Countdown to Northam Resignation

It’s not about being simple minded. It’s about trying to clarify what you’re saying. If you spent less time hurling insults, you could probably spend more time trying to be clear in what you’re saying.

So let’s clarify again:

Are you saying any child who requires medical intervention to live, that you are alright with them being neglected and allowed to die?
Nope....that's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying that there would be cases (one in a billion is the ratio that I used earlier) where the child should be allowed to die.
Just as with the 3 month old on life support after a car accident. (the scenario I gave to which you never responded)
Nope....that's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying that there would be cases (one in a billion is the ratio that I used earlier) where the child should be allowed to die.
Just as with the 3 month old on life support after a car accident. (the scenario I gave to which you never responded)

Before I answer it, I want to make sure we agree to something.

You only support allowing brain dead children to die naturally? None of this made up 90% brain dead, 80% brain dead garbage.
Before I answer it, I want to make sure we agree to something.

You only support allowing brain dead children to die naturally? None of this made up 90% brain dead, 80% brain dead garbage.
For the sake of debate, I'll answer yes.
You never addressed the scenario I presented earlier. Anxious to hear.
Here is another one.
A 3 month old is involved in a car accident. The baby is brain dead and paralyzed and all medical opinion is that he will never be able to live without life support. Should the parents (and doctors) have the right to make the decision to remove the infant from life support? If so, is that murder?

Doctors should not have any rights to make those decisions in your scenario. The doctor can present his/her opinion but ultimately, in your scenario, it’s completely up to the parents.

And is it murder? Yes.
Doctors should not have any rights to make those decisions in your scenario. The doctor can present his/her opinion but ultimately, in your scenario, it’s completely up to the parents.

And is it murder? Yes.
So if machines can keep a person "alive", then not using machines to keep the person alive is murder? Some sever implications to that point of view. Not the least of which would be the fact that you would be accusing me of playing a significant role in murdering both my father and father-in-law.
So if machines can keep a person "alive", then not using machines to keep the person alive is murder? Some sever implications to that point of view. Not the least of which would be the fact that you would be accusing me of playing a significant role in murdering both my father and father-in-law.

Facts are facts
Facts are facts
So anyone who has been removed from life support was murdered? Or I guess it would be suicide if removal was at their direction.
We are to the point where most every person can be artificially supported to the "life" as you define it. You may wish to rethink or extrapolate.
Nope....that's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying that there would be cases (one in a billion is the ratio that I used earlier) where the child should be allowed to die.
Just as with the 3 month old on life support after a car accident. (the scenario I gave to which you never responded)

Why would a law have to be passed for a one in a billion case scenario?
Why would a law have to be passed for a one in a billion case scenario?
I'm not sure that it does, but I would guess to keep nutters from screaming murder and trying to prosecute an already devastated parent.
I'm not sure that it does, but I would guess to keep nutters from screaming murder and trying to prosecute an already devastated parent.

The same ones that celebrate abortions? The ones that scream “my body my choice”.?
3/8/2019 and not a peep out of the media about this.

See Reps...when the heat gets turned up just ignore it. Wait a few days until another outrage takes the place of your offensive action.
Agree 100% Rs are just so weak they always look to fold. The stuff the top 3 state officials are accused of and no action taken is wild. You know damn well if this were Rs CNN/MSNBC/NYT etc.. would be reminding their lunatic viewers of these accusations hourly. They weathered the storm and everyone has forgot about it
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I'm not sure that it does, but I would guess to keep nutters from screaming murder and trying to prosecute an already devastated parent.

Just curious, Luth.

At what time does it turn from abortion to murder for you?

Not for this “one in a billion” scenario. But for coed Mary visiting planned Parenthood on Cherry street.
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