Columbus teen shot by police

The responding officer looks to have done well to pick off the assailant without hitting the girl in pink.

I was actually thinking the officer did extremely well to keep his focus on the chick with the blade , when I first saw it my eyes went toward the dude kicking the other chick in the head . There are three lucky people involved and one unlucky one .
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I have a feeling there's going to be a bunch of them leaving the profession. It'll be like truck drivers, they cracked down on CDL drivers in the name of safety to where the good ones quit and what's on the road now (for the most part) are people who can't do anything else.

Preach it brother . If they want their goods delivered without interruption they need to stop squeezing the balz in the press .
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It just seems like this could have been avoided, the officer wasn’t in harms way, couldn’t he have used a taser or shot her in the leg?
Like the dumbass SCROTUS, do you think a leg shot is a 'safe' choice? boot up duck duck and search Femoral Artery. I broke my leg many years ago, and didn't know until after it was all over how easily I could have died right there on the ski slope. Spiral comminuted fracture of the left femur.. good times.
A person involved in the story was black. Is this a serious question? I think you meant to ask a different question.
Yeah they should have mentioned the race of all of their neighbors too so we have full context!
they should have also mentioned the color of the grass, sky, cars parked in the neighborhood, etc. since they’re part of the story and all...
What does George floyd have to do with it? It is an attempt to make the 2 similar.

No, it's not. If they were doing that, you could argue they were trying to discredit the George Floyd verdict just as much as you could say they are trying to say the shooting was murder. If that were their objective, there is no reason to include the whole last sentence.

They are painting a picture of America and the complexity of policing here. Their business is storytelling and we have a stunning contrast. On one hand, we have cops using lethal force for good reason. On the other, we have a guilty verdict in a trial about one of them using too much force and killing a man.

You guys are so freaking sensitive and everything has to be worded perfectly to fit your view or you get butthurt.
No, it's not. If they were doing that, you could argue they were trying to discredit the George Floyd verdict just as much as you could say they are trying to say the shooting was murder. If that were their objective, there is no reason to include the whole last sentence.

They are painting a picture of America and the complexity of policing here. Their business is storytelling and we have a stunning contrast. On one hand, we have cops using lethal force for good reason. On the other, we have a guilty verdict in a trial about one of them using too much force and killing a man.

You guys are so freaking sensitive and everything has to be worded perfectly to fit your view or you get butthurt.

ironic post is ironic . That last part coming from you .. bruh 😂
No, it's not. If they were doing that, you could argue they were trying to discredit the George Floyd verdict just as much as you could say they are trying to say the shooting was murder. If that were their objective, there is no reason to include the whole last sentence.

They are painting a picture of America and the complexity of policing here. Their business is storytelling and we have a stunning contrast. On one hand, we have cops using lethal force for good reason. On the other, we have a guilty verdict in a trial about one of them using too much force and killing a man.

You guys are so freaking sensitive and everything has to be worded perfectly to fit your view or you get butthurt.

Look like you're the sensitive one with the need to resort to name calling.
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If cops are going to be vilified when they take appropriate action, then the communities which are in the most danger will have to start policing themselves. Older members remember the guardian angels of NYC in the 70s/80s. That would be the best model to follow.
You heard it hear. McDad will become McBatman
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So Senator Sherrod Brown said the deceased "should be alive." Doesn't that logic track that the deceased's intended victim should not be alive?

"Should be alive" is becoming the new "wouldn't it be nice". There doesn't have to be a quarks worth of thought going into the context of how the sentiment would actually work. It's the buzzphrase version of empty calories...easy to eat with zero nutritional value.
So Senator Sherrod Brown said the deceased "should be alive." Doesn't that logic track that the deceased's intended victim should not be alive?
Not necessarily. The intended victim might just have a flesh wound.
So Senator Sherrod Brown said the deceased "should be alive." Doesn't that logic track that the deceased's intended victim should not be alive?

We don't know. Maybe the deceased would have changed her mind during the course of a two ft. long knife thrust. We'll never know because she was gunned down by white supremacy and the white hegemony.
You don't know that. Tasers have been ineffective on people before. Had it been so in this case, the other girl could very well be dead. A life was in danger. The appropriate action was taken.
What's the fun in that take? With his way, one can gripe about the woulda, shoulda, coulda's both ways and he's always right. That's the victim mentality way.
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