As she should. The court concluded before each fisa renewal that Carter Page was acting as an agent of Russia with heavy redaction's as to what they learned from the surveillance. It wouldn't surprise me if the DOJ was sitting on his indictment.
As she should. The court concluded before each fisa renewal that Carter Page was acting as an agent of Russia with heavy redaction's as to what they learned from the surveillance. It wouldn't surprise me if the DOJ was sitting on his indictment.
As she should. The court concluded before each fisa renewal that Carter Page was acting as an agent of Russia with heavy redaction's as to what they learned from the surveillance. It wouldn't surprise me if the DOJ was sitting on his indictment.
As she should. The court concluded before each fisa renewal that Carter Page was acting as an agent of Russia with heavy redaction's as to what they learned from the surveillance. It wouldn't surprise me if the DOJ was sitting on his indictment.
"The agency approved Page as an “operational contact” from 2008 to 2013, according to the report."
He was previously an operational contact for the CIA but not when the FISA was taken out. That's the fact. Previously being an asset does not give you special treatment in the FISA court.
Do you really feel he was an asset for the CIA when they sought the FISA? If so he was a CIA spy in the Trump Campaign.