Could we be headed for global chaos? Significant fuel shortages? Severe food shortages?

Picked up a freezer at HD today. Half cow was slaughtered today, picking up in 14 days. It was a bargain, given meat prices and the quality of the cattle our friends raise.
If you plan on putting the freezer in the garage, get a power off alarm in case the GFCI trips, so you don't ruin $2k worth of meat. Had that happen to a friend, and he was sick over it.
24KW I believe. It was the biggest air cooled unit they make. We had the power management system installed with it and our power bill has gone down quite a bit. Summer electric bill was usually around $250-$275 and last year our highest was about $230 give or take.

Edit: Also we got an extra 2 years of warranty and monitoring for going through the Generac website for a quote instead of going directly to a dealer.
My mom was told there is an 8-12 month lead time for the one she wanted to get this past winter...
All those people who made fun of us and called us crazy who were homesteading/farming and called us "Preppers" because we stocked our pantries and filled our freezers are going to be in a world of hurt because they didn't see the signs and heed the warnings.

As someone who works in this business. No. You are wrong. No one in this country is going to be in a world of hurt
All those people who made fun of us and called us crazy who were homesteading/farming and called us "Preppers" because we stocked our pantries and filled our freezers are going to be in a world of hurt because they didn't see the signs and heed the warnings.

I'm sure that had nothing to do with panic buying.
The global chaos is already here. The harbingers signal it, we're just missing the finalized time for God to unleash the four winds of Revelation. Among other things mentioned, we will experience an asteroid and a comet strike. Revelation 8:8 - 11 Everything is in place for the Guy to say, "Enough is enough!"

Now, watch the hater responses.
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I saw a quote somewhere that civilization is only three days without food away from chaos.
I NEVER thought I would see a day in America in which a mom had to not feed her infant because she couldnโ€™t find formula. Shameful beyond measure
The illegal mexicans dont seem to have that problem. They've got warehouses full of baby formula
The global chaos is already here. The harbingers signal it, we're just missing the finalized time for God to unleash the four winds of Revelation. Among other things mentioned, we will experience an asteroid and a comet strike. Revelation 8:8 - 11 Everything is in place for the Guy to say, "Enough is enough!"

Now, watch the hater responses.

If the end of times is upon us, then why are you wasting time on an internet forum?
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