivated by his race. I've seen no evidence of that but people claim it. Ok.

But when he bolts after being placed under arrest and the situation goes south in about 2 seconds, you cannot say race had anything to do with it. The officers reacted to what he was doing, not who he was. It may have been "wrong" in the sense that the officer confused her weapons, but it was not "wrong" because he was black since the officers had to react in a split second to what he did, black, white, purple, or green.
I deal all the time with the inappropriate collectivization of all interactions between black persons and white police officers. Both have points to be made, in certain circumstances. But a problem arises when people imprint onto those circumstances their own experience or political narrative.

Advocates for reform have a point that we can revisit the tendency of officers to treat people differently based on economic class or skin color. I don't see why anyone would argue against that. It can't hurt to talk about it. BUT, it is a mistake to conclude that every interaction between white officers and black person that goes south is because of race. When advocates for reform do that, they destroy their credibility on the larger issue.

Those who deny there is a problem at all destroy their own credibility when they ignore the larger issue, or when they write off terrible circumstances as an oddity. I think we can rationally have a discussion about the bigger issue without having to resort to name calling or comparing incomparable situations to one another.

Take the incident with the young man shot by the gun rather than a taser, apparently by accident. One can argue until the cows come home whether the initial stop of the car was motivated by his race. I've seen no evidence of that but people claim it. Ok.

But when he bolts after being placed under arrest and the situation goes south in about 2 seconds, you cannot say race had anything to do with it. The officers reacted to what he was doing, not who he was. It may have been "wrong" in the sense that the officer confused her weapons, but it was not "wrong" because he was black since the officers had to react in a split second to what he did, black, white, purple, or green.

2020 is the craziest year ever.

2021 "hold my beer. LG is about to start making sense."

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