Country music thread

That's one super fuzzy picture. Is she holding a fiddle?

If so, I'm guessing Alison
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Good ole Sturgill.

I was about to post the same thing. lol. Sturgill has a way of saying things. But he's right. The only guy I like to listen to that's close to mainstream is Darius, which is probably because I liked his vocals with Hootie. Sturgill, Stapleton, Isbell, Old Crow, etc. for me. Add in some good bluegrass and old codgers.
Heard Phil Hamilton on Radio Free Texas this morning, and poked around to hear more. Very good sound, I'll buy an album.
Will check out Phil Hamilton

I think I voiced my opinion on this already in here somewhere, but what is everyone's favorite country cover? it can be a country song covered by another country artist or a rock song turned country, whatever. Just curious here.
Will check out Phil Hamilton

I think I voiced my opinion on this already in here somewhere, but what is everyone's favorite country cover? it can be a country song covered by another country artist or a rock song turned country, whatever. Just curious here.

Jamey doing Lonely at the top, or Jamey doing set em up joe are both up there for me. If I had to pick a third, well, Jamey doing mental revenge. Lol
Snowing on Raton by Pat Green and Natalie Maines

My choice is either this or Mark Chestnut doing "I'll think of Something".

First time I heard PG doing Snowing on Raton, I didn't know who it was with. Immediately recognized Maines' voice and it made me quite happy. I actually really liked the Dixie Chicks
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Billy Ray has a new one out, has a couple of covers of "Tulsa time." And "Sunday morning coming down." Along with a few others, it's decent.

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