Read that a while back, think there was a Turnpike song on one of the first episodes and someone else I like a lot (who it was now escapes me) so I decided to watch the show.
Think I made it about 2 1/2 episodes in and only lasted that long because Elisha Cuthbert showed up, god that show is terrible.
I know there's varied opinions on mister Moore (I think he's the best mainstream artist besides Chris Stapleton, but Justin is my favorite.) but, I was happy to know what his favorite album of all time is, around 2:50 is when he says what it is.
He listens to "hick-hop." I mean, I like colt ford he's a good guy and all of that, he's even got some songs that are fun to just listen to, but he likes all of it. Lol he says I make him want to drink again with my music.
He listens to "hick-hop." I mean, I like colt ford he's a good guy and all of that, he's even got some songs that are fun to just listen to, but he likes all of it. Lol he says I make him want to drink again with my music.
Lol. I mean, I can listen to it, but it's not my favorite style. I prefer the traditional country. I was playing the new Zane Williams cd the other day and he made me turn it off.
Lol. Did you notice when they were doing the melodys at the start of the show, he was the only one that looked like he had no clue what the hell was going on.